Tivoli Header

Resource Model Reference

Indications and Events

The following table lists the events that can be generated by the resource model, the name of the indication from which each event is generated, the default severity of the event, and where you can find a detailed description of the indication:

Event Indication Severity Page
HighNFSBufferSize High NFS Buffer Size Warning "High NFS Buffer Size"
HighNFSSrvGetattr High NFS Server Get-attribute Operations Warning "High NFS Server Get-attribute Operations"
HighNFSSrvRead High NFS Server Read Operations Warning "High NFS Server Get-attribute Operations"
HighNFSSrvReadLink High NFS Server Readlink Operations Warning "High NFS Server Readlink Operations"
HighNFSSrvWrites High NFS Server Write Operations Warning "High NFS Server Write Operations"
HighPercDupReqs High Duplicate RPC Server Calls Warning "High Duplicate RPC Server Calls"
HighPercRetrans High Retransmitted Calls Critical "High Retransmitted Calls"
HighPercRPCBadCalls High RPC Bad Calls Warning "High RPC Bad Calls"
HighTimeoutsAnd_Badxids High Timeouts and Badxids Warning "High Timeouts and Badxids"
NetworkBusy High Network Traffic Warning "High Network Traffic"
NetworkSlow Slow Network Warning "Slow Network"

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