
| Context

| Properties

| Bytes Rate
- BytesTotalSec
- The rate at which the redirector is processing data bytes.
- Redirector
- The redirector being monitored
Current Commands
- Redirector
- The redirector being monitored
- CurrentCommands
- The number of requests that are currently queued for the
Network Segment
| Percent Broadcast
- Segment
- The segment being monitored
- PercentNetworkUtil
- The percent of the network being used
- PercentBroadcastFrames
- The percent of the network that is broadcast frames
| Bytes Rate
- BytesTotalSec
- The total number of bytes passing through the network per second
- Server
- The server being monitored
Server Activity
- ServerTotalSession
- The number of sessions on the server
- SessionsErroredOut
- The number of sessions that ended in error
- SessionsForcedOff
- The number of sessions forced offline
- SessionsLoggedOff
- The number of sessions logged off
- WorkItemShortages
- Identifies work item shortages
- server
- Identifies server being monitored
Network Interface Card
| Network Traffic
- BytesTotalSec
- The total number of bytes passing through the network per second
- CurrentBandwidth
- The network bandwidth
- NetworkInterfaceCard
- The network interface card being monitored
Output Queue Length
- Output Queue Length
- The length of the queue for output
- Network Interface Card
- The card being monitored