Tivoli Header
Resource Model Reference
- account not valid for root indication
- account not valid for root problem
- actions, built-in (Windows)
- adjust initial work items action
(3364), (4321)
- adjust maximum work items action
(3367), (4325)
- adjust work items indication
- alternative groups parameter
- alternative owners parameter
- available disk space configuration parameter
- available file system space configuration parameter
- available space threshold
(3942), (3962)
- books
- broadcast frames problem
- browser threshold
- built-in actions (Windows)
- busy drive from high paging correlated event
- busy drive from low avail correlated event
- busy hardware indication
- bytes transferred per second problem
(2998), (3446)
- cache problem
- client connectivity problems
- committed bytes problem
- computers parameter
- congested TCP network correlated event
- correlated events
- busy drive from high paging
- busy drive from low avail
- congested TCP network
- critical memory leak
- critically low disk space
- description
- faulty disk subsystem
- high disk read bytes per second
- high disk write bytes per second
- high drive transfer rate
- high percent drive time
- possible disk fragmentation
- process hogging CPU
- slow hard drive
- CPU cannot keep up with hardware indication
- CPU resource model
- critical memory leak correlated event
- critically low disk space correlated event
- Customer Support
- defined users parameter
- delete registry action
- delete registry key shares action
- detection of malfunctioning devices problem
- directory names, notation
- disk fragmentation (possible) correlated event
- disk space problem
- DMXCpu resource model
- DMXFile resource model
- DMXFileSystem resource model
- DMXMemory resource model
- DMXNetworkInterface resource model
- DMXNetworkRPCNFS resource model
- DMXProcess resource model
- DMXSecurity resource model
- DMXSpp resource model
- duplicate account indication
- faulty disk subsystem correlated event
- feedback about publications
- file attributes changed indication
- file changed indication
- file not present indication
- File resource model
- File System resource model
- file to be checked parameter
- files to be monitored parameter
- filter type parameter
- fragmented data problem
- fragmented file system indication
- handle leaks problem
- hardware keeping CPU busy indication
- high broadcast frames indication
- high bytes per second threshold
(3038), (3458), (3470), (3482), (3494)
, (3506), (3518), (3526)
- high CPU overload indication
- high CPU usage by system indication
- high CPU usage indication
(3646), (3654)
- high CPU usage interrupt threshold
(3683), (3695), (3710), (3731), (3751)
- high CPU usage problem
(3630), (3670)
- high CPU usage process threshold
(3734), (3743), (3754)
- high CPU usage threshold
(3680), (3692), (3707), (3728), (3740)
, (3748)
- high CPU usage user privilege threshold
- high current commands indication
- high current commands modifier threshold
(3192), (3240), (3255), (3270), (3300)
, (3341)
- high current percent time indication
- high disk read bytes per second correlated event
- high disk write bytes per second correlated event
- high drive transfer rate correlated event
- high duplicate RPC server calls indication
- high errored out ratio threshold
(3204), (3344)
- high errored ratio indication
- high fragment ratio indication
- high fragment ratio threshold
(3852), (3872)
- high input packets in error indication
- high interrupts per second threshold
(3686), (3698), (3713), (3760)
- high job errors indication
- high job errors per day indication
- high log-in number for user indication
- high network traffic indication
- high NFS buffer size indication
- high NFS server get-attribute operations indication
- high NFS server read operations indication
- high NFS server readlink operations indication
- high NFS server write operations indication
- high not ready errors indication
- high not ready errors per day indication
- high number of zombie processes indication
- high out of paper errors indication
- high out of paper errors per day indication
- high output packets in error indication
- high output queue length modifier threshold
(3210), (3219), (3347)
- high paging indication
- high percent broadcast threshold
(3183), (3243), (3258), (3273), (3285)
, (3303), (3327), (3350)
- high percent bytes per second threshold
(3171), (3195), (3213), (3222), (3228)
, (3246), (3261), (3276), (3288), (3306)
, (3315), (3330), (3353)
- high percent disk time indication
- high percent drive time correlated event
- high percent usage delta indication
- high percent usage delta threshold
(3722), (3763)
- high percent usage threshold
(3044), (3464), (3473), (3485), (3497)
