Tivoli Header

Resource Model Reference


The following table lists the thresholds that can be set for the Physical Disk resource model. For each threshold it shows the name, a short description, and the default value:

Threshold Description Default
High Bytes per Second (HighBytesSec) This threshold determines how many bytes per second (either reading per second or writing per second) is too high. Different disk sub-systems have different maximums, so the default threshold value is targeted towards the average physical disk. 1 572 864
High Percent Usage (HighPercentUsage) This threshold determines what percent of time that the selected disk drive spends for read or write requests is too high. 90
High Queue Length (HighQLength) This threshold determines the maximum number of outstanding requests, including those in progress, on the disk. This is an exact length, not an average over the time interval. 3

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