Tivoli Header

Resource Model Reference

Low Available Memory with a High Working Set

This indication is sent when available memory is low and the working set is high.

The indication has the following attributes:

The total of available memory in bytes

The total working set size in bytes

The total cache size in bytes

The percentage of available memory in comparison to the size of the working set and the cache

The percentage of working set memory in comparison to the size of available memory and the cache

The percentage of cache memory in comparison to the size of the working set and the available memory

The working set of the process with the highest working set

The private bytes of the process with the highest working set

The pool non-paged bytes of the process with the highest working set

The pool paged bytes of the process with the highest working set

The virtual bytes of the process with the highest working set

The numeric ID of the process with the highest working set

The total number of processes

The string name of the process with the highest working set

The indication is generated when the following thresholds are exceeded:

Threshold Description Default
Minimum Available Bytes (MinimumAvail) Available memory is lower than this threshold. 10485760
N/A This indication is sent when the working set must be larger than the total amount of cache and available memory. N/A

The following table shows the default settings for this indication:

Setting Default
Send indications to Tivoli Enterprise Console Yes
Send indications to Tivoli Business Systems Manager No
Occurrences 6
Holes 2

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