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Resource Model Reference



Adapter Configuration Facility
In the Tivoli Enterprise Console, a graphical user interface that enables a Tivoli administrator to easily configure and customize event adapters.


A buffer storage that contains frequently accessed instructions and data; it is used to reduce access time.

configuration file
A file that specifies the characteristics of a system device or network.


data view
In IBM Tivoli Monitoring, a way of displaying data in the Web Health Console.

database browser
In IBM Tivoli Monitoring, the Web Health Console component that provides hierarchical access to information about current resource problems. This information can come from any endpoint to which the Web Health Console has access, and it might pertain to any resource model installed on that endpoint. See also Web Health Console and resource model.

default policy
In a Tivoli environment, a set of resource property values that are assigned to a resource when the resource is created.

The process of running a software utility to rewrite fragmented data to contiguous sectors of a computer storage medium to improve access and retrieval time.

Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF)
An alliance of computer vendors that was convened to define streamlined management of the diverse operating systems commonly found in an enterprise.


In a Tivoli environment, a Tivoli client that is the ultimate recipient for any type of Tivoli operation.

In a Tivoli environment, any significant change in the state of a system resource, network resource, or network application. An event can be generated for a problem, for the resolution of a problem, or for the successful completion of a task. Examples of events are the normal starting and stopping of a process, the abnormal termination of a process, and the malfunctioning of a server. See also indication.

event class
In the Tivoli Enterprise Console, a classification for an event that indicates the type of information that the event adapter will send to the event server.


An operating system's process of writing different parts of a file to discontiguous sectors on a computer storage medium when contiguous space that is large enough to contain the entire file is not available. When data is thus fragmented, the time that it takes to access the data may increase because the operating system must search different tracks for information that should be in one location.


In a Tivoli environment, software running on a managed node that provides all communication services between a group of endpoints and the rest of the Tivoli environment. This gateway includes the multiplexed distribution (MDist) function, enabling it to act as the fanout point for distributions to many endpoints.


Web Health Console
In IBM Tivoli Monitoring, a component that displays real-time and historical data for any resource model at any endpoint. Using the graphical user interface, users can locate individual problems associated with one or more resources. The status is displayed as a value between 0 (representing an identified problem, that is, an event) and 100 (representing no recent indications). Users can select views of resource problems as tabular data, different types of charts, and so on.


IBM Tivoli Monitoring
A Tivoli application that applies preconfigured, automated best practices to the automated monitoring of essential system resources. The application detects bottlenecks and other potential problems and provides for the automatic recovery from critical situations, which eliminates the need for system administrators to manually scan through extensive performance data. The application also integrates seamlessly with other Tivoli Availability solutions, including the Tivoli Business Systems Manager and the Tivoli Enterprise Console. Previously called Tivoli Distributed Monitoring (Advanced Edition).

An entity triggered by the occurrence of a problem in an endpoint relating to one or more resources. Indications are consolidated into events within the endpoint being monitored. See also event.

installation repository (IR)
In Tivoli Software Installation Service (SIS), the directory that contains reusable installation images and other data that is used by SIS.


managed node
In a Tivoli environment, any managed resource on which the Tivoli Management Framework is installed.

monitoring collection
In IBM Tivoli Monitoring, a collection of predefined monitors. Several monitoring collections are packaged with IBM Tivoli Monitoring, but Tivoli administrators can also use custom-developed and third-party monitoring collections. See also custom monitor.


In object-oriented design or programming, a concrete realization of a class that consists of data and the operations associated with that data.


policy region
In a Tivoli environment, a group of managed resources that share one or more common policies. Tivoli administrators use policy regions to model the management and organizational structure of a network computing environment. The administrators can group similar resources, define access to and control the resources, and associate rules for governing the resources.

policy subregion
In a Tivoli environment, a policy region created or residing in another policy region. When a policy subregion is created, it initially uses the resource and policy properties of the parent policy region. The Tivoli administrator can later change or customize these properties to reflect the specific needs and differences of the subregion.

In a Tivoli environment, a container for application-specific information about a particular type of resource. A Tivoli application specifies the template for its profiles; the template includes information about the resources that can be managed by that Tivoli application.

