IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Configuring Client Settings

Configuring Remote Access to a Server Database

Once you have install your DB2 product, you can configure your product to access remote database individually on each client workstation using the Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) or the Command Line Processor (CLP). DB2 uses the CATALOG command to catalogue remote database access information:

For more information on cataloging remote databases, refer to the Administration Guide.

If you plan to roll out multiple copies of DB2 clients or DB2 Connect Personal Edition with identical configurations, then you can create a batch file that will run your customized script.

For example, consider the following sample batch file, myscript.bat, used to run the script file:

   @echo off
   db2cmd catmvs.bat

The DB2CMD command initializes the DB2 environment and the catmvs.bat file calls the batch job of the same name.

Here is a sample catalog script file, catmvs.bat, that could be used to add databases to a DB2 Connect Personal Edition workstation:

   db2 catalog tcpip node tcptst1 remote mvshost server 446
   db2 catalog database mvsdb at node tcptst1 authentication dcs
   db2 catalog dcs database mvsdb as mvs_locator
   db2 catalog system odbc data source mvsdb
   db2 terminate

You can either send these files to your client workstations manually or use SMS and have the script execute automatically after the installation and reboot have completed. To create another SMS package with the catalog script, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Click on Start and select Programs->Systems Management Server->SMS Administrator . The Open SMS Window window opens.

step  2.

Select the Packages window type and click on OK. The Packages window opens.

step  3.

Select File->New from the menu bar. The Package Properties window opens.

step  4.

Enter a name for your new package. For example, batchpack.

step  5.

Enter a comment about the package. For example, Package for batch file.

step  6.

Click on the Workstations push button. The Setup Package for Workstations window opens.

step  7.

Enter the source directory. Ensure that the source directory is a location that both the server and the client have access to, and that contains the batch file that is to be run from the client workstation.

step  8.

Under the Workstation Command Lines section, click on New. The Command Line Properties window opens.

step  9.

Enter a command name.

step 10.

Enter the command line.

step 11.

Click on the check box for the platforms that should be supported, under the Supported Platforms section.

step 12.

Click on OK.

step 13.

Click on Close.

step 14.

Click on OK.

Distribute this package in the same way as you did in Step 3. Distribute the DB2 Installation Package from the SMS Server.

Configuring db2cli.ini

The db2cli.ini file is an ASCII file which initializes the DB2 CLI configuration. This file is shipped to help you get started and can be found in the x:\sqllib directory, where x: represents the drive where you installed the DB2 files.

If you need to use any specific CLI optimization values or CLI parameters, you can use your customized db2cli.ini file for your DB2 client workstations. To do so, distribute your db2cli.ini file over to each DB2 client workstations and put it into their \sqllib directory over.

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