Tivoli Header

Resource Model Reference


The following table lists the thresholds that can be set for the Memory resource model. For each threshold it shows the name, a short description, and the default value:

Threshold Description Default
Excessive Page Faults (ExcessivePageFaults) This threshold indicates how much paging to disk and to other areas of memory is too high.
Excessive Paging (ExcessivePaging) This threshold indicates when pages per second are too high.
Low Cache Hits Percent (LowCacheHitsPercent) This threshold indicates what percentage is too low when reading data from the cache.
Minimum Available Bytes (MinimumAvail) This threshold indicates at what point available memory is too low (in bytes).
Minimum Committed Bytes (MinimumCommitted) This threshold indicates the lowest limit for the difference between total committed bytes and committed limit values.

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