Tivoli Header

Resource Model Reference


The following table lists the thresholds that can be set for the Network resource model. For each threshold it shows the name, a short description, and the default value:

Threshold Description Default
Percentage of Bad RPC Calls (RPCBadCallsPercThr) This threshold indicates the maximum number of bad RPC calls allowed to maintain acceptable network performance. It refers to both client and server RPC bad calls. 30
Percentage of Client RPC Badxids (RPCCLBAdXidsPercThr) This threshold indicates the maximum percentage of badxids (duplicate acknowledgements) allowed by RPC client maintaining acceptable network traffic level. 5
Percentage of Client RPC Calls in Time-out (RPCCLCallsToutPercThr) This threshold indicates the maximum percentage of timed-out client RPC calls allowed to maintain acceptable network traffic level. 5
Percentage of Client RPC Retransmissions (RPCCLRetransPercThr) This threshold indicates the maximum of client RPC retransmissions allowed. 5
Percentage of NFS Server Getattr Operations (NFSSrvGettatrThr) This threshold indicates the maximum percentage of NFS server calls to read the client cache attribute without impacting NFS server performance. 40
Percentage of NFS Server Readlink Operations (NFSSrvReadlinkThr) This threshold indicates the maximum percentage of NFS server read operations using symbolic links on file systems exported by the server. 10
Percentage of NFS Server Read Operations (NFSSrvReadThr) This threshold indicates the maximum percentage of NFS server read operations allowed. 30
Percentage of NFS Server Write Operations (NFSSrvWriteThr) This threshold indicates the maximum percentage of NFS server write operations allowed without impacting NFS performance. 15
Percentage of Server RPC Duplicate Requests (RPCSrvDupCallsThr) This threshold indicates the maximum percentage of duplicate RPC calls allowed. 60

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