Installation and Configuration Supplement
The following example assumes:
- IBM Communications Server for OS/2 V5 is installed
- SPMNAME is the local LU name
- SPM_NAME is set to SPMNAME.
These requirements must be met:
- The SPM_NAME Database Manager Configuration parameter must specify the
local LU to be used by SPM. The SPM_NAME cannot represent the Control
Point LU. There is no need to configure the LU 6.2
profile. DB2 will dynamically create or modify the necessary
profiles. Ensure the LU represented by the SPM_NAME parameter is only
used by DB2.
SPM_NAME can be set using the following command:
update database manager configuration using spm_name SPMNAME
- If your DB2 Universal Database SPM workstation will be used as a server
accepting DB2 Universal Database client connections through APPC, you will
need to ensure that you configure the database manager configuration parameter
tpname with an appropriate value. For example:
db2 update dbm cfg using tpname NYSERVER
Note: | If all of the following apply to your environment:
- You are using the SPM workstation to connect to host or AS/400 database
- You are using the SPM workstation to accept connections from host or
AS/400 database clients.
- You have DB2 Universal Database clients accessing the SPM workstation
through APPC.
then the DB2 Universal Database clients and the host or AS/400 database
clients must:
- Use the same transaction program name to connect to the SPM
- Use the SPM_NAME LU as their partner logical unit.
Communications Server for OS/2 requires that syncpoint LUs
be registered by the SPM before they can be used. Thus DB2 must be
started explicitly beforehand so that the SPM can register the syncpoint
LU. Otherwise you may encounter the following message:
SQL0859N Access to the Transaction Manager Database failed with
SQLCODE "-1032". SQLSTATE=08502.
To execute a one-phase commit successfully when DB2 is not started, the
default LU should specify a non-SPM LU.
You can use the APPCLLU environment variable to specify an LU name that is
not the same as the value in SPM_NAME. Otherwise you may
encounter the following message:
SQL30081N A communication error has been detected. Communication protocol
being used: "APPC". Communication API being used: "CPI-C". Location where
the error was detected: "". Communication function detecting the error:
"xcstp". Protocol specific error codes: "20", "*", "*". SQLSTATE=08001
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