, (3509), (3529)
- high percent utilization threshold
(3174), (3186), (3198), (3231), (3249)
, (3264), (3279), (3291), (3309), (3318)
, (3333), (3356)
- high percentage disk time indication
- high percentage packet collisions indication
- high ping indication
- high processes indication
- high queue length threshold
(3027), (3041), (3461), (3476), (3488)
, (3500), (3512), (3521), (3532)
- high read bytes per second indication
(3012), (3467)
- high retransmitted calls indication
- high RPC bad calls indication
- high segments retransmitted threshold
(3867), (3875)
- high timeouts and badxids indication
- high transfer rate indication
(3018), (3479)
- high work item shortages threshold
(3177), (3234), (3294), (3321), (3336)
, (3359)
- high write bytes per second indication
(3015), (3491)
- illegal group indication
- illegal owner indication
- indications
- UNIX/Linux
- account not valid for root
- CPU resource model
- duplicate account
- file attributes changed
- file changed
- file not present
- File resource model
- File System resource model
- fragmented file system
- high CPU overload
- high CPU usage by system
- high duplicate RPC server calls
- high input packets in error
- high log-in number for user
- high network traffic
- high NFS buffer size
- high NFS server get-attribute operations
- high NFS server read operations
- high NFS server readlink operations
- high NFS server write operations
- high number of zombie processes
- high output packets in error
- high percentage packet collisions
- high retransmitted calls
- high RPC bad calls
- high timeouts and badxids
- illegal group
- illegal owner
- interface not enabled
- interface not operational
- low percentage of available I-nodes
- low space available
- low storage space
- low swap space
- Memory resource model
- network interface card not supported
- Network Interface resource model
- Network RPC-NFS resource model
- nonexistent file
- null password
- process consuming high CPU
- process killed or nonexistent
- Process resource model
- process stopped
- Security resource model
- slow network
- suspect supergroup
- suspect superuser
- system thrashing
- unknown interface status
- wrong file mode
- Windows
- adjust work items
- busy hardware
- CPU cannot keep up with hardware
- event ID 11
- event ID 15
- event ID 2011
- event ID 2511
- event ID 3013
- event ID 9
- event ID7023
- Event Log resource model
- hardware keeping CPU busy
- high broadcast frames
- high current commands
- high current percent time
- high errored ratio
- high fragment ratio
- high job errors
- high job errors per day
- high not ready errors
- high not ready errors per day
- high out of paper errors
- high out of paper errors per day
- high paging
- high percent disk time
- high percent usage delta
- high percentage disk time
- high ping
- high processes
- high read bytes per second
(3010), (3469)
- high transfer rate
(3016), (3481)
- high write bytes per second
(3013), (3493)
- logical disk possible fragmentation
- Logical Disk resource model
- low available memory
- low available memory causing hard paging
- low available memory causing many problems
- low available memory causing soft paging and pagefile resizing
- low available memory is causing excessive soft paging
- low available memory with a high working set
- low available memory with a small pagefile
- low available memory with high cache
- low copy read hits
- low data map hits
- low disk space
- low MDL read hits
- low pin read hits
- memory leak in private bytes
- memory leak in system code
- memory leak in system drivers
- Memory resource model
- network interface card overworked
- Network Interface Card resource model
- network interface card too slow
- pagefile is resizing
- Parametric Services resource model
- Parmetric Event Log resource model
- Parmetric TCP/IP Ports resource model
- physical disk possible fragmentation
- Physical Disk resource model
- Printer resource model
- process handle leak
- process high CPU
- Process resource model
- processor busy
- Processor resource model
- properties
- redirector affecting server
- redirector overloaded
- redirector overloaded affecting segment
- segment affecting redirector
- segment affecting server
- segments ReXmit
- server affecting redirector
- server overloaded
- server overloaded affecting segment
- services failing service
(3410), (3803)
- Services resource model
- services stopped service
(3413), (3806)
- slow logical drive
- slow physical drive
- state of the defined port
- TCP/IP resource model
- Windows event logged
- input packets in error threshold
(4026), (4055)
- interface not enabled indication
- interface not operational indication
- LanmanServer threshold
- LanmanWorkstation threshold
