IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values

Before you configure the DB2 Connect workstation, have your host-side administrator and LAN administrator fill in copies of the worksheet in Table 26 for each host or AS/400 database to which you want to connect.

After you fill in the Your Value entries, you can use the worksheet to configure APPC communications for DB2 Connect. During the configuration process, replace the sample values that appear in the configuration instructions with your values from the worksheet, using the boxed numbers (for example, (1)) to relate the configuration instructions to the worksheet values.
Note:The worksheet and configuration instructions supply suggested or sample values for required configuration parameters. For other parameters, use the communications program's default values. If your network configuration is different from that used in the instructions, consult your Network Administrator for values that are appropriate to your network.

In the configuration instructions, the (*) symbol denotes entries that need to be changed but do not have a representation on the worksheet.

Table 26. Worksheet for Planning Host and AS/400 Server Connections
Ref. Name at the DB2 Connect Workstation Network or VTAM Name Sample Value Your Value
Network Elements at the Host
(1) Host name Local Network Name SPIFNET
(2) Partner LU Name Application Name NYM2DB2
(3) Network ID
(4) Partner Node name Local CP or SSCP Name NYX
(5) Target database name (target_dbname)

OS/390 or MVS:


RDB Name

(6) Link Name or Mode Name
(7) Connection name (Link name)
(8) Remote Network or LAN address Local Adapter or Destination Address 400009451902
Network Elements at the DB2 Connect Workstation
(9) Network or LAN ID
(10) Local Control Point Name
(11) (Local) LU name
(12) (Local LU) alias
(13) Local Node or Node ID ID BLK 071
(14) ID NUM 27509
(15) Mode name
(16) Symbolic Destination name
(17) (Remote) Transaction program (TP) name

OS/390 or MVS:
X'07F6C4C2' or DB2DRDA

AXE for VSE, or the DB2 for VM db name for VM


DB2 Directory Entries (at the DB2 Connect workstation)
(19) Node name
(19) Security
(20) Local database name (local_dcsname)

For each server that you are connecting to, fill in a copy of the worksheet as follows:

  1. For network ID, determine the network name of both the host and the DB2 Connect workstations ((1), (3), and (9)). Usually these values will be the same. (For example, SPIFNET.)

  2. For the partner LU name ((2)), determine the VTAM application (APPL) name for OS/390, MVS, VSE, or VM. Determine the local CP name for AS/400.

  3. For partner node name ((4)), determine the System Services Control Point (SSCP) name for OS/390, MVS, VM, or VSE. Determine the local control point name for an AS/400.

  4. For database name ((5)), determine the name of the host database. This is the LOCATION NAME for OS/390 or MVS, the RDB_NAME for VM or VSE, or a relational database name for AS/400.

  5. For mode name ((6) and (15)), usually the default IBMDRB is sufficient.

  6. For remote network address ((8)), determine the controller address or local adapter address of the target host or AS/400 system.

  7. Determine the local control point name ((10)) of the DB2 Connect workstation. This is usually the same as the PU name for the system.

  8. Determine the local LU name to be used by DB2 Connect ((11)). If you use a Syncpoint Manager to manage multisite updates (two-phase commit), the local LU should be the LU used for the SPM. In this case, that LU cannot also be the Control Point LU.

  9. For local LU alias ((12)), you usually use the same value as for the local LU name ((11)).

  10. For local node or node ID ((13) plus (14)), determine the IDBLK and IDNUM of the DB2 Connect workstation. The default value should be correct.

  11. For symbolic destination name ((16)), choose a suitable value.

  12. For (remote) transaction program (TP) name ((17)), it is recommended that you use the defaults listed in the worksheet.

  13. Leave the other items blank for now ((18) to (21)).

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