
| Context

| Properties

| SPP Guide for UNIX
- idleTime
- The idle cpu time as a percentage of total cpu time
- userTime
- The cpu time spent on user applications as a percentage of total cpu time
- sysTime
- The cpu time spent by the system as a percentage of total cpu time
- loadAvg1
- The average number of processes running in the most recent calendar minute
| SPP Guide for UNIX
- mountPoint
- The directory on which the file system is mounted
- availKBytes
- The free kilobytes on the disk
- prcInodeUsed
- The percentage of Inodes used in the file system
| SPP Guide for UNIX
- availSwapSpace
- The amount of space available to be swapped
- pageInsRate
- The number of page inputs per second
- pageOutsRate
- The number of page outputs per second
- pctusedVirtualStorage
- The percentage of total memory (including cache memory and swap space)
being used
| SPP Guide for UNIX
- deltaInPackets
- The delta of packets received, compared with the previous cycle
- deltaInPacketsErr
- The delta of errors for packets received, compared with the previous cycle
- deltaOutPackets
- The delta of packets sent, compared with the previous cycle
- deltaOutPacketsErr
- The delta of errors for packets sent, compared with the previous cycle
- deltaCollisions
- The delta of packet collisions, compared with the previous cycle
- networkInterface
- The network interface card
| SPP Guide for UNIX
- deltaNFSClientCalls
- The number of calls from the NFS client, compared with the previous
| SPP Guide for UNIX
- numberWaitProcesses
- The number of processes waiting to run
- numberOfProcesses
- The total number of processes