IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Installing and Configuring Thin Client Workstations to use a Code Server

This section describes how to set up a configure a Thin Client to run on your network.

Before you begin

Before you begin the installation, be sure that you have the following items and information:

__  1.

Ensure that your system meets all of the memory, hardware, and software requirements to install your DB2 product. For more information, see Planning for Installation.

__  2.

A user account to perform the installation.

Windows 9x

Any valid Windows 9x user.

Windows NT

Any user account that has the "Log on as a service" advanced user right on the machine where the account is defined. For more information on user rights, refer to the Windows NT online help.

Performing the Installation

Step 1. Install the DB2 Client on the Code Server

To install the DB2 client on a code server, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Log on to the system with a user account that meets the requirements for installing DB2 Connect Personal Edition. For more information, see Before you begin.

step  2.

Shut down any programs that are running so that the setup program can update files as required.

step  3.

Insert the appropriate CD-ROM into the drive. The auto-run feature automatically starts the setup program. The setup program will determine the system language, and launch the setup program for that language. If you want to run the setup program in a different language, or the setup program failed to auto-start, see the tip that follows.

Figure hint not displayed.

To manually invoke the setup program, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on Start and select the Run option.

  2. In the Open field, enter the following command:
    x:\setup /i language


    • x: represents your CD-ROM drive

    • language represents the country code for your language (for example, EN for English). Table 36 lists the code for each available language.

  3. Click on OK.

step  4.

The Welcome window opens. Click on the Next push button.

step  5.

The Select Products window opens. Select the DB2 client check box and click on the Next push button.

step  6.

The Select Installation Type window opens. Click on the Custom graphic button.

step  7.

The Select Components window opens. Select the components that you want to install. You must select the Thin Client Code Server component to enable a Thin Client workstation to access the DB2 client on the code server.

step  8.

Respond to the setup program's remaining prompts. Online help can walk you through the remaining steps of the installation process. You can invoke online help by clicking on the Help push button, or by pressing the F1 key, at any time.

Step 2. Create a Windows 9x Code Base on a Windows NT Code Server

This step describes how to set up a Windows NT code server to service Windows 9x Thin Client workstations.

Figure car not displayed.

If you are not planning on running a Windows 9x Thin Client workstation from a Windows NT code server, you can skip this step and proceed to Step 3. Create a Network Share on the Code Server.

To have a Windows NT code server service a Thin Client workstation on a Windows 9x machine, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Create a directory on the Windows NT code server that will be used to service Windows 9x Thin Client workstations by entering the following command:

   md d:\sqllib9x

where: d: represents a local hard drive.

step  2.

Copy the DB2 client directory (for example, c:\sqllib) into the directory that you just created by entering the following command:

   xcopy c:\sqllib\*.* d:\sqllib9x /s /e


  • c: represents the drive where the DB2 client was installed

  • d: represents the drive where the sqllib9x directory was created in Step 1.

step  3.

Enter the c:\sqllib\bin\db2thn9x.bat command (where c: is the drive where you installed the code server) to enable this machine to service Windows 9x Thin Clients.

You now have two code bases on your Windows NT code server. If you are installing a Thin Client workstation on a Windows NT machine, use the Windows NT code base (for example, c:\sqllib). If you are installing a Thin Client workstation on a Windows 9x machine, use the Windows 9x code base (for example, d:\sqllib9x).

Figure hint not displayed.

If you are logged onto a Windows 9x Thin Client workstation, that is running code off of a Windows NT code server, you must ensure that the user account that you are logged on to the Windows 9x workstation is locally defined on the Windows NT code server.

Step 3. Create a Network Share on the Code Server

The code server must be installed in a directory that can be accessed in READ mode by all Thin Client workstations.

To make the code server available to all Thin Client workstations in READ mode, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Click on Start and select Programs->Windows Explorer.

step  2.

Select the directory where you installed the DB2 product. For example, c:\sqllib.

step  3.

Select File->Properties from the menu bar.

step  4.

Select the Sharing tab.

step  5.

Select the Shared As radio button.

step  6.

In the Share Name field, enter a share name.

step  7.

Specify READ access for all users as follows:

Figure car not displayed.

On Windows 9x, you do not need to specify type of access when you set up a share. By default, everyone is granted read access. If you are setting up a code server on a Windows 9x workstation skip this step and go to Step 4. Create a Response File for a Thin Client Installation.

  1. Click the Permissions button. The Access Through Share Permissions window opens.

  2. In the Name box, select Everyone.

  3. Click on the Type of Access drop down box and select Read.

  4. Click on OK until all windows are closed.

Step 4. Create a Response File for a Thin Client Installation

During a regular installation, you provide the information needed to install a DB2 client and configure its environment. During a distributed installation, this information is provided in the form of keywords and values in a response file. For a DB2 client installation, there is a ready-to-use sample response file, db2thin.rsp, with default settings for the most common installation type.

