IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Connect
Installation and Configuration Supplement

Version 6


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Table of Contents

  • Welcome to DB2 Universal Database!
  • Conventions

  • Installing and Configuring DB2 Clients

  • Planning for Installation
  • Disk Requirements
  • Estimating Fixed Disk Requirements
  • Software Requirements
  • Client Product Requirements
  • Possible Client-to-Server Connectivity Scenarios
  • Installing DB2 Clients

  • Installing DB2 Clients on Windows 32-Bit Operating Systems
  • Before You Begin
  • Installation Steps
  • Installing DB2 Clients on OS/2 Operating Systems
  • Before You Begin
  • Installation Steps
  • Installing DB2 Clients on UNIX Operating Systems
  • Before You Begin
  • Installation Steps
  • Step 1. Update Kernel Configuration Parameters
  • Step 2. Mount the CD-ROM
  • Step 3. Perform the Installation
  • Configuring Client-to-Server Communications Using the Client Configuration Assistant
  • Configuration Steps
  • Adding a Database Using a Profile
  • Adding a Database Using Discovery
  • Adding a Database Manually
  • Creating and Using Profiles
  • Server Profiles
  • Client Profiles
  • Configuring Client-to-Server Communications Using the Command Line Processor
  • Configuring Named Pipes on the Client
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Configure the Client
  • Step 3. Test the Client-to-Server Connection
  • Configuring TCP/IP on the Client
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Configure the Client
  • Step 3. Test the Client-to-Server Connection
  • Configuring NetBIOS on the Client
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Configure the Client
  • Step 3. Test the Client-to-Server Connection
  • Configuring IPX/SPX on the Client
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Configure the Client
  • Step 3. Test the Client-to-Server Connection
  • Configuring APPC on the Client
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Update the APPC Profiles
  • Step 3. Catalog the APPC or APPN Node
  • Step 4. Catalog the Database
  • Step 5. Test the Client-to-Server Connection
  • Troubleshooting the Client-to-Server Connection

  • Setting Up Server Communications

  • Using the Control Center to Configure Server Communications
  • Configuring DB2 Communications for Local Instances
  • Configuring DB2 Communications for Remote Instances
  • Using the Command Line Processor to Configure Server Communications
  • Setting the DB2COMM Registry Parameter
  • Configuring Named Pipes on the Server
  • Configuring TCP/IP on the Server
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Configure the Server
  • Configuring NetBIOS on the Server
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Configure the Server
  • Autostarting DB2 with NetBIOS (for Windows NT only)
  • Configuring IPX/SPX on the Server
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Configure the Server
  • Configuring APPC on the Server
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Configure the Server

  • CLI/ODBC Enablement

  • Running Your Own Applications
  • Binding Database Utilities
  • Running CLI/ODBC Programs
  • Platform Specific Details for CLI/ODBC Access
  • Detailed Configuration Information
  • Running Java Programs
  • Configuring the Environment
  • Java Applications
  • Java Applets
  • DB2 CLI/ODBC Configuration Keyword Listing
  • Configuration Keywords by Category
  • CLI/ODBC Settings General Configuration Keywords
  • Compatibility Configuration Keywords
  • Data Type Configuration Keywords
  • Enterprise Configuration Keywords
  • Environment Configuration Keywords
  • Optimization Configuration Keywords
  • Service Configuration Keywords
  • Transaction Configuration Keywords
  • Configuration Keyword Descriptions
  • MODE
  • PATCH1
  • PATCH2
  • PWD
  • UID

