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Resource Model Reference

Indications and Events

The following table lists the events that can be generated by the Memory resource model, the name of the indication from which each event is generated, the default severity of the event, and where you can find a detailed description of the indication:

Event Indication Severity Page
TMW_HighPaging High Paging Warning "High Paging"
TMW_LowAvail Low Available Memory Warning "Low Available Memory"
TMW_LowAvailCausingHardPaging Low Available Memory Causing Hard Paging Warning "Low Available Memory Causing Hard Paging"
TMW_LowAvailCausingSoftPagePagefileResize Low Available Memory Causing Soft Paging and Pagefile Resizing Warning "Low Available Memory Is Causing Excessive Soft Paging"
TMW_LowAvailCausingSoftPaging Low Available Memory Is Causing Excessive Soft Paging Warning "Low Available Memory Is Causing Excessive Soft Paging"
TMW_LowAvailCausingManyProblems Low Available Memory Causing Many Problems Critical "Low Available Memory Causing Many Problems"
TMW_LowAvailHighCache Low Available Memory with High Cache Warning "Low Available Memory with High Cache"
TMW_LowAvailHighWS Low Available Memory with High Working Set Warning "Low Available Memory with a High Working Set"
TMW_LowAvailWithSmallPageFile Low Available Memory With A Small Pagefile Warning "Low Available Memory with a Small Pagefile"
TMW_LowCopyReadHits Low Copy Read Hits Minor "Low Copy Read Hits"
TMW_LowDataMapHits Low Data Map Hits Minor "Low Data Map Hits"
TMW_LowMDLReadHits Low MDL Read Hits Minor "Low MDL Read Hits"
TMW_LowPinReadHits Low Pin Read Hits Minor "Low Pin Read Hits"
TMW_PageFileResizing Pagefile Is Resizing Warning "Pagefile Is Resizing"
TMW_MemoryLeakInPB Memory Leak In Private Bytes Critical "Memory Leak In Private Bytes"
TMW_MemoryLeakInSC Memory Leak in System Code Critical "Memory Leak In System Code"
TMW_MemoryLeakInSD Memory Leak in System Drivers Critical "Memory Leak In System Drivers"

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