- log file type parameter
- logging
- UNIX/Linux
- CPU resource model
- File resource model
- File System resource model
- Memory resource model
- Network Interface resource model
- Network RPC-NFS resource model
- Process resource model
- Security resource model
- Server Performance Prediction resource model
- Windows
- Logical Disk resource model
- Memory resource model
- Network Interface Card resource model
- Parmetric Services resource model
- Parmetric TCP/IP Ports resource model
- Physical Disk resource model
- Printer resource model
- Process resource model
- Processor resource model
- Server Performance Prediction resource model
- TCP/IP resource model
- logical disk possible fragmentation indication
- Logical Disk resource model
- bytes transferred per second problem
- description
- disk space problem
- high bytes per second threshold
- high percent disk time indication
- high percent usage threshold
- high queue length threshold
(3026), (3040)
- high read bytes per second indication
- high transfer rate indication
- high write bytes per second indication
- indications
- logging
- logical disk possible fragmentation indication
- low disk space indication
- low disk space threshold
- percent usage problem
- prerequisites
- problems highlighted
- slow logical drive indication
- thresholds
- logons by same user problem
- low available memory causing hard paging indication
- low available memory causing many problems indication
- low available memory causing soft paging and pagefile resizing indication
- low available memory indication
- low available memory is causing excessive soft paging indication
- low available memory problem
- low available memory with a high working set indication
- low available memory with a small pagefile indication
- low available memory with high cache indication
- low cache hits percent threshold
- low copy read hits indication
- low data map hits indication
- low disk space indication
- low disk space threshold
- low MDL read hits indication
- low percentage of available I-nodes indication
- low pin read hits indication
- low segments threshold
(3858), (3878)
- low space available indication
- low storage space indication
- low swap space indication
- manuals
- maximum handles indication
(3640), (3660)
- maximum number of zombie processes threshold
(4185), (4202)
- maximum print jobs threshold
- maximum print queues threshold
- maximum processes indication
(3637), (3649), (3657)
- Memory (UNIX/Linux) resource model
- Memory (Windows) resource model
- cache problem
- committed bytes problem
- description
- excessive page faults threshold
- excessive paging threshold
(3087), (3093), (3136)
- high paging indication
- indications
- logging
- low available memory causing hard paging indication
- low available memory causing many problems indication
- low available memory causing soft paging and pagefile resizing indication
- low available memory indication
- low available memory is causing excessive soft paging indication
- low available memory problem
- low available memory with a high working set indication
- low available memory with a small pagefile indication
- low available memory with high cache indication
- low cache hits percent threshold
- low copy read hits indication
- low data map hits indication
- low MDL read hits indication
- low pin read hits indication
- memory leak in private bytes indication
- memory leak in system code indication
- memory leak in system drivers indication
- memory leaks problem
- minimum available bytes threshold
- minimum committed bytes threshold
(3081), (3145)
- pagefile is resizing indication
- paging and page faulting problem
- problems highlighted
- thresholds
- memory leak in private bytes indication
- memory leak in system code indication
- memory leak in system drivers indication
- memory leaks problem
- memory page-in rate threshold
(3996), (4004)
- memory page-out rate threshold
(3999), (4007)
- minimum available bytes threshold
- minimum committed bytes threshold
(3082), (3146)
- moderate DG threshold
(3861), (3881)
- multiple CPU problems
- Netlogon threshold
- network congestion problem
- network interface card not supported indication
- network interface card overworked indication
- network interface card problem
- Network Interface Card resource model
- actions
- adjust initial work items action
(3363), (4324)
- adjust maximum work items action
(3366), (4328)
- adjust work items indication
- broadcast frames problem
- built-in actions
- description
- high broadcast frames indication
- high current commands indication
- high current commands modifier threshold
(3191), (3239), (3254), (3269), (3299)
, (3340)
- high errored out ratio threshold
(3203), (3343)
