Tivoli Header

Resource Model Reference

Process High CPU

This indication is sent when a process is using too much CPU time.

The indication has the following attributes:

The process being monitored (Key attribute)

The percentage usage of the CPU that is being used by the process

The percentage privileged time of the CPU that is being used by the process

The base priority of the process

The process being monitored (Key attribute)

An indication is sent for each of the top n processes (where n is the value of the Maximum Processes threshold) that have a CPU usage in excess of the High CPU Usage threshold. The full details of the thresholds are as follows:

Threshold Description Default
N/A The process ID is not equal to zero. N/A
High CPU Usage (HighCPUUse) This threshold indicates when a process is using too much of the processor in terms of percentage usage. 60
Maximum Processes (MaxProcesses) This threshold indicates the maximum number of processes that will be taken into consideration for this indication. These processes will be ordered from the process with the highest CPU usage to the lowest. 5

The following table shows the default settings for this indication:

Setting Default
Send indications to Tivoli Enterprise Console Yes
Send indications to Tivoli Business Systems Manager No
Occurrences 20
Holes 3

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