  • Configuring DB2 Connect to Host or AS/400 Communications

  • Configuring Host Communications Using the Command Line Processor

  • Configuring TCP/IP Communications on the DB2 Connect Workstation
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Configure the DB2 Connect Workstation
  • A. Resolve the Host's IP Address
  • B. Update the Services File
  • Step 3. Catalog the TCP/IP Node
  • Step 4. Catalog the Database as a Database Connection Service (DCS) Database
  • Step 5. Catalog the Database
  • Step 6. Bind Utilities and Applications to the Database Server
  • Step 7. Test the Host or AS/400 Connection
  • Test the Host Connection
  • Configuring APPC Communications on the DB2 Connect Workstation
  • Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values
  • Step 2. Update the APPC Profiles on the DB2 Connect Workstation
  • Configuring IBM eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2
  • Configuring IBM Personal Communications for Windows NT and Windows 9x
  • Configuring IBM eNetwork Communications Server for Windows NT
  • Configuring IBM eNetwork Communications Server for Windows NT SNA API Client
  • Configuring Microsoft SNA Server for Windows NT
  • Configuring Microsoft SNA Client
  • Configuring IBM eNetwork Communication Server for AIX
  • Configuring Bull SNA for AIX
  • Configuring SNAPlus2 for HP-UX
  • Configuring SunLink SNA for Solaris
  • Step 3. Catalog the APPC or APPN Node
  • Step 4. Catalog the Database as a Database Connection Service (DCS) Database
  • Step 5. Catalog the Database
  • Step 6. Bind Utilities and Applications to the Database Server
  • Step 7. Test the Host or AS/400 Connection
  • Enabling Multisite Updates (Two-Phase Commit)
  • Enabling Multisite Updates Using the Control Center
  • Starting the Multisite Update Smartguide
  • Smartguide Steps
  • Testing the Multisite Update Feature
  • Enabling Multisite Updates with Host and AS/400 Database Servers and Clients
  • Planning to Use the SPM
  • Software Prerequisites
  • Database Manager Configuration Parameters
  • Other Requirements
  • Configuring the SPM
  • Applications Which Access Host or AS/400 Database Servers
  • Host or AS/400 Applications Which Access a DB2 Universal Database Server in a Multisite Update
  • Setting up SNA Communications for the DB2 Syncpoint Manager (SPM)
  • Configuring Communications Server for OS/2
  • Communications Server Operational Considerations
  • Configuring Communications Server for AIX
  • Configuring Communications Server for Windows NT
  • Registering CS/NT as a Windows NT Service
  • SPM Migration Considerations
  • SPM Logging
  • SPM Log File Size
  • Changing the SPM Log File Size
  • Performance Characteristics
  • Memory Utilization
  • SPM Protocol Violation Records

  • Configuring DB2 UDB as a DRDA Application Server

  • Accessing DB2 Universal Database Servers from Host and AS/400 Applications
  • Supported Clients
  • PTFs Required
  • Configuration Steps for DB2 Universal Database Server
  • Configuring DB2 Universal Database Servers for Host or AS/400 Client Access
  • Using the DB2 Universal Database Server from Host or AS/400 Clients
  • Authentication
  • Troubleshooting
  • DRDA Functions Supported
  • Security and Auditability
  • Configuration Considerations

  • Thin Client and Thin Connect Architecture

  • Distributed Thin Client Installation
  • Installing and Configuring Thin Client Workstations to use a Code Server
  • Before you begin
  • Performing the Installation
  • DB2 Thin Connect Workstations in a Windows 32-bit Operating System Environment
  • Installing and Configuring Thin Connect Workstations to use a Code Server
  • Before You Begin
  • Performing the Installation

  • Other DB2 for UNIX Installation Methods

  • Other Methods to Install AIX Server
  • Installation Steps
  • Step 1. Install DB2
  • Install Products or Filesets Using SMIT
  • Install Software Bundles Using SMIT
  • Install the DB2 Product Library (Optional)
  • Install the DB2 Product Messages (Optional)
  • Step 2. Create or Assign a Group and User ID
  • Step 3. Create a DB2 Instance
  • Step 4. Create the Administration Server
  • Step 5. Install the License Key
  • Step 6. Create Links for DB2 Files (Optional)
  • Other Methods to Install HP-UX Servers
  • Installation Steps
  • Step 1. Install DB2
  • Install the DB2 Product Library (Optional)
  • Install DB2 Product Messages (Optional)
  • Install DB2 Control Center and Help (Optional)
  • Step 2. Update the Kernel Configuration Parameters
  • Step 3. Create or Assign Groups and User IDs
  • Step 4. Create a DB2 Instance
  • Step 5. Create an Administration Server
  • Step 6. Install the License Key
  • Step 7. Create Links for DB2 Files (Optional)
  • Other Methods to Install DB2 for Solaris
  • Installation Steps
  • Step 1. Install DB2
  • Installing the DB2 Product Library (Optional)
  • Installing the DB2 Product Messages (Optional)
  • Step 2. Update the Kernel Configuration Parameters
  • Step 3. Create or Assign Groups and User IDs
  • Step 4. Create a DB2 Instance
  • Step 5. Create an Administration Server
  • Step 6. Install the License Key
  • Step 7. Create Links for DB2 Files (Optional)
  • Contents of the DB2 Products for UNIX platforms
  • Packaging
  • Products and Selectable Components