A profile is created in the context of a profile manager; the profile manager links a profile to the Tivoli resource (for example, a managed node) that uses the information contained in the profile. A profile does not have any direct subscribers.

profile manager
In a Tivoli environment, a container for profiles that links the profiles to a set of resources, called subscribers. Tivoli administrators use profile managers to organize and distribute profiles. A profile manager is created in the context of a policy region and is a managed resource in a policy region.


reference model
In the context of Tivoli software, the model configuration for a system or set of systems that is used to maintain consistent configurations in a distributed environment. In Tivoli Inventory, reference models are created in the configuration repository.

In IBM Tivoli Monitoring context, a resource is anything that affects the operation of the system and includes physical and logical disks, CPUs, memory, printers, as well as the processes running, services, such as LanMan and the Windows event log, and TCP/IP.

resource model
In IBM Tivoli Monitoring, the logical modeling of one or more resources, along with the logic on which cyclical data collection, data analysis, and monitoring are based. Related events and actions are triggered, if required. For any resource model, users can specify individual thresholds and event aggregation rules. See also event.

rule base
In the Tivoli Enterprise Console, one or more rule sets and the event class definitions for which the rules are written. The Tivoli Enterprise Console uses the rule base in managing events. An organization can create many rule bases, with each rule base fulfilling a different set of needs for network computing management.


Software Installation Service (SIS)
A Tivoli product that provides an easy-to-use, efficient interface for installing Tivoli Enterprise(TM) software. SIS uses Tivoli's MDist technology and provides automated checking for prerequisite software, a reusable repository of installation images, and both graphical and command line interfaces for deploying Tivoli products to a large number of computers.

In a Tivoli environment, a managed node, a profile manager, an endpoint, or another Tivoli client that is subscribed to a profile manager. Although profiles are distributed to a subscriber, the subscriber may or may not be the final destination of the profile distribution.


task library
In a Tivoli environment, a container in which a Tivoli administrator can create and store tasks and jobs.

(1) In software products, a value that defines a limit for a monitored condition.
(2) In IBM Tivoli Monitoring, a threshold is a named property with a user-defined value. Typically, the value specified for a threshold represents a significant level of a performance-related entity, which, if exceeded, a system administrator might want to know about.

Tivoli Distributed Monitoring
Previous name of Tivoli Distributed Monitoring (Classic Edition).

Tivoli Distributed Monitoring (Advanced Edition)
Previous name of IBM Tivoli Monitoring.

Tivoli Distributed Monitoring (Classic Edition)
A Tivoli application that provides distributed monitors for monitoring system resources. The application initiates necessary corrective actions and informs system administrators of potential problems. These monitors can be centrally configured and deployed to monitor individual machines. The application also integrates seamlessly with other Tivoli Availability solutions, including the Tivoli Enterprise Console. Previously called Tivoli Distributed Monitoring.

Tivoli Enterprise Console
A Tivoli product that collects, processes, and automatically initiates corrective actions for system, application, network, and database events; it is the central control point for events from all sources. The Tivoli Enterprise Console provides a centralized, global view of the network computing environment; it uses distributed event monitors to collect information, a central event server to process information, and distributed event consoles to present information to system administrators.

Tivoli environment
The Tivoli applications, based upon the Tivoli Management Framework, that are installed at a specific customer location and that address network computing management issues across many platforms. In a Tivoli environment, a system administrator can distribute software, manage user configurations, change access privileges, automate operations, monitor resources, and schedule jobs.

Tivoli management agent
In the Tivoli environment, an agent that securely performs administrative operations.

Tivoli Management Framework
The base software that is required to run the applications in the Tivoli product suite. This software infrastructure enables the integration of systems management applications from Tivoli Systems Inc. and the Tivoli Partners.

In a Tivoli environment, the Tivoli Management Framework is installed on every client and server; however, the TMR server is the only server that holds the full object database.

Tivoli management region
In a Tivoli environment, a Tivoli server and the set of clients that it serves. An organization can have more than one Tivoli management region. A Tivoli management region addresses the physical connectivity of resources whereas a policy region addresses the logical organization of resources.

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