- high errored ratio indication
- high output queue length mod threshold
(3209), (3218), (3346)
- high percent broadcast threshold
(3182), (3242), (3257), (3272), (3284)
, (3302), (3326), (3349)
- high percent bytes per second threshold
(3170), (3194), (3212), (3221), (3227)
, (3245), (3260), (3275), (3287), (3305)
, (3314), (3329), (3352)
- high percent utilization threshold
(3173), (3185), (3197), (3230), (3248)
, (3263), (3278), (3290), (3308), (3317)
, (3332), (3355)
- high work item shortages threshold
(3176), (3233), (3293), (3320), (3335)
, (3358)
- indications
- logging
- network interface card overworked indication
- network interface card problem
- network interface card too slow indication
- prerequisites
- problems highlighted
- redirector affecting server indication
- redirector overloaded affecting segment indication
- redirector overloaded indication
- segment affecting redirector indication
- segment affecting server indication
- server affecting redirector indication
- server and workstation services problem
- server overloaded affecting segment indication
- server overloaded indication
- thresholds
- network interface card too slow indication
- network interface configuration parameter
(3781), (4291)
- Network Interface resource model
- Network RPC-NFS resource model
- description
- high duplicate RPC server calls indication
- high network traffic indication
- high NFS buffer size indication
- high NFS server get-attribute operations indication
- high NFS server read operations indication
- high NFS server readlink operations indication
- high NFS server write operations indication
- high retransmitted calls indication
- high RPC bad calls indication
- high timeouts and badxids indication
- indications
- logging
- percentage of bad RPC calls threshold
(4115), (4135)
- percentage of client RPC badxids threshold
(4121), (4138)
- percentage of client RPC calls in time-out threshold
(4124), (4141)
- percentage of client RPC retransmissions threshold
(4109), (4144)
- percentage of NFS server getattr operations threshold
(4079), (4147)
- percentage of NFS server read operations threshold
(4085), (4153)
- percentage of NFS server readlink operations threshold
(4091), (4150)
- percentage of NFS server write operations threshold
(4097), (4156)
- percentage of server RPC duplicate requests threshold
(4103), (4159)
- slow network indication
- thresholds
- nonexistent file indication
- not ready errors per day threshold
(3576), (3608)
- not ready errors threshold
(3570), (3605)
- notation
- NtLmSsp threshold
- null password indication
- packet collision percentage threshold
(4038), (4061)
- paging and page faulting problem
- parameters
- Parametric Event Log resource model
- Parametric Services resource model
- Parametric TCP/IP Ports resource model
- path names, notation
- percent processor threshold
(3552), (3617)
- percent processor time problem
- percent usage problem
(3004), (3449)
- percentage of available I-nodes threshold
(3957), (3965)
- percentage of available swap space threshold
(3990), (4010)
- percentage of available virtual storage threshold
(3984), (4013)
- percentage of bad RPC calls threshold
(4114), (4134)
- percentage of client RPC badxids threshold
(4120), (4137)
- percentage of client RPC calls in time-out threshold
(4123), (4140)
- percentage of client RPC retransmissions threshold
(4108), (4143)
- percentage of CPU in idle threshold
(3894), (3905)
- percentage of CPU used by system threshold
(3900), (3908)
- percentage of CPU used threshold
(4191), (4205)
- percentage of file system space used threshold
(3948), (3968)
- percentage of I-nodes used threshold
(3951), (3971)
- percentage of NFS server getattr operations threshold
(4078), (4146)
- percentage of NFS server read operations threshold
(4084), (4152)
- percentage of NFS server readlink operations threshold
(4090), (4149)
- percentage of NFS server write operations threshold
(4096), (4155)
- percentage of server RPC duplicate requests threshold
(4102), (4158)
- physical disk configuration parameter
- physical disk possible fragmentation indication
- Physical Disk resource model
- bytes transferred per second problem
- description
- high bytes per second threshold
(3459), (3471), (3483), (3495), (3507)
, (3519), (3527)
- high percent disk time indication
- high percent usage threshold
(3465), (3474), (3486), (3498), (3510)
, (3530)
- high queue length threshold
(3462), (3477), (3489), (3501), (3513)
, (3522), (3533)
- high read bytes per second indication
- high transfer rate indication
- high write bytes per second indication
- indications
- logging
- percent usage problem
- physical disk possible fragmentation indication
- prerequisites
- problems highlighted