  • Distributed Installation

  • An Introduction to Distributed Installation
  • Types of Distributed Installation
  • Response File
  • Available Sample Response Files
  • Important Keywords for OS/2 and Windows 32-Bit Operating Systems
  • Response File Generator
  • Where Do You Go From Here?
  • Distributed DB2 Installation on Windows 32-Bit Operating Systems
  • Before You Begin
  • Step 1. Make DB2 Files Available for Installation
  • Set up Shared Access
  • Create a Response File
  • Step 3. Run Setup with the Response File from the Client Workstation
  • DB2 Product Installation Using SMS
  • SMS Requirements
  • Step 1. Import the DB2 Install File into SMS on the SMS Server
  • Step 2. Create the SMS Package on the SMS Server
  • Step 3. Distribute the DB2 Installation Package from the SMS Server
  • Configuring Client Settings
  • Configuring Remote Access to a Server Database
  • Configuring db2cli.ini
  • Exporting and Importing an Instance Profile
  • Distributed DB2 Installation on UNIX Operating Systems
  • Before You Begin
  • Step 1. Mount the CD-ROM
  • Step 2. Create a Response File
  • Step 3. Start an Unattended Installation with a Response File
  • Distributed DB2 Installation on OS/2 Operating Systems
  • Installing DB2 Products from a Hard Disk or CD-ROM
  • Before You Begin
  • Step 1. Make DB2 Files Available for Installation
  • Step 2. Create a Response File for Distributed Installation
  • Step 3. Run the CMD File from the Remote Workstation

  • Configuring Distributed Requests and Access to Heterogeneous Data Sources

  • Creating and Configuring a Federated Database System
  • Supported Data Sources
  • Setting Up a Federated System to Access DB2 Family Data Sources
  • Enabling Federated Database Functionality
  • Adding DB2 Family Data Sources to a Federated System
  • Verifying Connections to DB2 Family Data Sources
  • Setting Up a Federated System to Access Oracle Data Sources
  • Enabling Federated Database Functionality
  • Adding Oracle Data Sources to a Federated System
  • Oracle Code Page Options
  • Verifying Connections to Oracle Data Sources

  • Appendixes

  • Appendix A. Basic Task Knowledge
  • Starting the Software Registration Tool
  • Starting the Client Configuration Assistant
  • Starting the Control Center
  • Entering Commands Using the Command Center
  • Entering Commands Using the Command Line Processor
  • Command Line Mode
  • Interactive Input Mode
  • Working with the System Administrative Group
  • Appendix B. Migrating from Previous Versions and Releases
  • Migrating Instances
  • Step 1. Prepare the DB2 Instance for Migration
  • Step 3. Migrate the DB2 Instance
  • Appendix C. Troubleshooting NetQuestion
  • NetQuestion for Windows 32-bit Operating Systems
  • Restrictions on Use
  • Installing NetQuestion
  • Working with NetQuestion
  • Uninstalling NetQuestion
  • NetQuestion for OS/2 Operating Systems
  • Installing NetQuestion
  • Working with NetQuestion
  • Uninstalling NetQuestion
  • Troubleshooting NetQuestion Installs on UNIX operating systems
  • NetQuestion installation workarounds on UNIX platforms
  • Installing NetQuestion on HPUX-10 operating systems
  • Appendix D. Setting up DB2 Documentation on a Web Server
  • Considerations for Using a Web Server
  • Working with the DB2 Universal Database Documentation Files in a Client/Server Environment
  • Searching the DB2 Books from a Remote Client
  • Typical Web Server Scenarios
  • Scenario 1: Lotus Domino Go! Web Server on OS/2
  • Scenario 2: Netscape Enterprise Web Server on Windows NT
  • Scenario 3: Microsoft Internet Information Server on Windows NT
  • Serving Documentation in Multiple Languages
  • Serving Documentation for Multiple Platforms
  • DB2 Extender Documentation
  • Appendix E. How the DB2 Library Is Structured
  • Completing Tasks with SmartGuides
  • Accessing Online Help
  • DB2 Information - Hardcopy and Online
  • Viewing Online Information
  • Accessing Information with the Information Center
  • Setting Up a Document Server
  • Searching Online Information
  • Printing the PostScript Books
  • Ordering the Printed Books
  • Appendix F. National Language Support (NLS)
  • Language and Codeset Support for UNIX Operating Systems
  • Code Page and Language Support for OS/2 and Windows Operating Environments
  • Appendix G. Naming Rules
  • General Naming Rules
  • Database, Database Alias, and Catalog Node Name Rules
  • Object Name Rules
  • Username, User ID, Group Name, and Instance Name Rules
  • Workstation Name (nname) Rules
  • DB2SYSTEM Naming Rules
  • Password Rules
  • Appendix H. Notices
  • Trademarks
  • Trademarks of Other Companies
  • Appendix I. Contacting IBM

  • Index

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