Tivoli Header

Resource Model Reference


The following table lists the parameters that can be set for this resource model. Together, the parameters function as a filter.

Parameter Description Default
Port Numbers (ParamPortList) Allows you to specify the port numbers to be monitored. Numeric list
Possible State of a Port (ParamPortStatusList) Allows you to specify the state of the defined port or ports to be monitored. Ports can be monitored for one or more of the following states:
  • Unknown. Default: False
  • LISTENING. Default: False
  • ESTABLISHED. Default: False
  • TIME_WAIT. Default: False
  • Fin_wait. Default: False
  • FIN_WAIT2. Default: False
  • CLOSE_WAIT. Default: False
  • CLOSING. Default: False
  • CLOSED. Default: True
Boolean list

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