- slow physical drive indication
- thresholds
- port numbers parameter
- possible disk fragmentation correlated event
- possible state of a port parameter
- prerequisites
- Windows
- Logical Disk resource model
- Network Interface Card resource model
- Parametric TCP/IP Ports resource model
- Physical Disk resource model
- TCP/IP resource model
- printer errors problem
- Printer resource model
- problems highlighted
- UNIX/Linux
- account not valid for root
- logons by same user
- process is stopped or killed
- Process resource model
- process uses too much CPU time
- property changes
- requested process does not exist
- Security resource model
- suspect superuser
- too many zombie processes in the system
- Windows
- Process (UNIX/Linux) resource model
- description
- high number of zombie processes indication
- indications
- logging
- maximum number of zombie processes threshold
(4186), (4203)
- parameters
- percentage of CPU used threshold
(4192), (4206)
- problems highlighted
- process consuming high CPU indication
- process is stopped or killed problem
- process killed or nonexistent indication
- process stopped indication
- process uses too much CPU time problem
- processes parameter
- requested process does not exist problem
- thresholds
- too many zombie processes in the system problem
- Process (Windows) resource model
- process consuming high CPU indication
- process handle leak indication
- process high CPU indication
- process hogging CPU correlated event
- process is stopped or killed problem
- process killed or nonexistent indication
- process stopped indication
- process uses too much CPU time problem
- processes parameter
- processor busy threshold
- Processor resource model
- busy hardware indication
- CPU cannot keep up with hardware indication
- description
- hardware keeping CPU busy indication
- high CPU usage interrupt threshold
(3684), (3696), (3711), (3732), (3752)
- high CPU usage problem
- high CPU usage process threshold
(3735), (3744), (3755)
- high CPU usage threshold
(3681), (3693), (3708), (3729), (3741)
, (3749)
- high CPU usage user privilege threshold
- high interrupts per second threshold
(3687), (3699), (3714), (3761)
- high percent usage delta indication
- high percent usage delta threshold
(3723), (3764)
- high processes indication
- indications
- logging
- multiple CPU problems
- problems highlighted
- processor busy threshold
- thresholds
- total CPUs modifier threshold
(3702), (3717), (3767)
- property changes problem
- publications
- raise session timeout action
(2992), (4314)
- redirector affecting server indication
- redirector overloaded affecting segment indication
- redirector overloaded indication
- requested process does not exist problem
- resource models
- Solaris only
- Network RPC-NFS - see resource models, UNIX/Linux
- UNIX/Linux
- Windows
- restart service action
(3832), (4332)
- Security resource model
- account not valid for root indication
- account not valid for root problem
- alternative groups parameter
- alternative owners parameter
- defined users parameter
- description
- duplicate account indication
- files to be monitored parameter
- high log-in number for user indication
- illegal group indication
- illegal owner indication
- indications
- logging
- logons by same user problem
- nonexistent file indication
- null password indication
- parameters
- problems highlighted
- property changes problem
- special groups parameter
- special users parameter
- suspect supergroup indication
- suspect superuser indication
- suspect superuser problem
- wrong file mode indication
- segment affecting redirector indication
- segment affecting server indication
- segments ReXmit indication
- server affecting redirector indication
- server and workstation services problem
- server connectivity problems
- server overloaded affecting segment indication
- server overloaded indication
- Server Performance Prediction (UNIX/Linux) resource model
- available file system space configuration parameter
- description
- logging
- network interface configuration parameter
- parameters
- Server Performance Prediction (Windows) resource model
- available disk space configuration parameter
- logging
- network interface configuration parameter
- parameters
- physical disk configuration parameter
- services failing service indication
(3408), (3801)
- services parameter
- Services resource model
- services stopped service indication
(3411), (3804)
- slow hard drive correlated event
- slow logical drive indication
- slow network indication
- slow physical drive indication
- source parameter
- special groups parameter
- special users parameter
- state of the defined port indication
- suspect supergroup indication
