Tivoli Header

Resource Model Reference


The following table lists the parameters that can be set for this resource model.

Parameter Description Default
Event IDs (Eids) Allows you to specify the number of the required event IDs to be monitored. This must be the value of the event ID from the Windows event log. Numeric list
Event Severity (Severity) Allows you to specify the severity of the events to be monitored. You can choose any of the following severity levels:
  • Information: Set to Harmless on Tivoli Enterprise Console server. Default: False
  • Warning. Default: False
  • Error: Set to Minor on Tivoli Enterprise Console server. Default: False
  • Audit success: Set to Harmless on Tivoli Enterprise Console server. Default: False
  • Audit failure: Set to Minor on Tivoli Enterprise Console server. Default: False
Boolean list
Log File Type (LogType) The type of log file that you are interested in. You can choose any of the following types:

Records security events. Default: False

Records events logged by the Windows NT system components. Default: False

Records events logged by applications. Default: False
Boolean list
Windows 2000 Logs (Win2kLogs) The type of Windows 2000 file that you are interested in. You can choose any of the following types:
  • Directory Services. Default: False
  • File Replication. Default: False
  • DNS Server. Default: False
Boolean list
Source (Source) The source of the event log. This is the software that has logged the event. The software can be either an application or a system component, such as a driver. The name of the source must be as shown in the Windows NT or Windows 2000 event log. String list
Computers (Computers) The computer which originated the event. You must specify the exact name of the computer, as shown in the Windows NT or Windows 2000 event log. String list
Filter Type (FilterType) The type of filter applied to the parameters specified with this dialog. You can select an AND or OR filter. The AND filter will trigger an event only when all of the conditions specified by the other parameters are met. The OR filter will trigger an event when any one of the conditions specified by the other parameters is met. The default value is AND. Choice list

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