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Resource Model Reference


Because the Service resource model determines primarily whether a service is running correctly, there are no real numeric thresholds to be measured or exceeded. However, in this model, the threshold values act as numerical flags where 0 is false and any other number is true. With this, the user can determine which services they want to monitor.

For example, in the threshold section, LanmanServer (Server service) is set to 1 meaning the resource model checks if the Server service is running. System Administrators may decide that on certain systems the Server service does not need to run. On those systems they can change the profile to set the Server threshold value to 0 and the resource model does not check if the Server service is running.

The following table lists the thresholds that can be set for the Services resource model. For each threshold it shows the name, a short description, and the default value:

Threshold Description Default
Browser (Browser) This threshold determines the smooth running of the browser service. If the browser threshold is set to 0, the browser service is not checked to ensure it has started. Use the browser service to create the list of computers and networks in the network neighborhood. It is also needed so that the local machine is present on other network neighborhoods throughout the local network. 1
EventLog (EventLog) This threshold determines whether the EventLog service is running correctly. If this threshold is set to 0, the EventLog service is not checked to ensure it has started. This service logs errors and information regarding the local machine. Important data can be found in the event log when an administrator is trying to correct a malfunctioning component of Windows. 1
LanmanServer (LanmanServer) This threshold determines whether the LanmanServer service is running correctly. This threshold is set to 0, the LanmanServer service is not checked to ensure it has started. Better known as the Server service, this service is used to manage shares that are accessible to other workstations on the network. Without this service, no machine can connect to the local machine. 1
LanmanWorkstation (LanmanWorkstation) This threshold determines whether the LanmanWorkstation service is running correctly. This threshold is set to 0, the LanmanWorkstation service can not be checked to ensure it has started. This service is the workstation service; it is the counterpart of the server service. If it is not running, the local machine can not connect to other machines on the network. 1
Tivoli endpoint (lcfd) This threshold determines whether the Tivoli endpoint service, which provides the endpoint with connectivity to the Tivoli Management Environment, is running correctly. If the Tivoli endpoint threshold is set to 0, the Tivoli endpoint service will not be checked to ensure that it has started. 1
Netlogon (Netlogon) This threshold determines whether this service is running correctly. If the Netlogon threshold is set to 0, the Netlogon service is not checked to ensure it has started. Use the Netlogon service when logging onto the local workstation as well as processing logon attempts from remote machines. If the Net Logon service is not functioning properly, it is possible that nobody can log on to the system. 1
NtLmSsp (NtLmSsp) This threshold determines whether this service is running correctly. If the NtLmSsp threshold is set to 0, the NtLmSsp service is not checked to ensure it has started. The NtLmSsp is the Windows LM Security Support Provider. It provides Windows security to remote procedure call (RPC) programs that use transports other than named pipes. This service does not have to be running at all times, but if it is, this does not cause any problems. 1

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