- suspect superuser indication
- suspect superuser problem
- system thrashing indication
- TCP/IP resource model
- thresholds
- UNIX/Linux
- available space
(3944), (3964)
- CPU resource model
- File System resource model
- input packets in error
(4028), (4057)
- maximum number of zombie processes
(4187), (4204)
- memory page-in rate
(3998), (4006)
- memory page-out rate
(4001), (4009)
- Memory resource model
- Network Interface resource model
- Network RPC-NFS resource model
- output packets in error
(4034), (4060)
- packet collision percentage
(4040), (4063)
- percentage of available I-nodes
(3959), (3967)
- percentage of available swap space
(3992), (4012)
- percentage of available virtual storage
(3986), (4015)
- percentage of bad RPC calls
(4116), (4136)
- percentage of client RPC badxids
(4122), (4139)
- percentage of client RPC calls in time-out
(4125), (4142)
- percentage of client RPC retransmissions
(4110), (4145)
- percentage of CPU in idle
(3896), (3907)
- percentage of CPU used
(4193), (4207)
- percentage of CPU used by system
(3902), (3910)
- percentage of file system space used
(3950), (3970)
- percentage of I-nodes used
(3953), (3973)
- percentage of NFS server getattr operations
(4080), (4148)
- percentage of NFS server read operations
(4086), (4154)
- percentage of NFS server readlink operations
(4092), (4151)
- percentage of NFS server write operations
(4098), (4157)
- percentage of server RPC duplicate requests
(4104), (4160)
- Process resource model
- Windows
- browser
- Event Log resource model
- EventLog
- excessive page faults
- excessive paging
(3086), (3092), (3135)
- high bytes per second
(3036), (3460), (3472), (3484), (3496)
, (3508), (3520), (3528)
- high CPU usage
(3648), (3656), (3682), (3694), (3709)
, (3730), (3742), (3750)
- high CPU usage interrupt
(3685), (3697), (3712), (3733), (3753)
- high CPU usage process
(3736), (3745), (3756)
- high CPU usage user privilege
- high current commands modifier
(3190), (3238), (3253), (3268), (3298)
, (3339)
- high errored out ratio
(3202), (3342)
- high fragment ratio
(3854), (3874)
- high interrupts per second
(3688), (3700), (3715), (3762)
- high output queue length modifier
(3208), (3345)
- high output queuelength modifier
- high percent broadcast
(3181), (3241), (3256), (3271), (3283)
, (3301), (3325), (3348)
- high percent bytes per second
(3169), (3193), (3211), (3220), (3226)
, (3244), (3259), (3274), (3286), (3304)
, (3313), (3328), (3351)
- high percent usage
(3042), (3466), (3475), (3487), (3499)
, (3511), (3531)
- high percent usage delta
(3724), (3765)
- high percent utilization
(3172), (3184), (3196), (3229), (3247)
, (3262), (3277), (3289), (3307), (3316)
, (3331), (3354)
- high queue length
(3025), (3039), (3463), (3478), (3490)
, (3502), (3514), (3523), (3534)
- high segments retransmitted
(3869), (3877)
- high work item shortages
(3175), (3232), (3292), (3319), (3334)
, (3357)
- job errors
(3560), (3595)
- job errors per day
(3080), (3566), (3598)
- LanmanServer
- LanmanWorkstation
- Logical Disk resource model
- low cache hits percent
- low disk space
- low segments
(3860), (3880)
- maximum handles
(3642), (3662)
- maximum print jobs
- maximum print queues
- maximum processes
(3639), (3651), (3659)
- memory resource model
- minimum available bytes
- minimum committed bytes
- moderate DG
(3863), (3883)
- Netlogon
- Network Interface Card resource model
- not ready errors
(3572), (3607)
- not ready errors per day
(3578), (3610)
- NtLmSsp
- out of paper errors
(3584), (3613)
- out of paper errors per day
(3590), (3616)
- Parmetric Event Log resource model
- percent processor
(3554), (3619)
- Physical Disk resource model
- Printer resource model
- Process resource model
- Processor resource model
- Services resource model
- TCP/IP resource model
- Tivoli endpoint
- total CPUs modifier
(3703), (3718), (3768)
- Tivoli Customer Support
- Tivoli endpoint threshold
- TMW_EventLog resource model
- TMW_LogicalDisk resource model
- TMW_MemoryModel resource model
- TMW_NetworkIntCard resource model
- TMW_ParamEventLog resource model
- TMW_ParamPorts resource model
- TMW_ParamServices resource model
- TMW_PhysicalDiskModel resource model
- TMW_PrintModel resource model
- TMW_Process resource model
- TMW_Processor resource model
- TMW_Services resource model
- TMW_Spp resource model
(3772), (3775)
- TMW_TCPIP resource model
- too many zombie processes in the system problem
- total CPUs modifier threshold
(3701), (3716), (3766)
- unknown interface status indication
- unstable services problem
- variables, notation for
- what's new in this release
- Windows 2000 logs parameter
- Windows event logged indication
- wrong file mode indication
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