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Resource Model Reference

Appendix B. Correlated Events (Windows)

This appendix describes all correlated events and the indications from which each one is generated. Correlated events are only generated for Windows resource models.

The following table lists the correlated events:

Correlated Event See Page
Busy Drive from High Paging "Busy Drive from High Paging"
Busy Drive from Low Avail "Busy Drive from Low Avail"
Congested TCP Network "Congested TCP Network"
Critically Low Disk Space "Critically Low Disk Space"
Critical Memory Leak "Critical Memory Leak"
Faulty Disk Subsystem "Faulty Disk Subsystem"
High Disk Read Bytes per Second "High Disk Read Bytes per Second"
High Disk Write Bytes per Second "High Disk Write Bytes per Second"
High Drive Transfer Rate "High Drive Transfer Rate"
High Percent Disk Time "High Percent Disk Time"
Possible Disk Fragmentation "Possible Disk Fragmentation"
Process Hogging CPU "Process Hogging CPU"
Slow Hard Drive "Slow Hard Drive"

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