The c:\sqllib\thnsetup directory on the code server, where c: represents the drive where you installed the code server, contains all the files needed to install a Thin Client workstation, including a sample response file (called db2thin.rsp). If you need to customize a response file, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Open the db2thin.rsp sample response file, located in the c:\sqllib\thnsetup directory on the code server (where c: represents the drive where you installed the DB2 client).

The response file contains:

  • Keywords unique to installation

  • Registry value/environment variable settings

  • Database manager configuration parameter settings.

step  2.

Customize the sample response file for the installation type that you want to perform. To activate an item in a response file:

  1. Remove the asterisk (*) to the left of the variable.

  2. Erase the current setting to the right of the equal sign (=).

  3. Enter the new setting to the right of the equal sign (=); possible settings are listed to the right of the current setting.

The following is a section of the db2thin.rsp sample response file:

* Required Global DB2 Registry Variable
* -------------------------------------
DB2INSTPROF                   = C:\CFG
* General Options
* ---------------
*TYPE                          = 0,1,2  (0=compact, 1=typical, 2=custom)
*COMP                          = ODBC_SUPPORT
*COMP                          = CONTROL_CENTER
*COMP                          = EVENT_ANALYZER
*COMP                          = WEB_ADMINISTRATION
*COMP                          = QUERYMONITOR
*COMP                          = TRACKER
*COMP                          = QUERYADMIN
*COMP                          = COMMAND_CENTER
*COMP                          = DOCUMENTATION
*CREATE_ICONS                  = YES or NO (default=YES)
*REBOOT                        = YES or NO

The TYPE keyword specifies the type of install that you want.

  • Install type 0 specifies a compact install. This option provides you with access to the client code, but none of the other components are accessible from the Thin Client workstation.

  • Install type 1 specifies a typical install, and is the default setting. With this option, all components defined on the code server are accessible from the Thin Client workstation.

  • Install type 2 specifies a custom install. This option allows you to specify specific components to install. Set the TYPE keyword to 2 (Custom Install) and activate the COMP keyword for each component you want to be accessible from the client workstation.


  1. Currently, the DB2 Client configuration files must be stored locally in a writable directory on the Thin Client workstation. By default, the c:\cfg directory will be created (as specified by the DB2INSTPROF keyword in the response file) to store the DB2 client configuration files.

  2. If you want to allow any user to add a database to the system, you must set the CATALOG_NOAUTH database manager configuration parameter to YES in the response file or by updating the database manager configuration file. For information on how to update this database manager configuration parameter, refer to the Administration Guide.

  3. You will need to reboot the target workstation after completing the installation. To have this done automatically, set the REBOOT keyword to Yes.

step  3.

Exit the file. If you have made any changes, save the file under a new file name (using the file extension .rsp) to preserve the original sample response file.

Step 5. Make the Setup Program Accessible to the Target Workstation

This step gives a Thin Client workstation access to the DB2 client code installed on the code server.

From the Thin Client workstation, enter the net use command to attach the shared directory that you created in Step 3. Create a Network Share on the Code Server as follows:

   net use x: \\computer_name\directory_sharename /USER:domain\username 


For example, to assign a shared directory called sqllib on a machine called myserver, to the x: drive, enter the following command:

   net use x: \\myserver\sqllib

Figure hint not displayed.

If you are planning on having a DB2 for Windows NT code server service a Windows 9x Thin Client workstation, make sure that you enter the share name for the directory that you created for Windows 9x Thin Client workstations in Step 2. Create a Windows 9x Code Base on a Windows NT Code Server. For example, sqllib9x.

Step 6. Install the Thin Client Code on a Target Workstation

This step installs the Thin Client code on the target workstation, and sets up the required links to the code server. To install a Thin Client workstation, perform the following steps:

step  1.

At the workstation where the Thin Client code will be installed, log on with a user account that you created to perform the installation in Before you begin.

step  2.

Run the setup program:

  1. Click Start, and select the Run option.

  2. In the Open field, enter the path to the thnsetup command to install a Thin Connect workstation.

    The syntax of the thnsetup command is as follows:
    Syntax of the thnsetup command


    Specifies the path where the DB2 client is installed on the code server. You can specify this parameter as a local directory (if you have entered the net use command to attach the shared directory) or as a share name (for example, \\myserver\sqllib). If you specify a sharename, the setup program will implicitly perform the net use command for you. This parameter is required.


    Specifies the fully qualified response file name. This parameter is required.


    Specifies the fully qualified log file name, where setup information and any errors occurring during setup are logged.

    If you do not specify the log file's name, the default log file name (db2.log) is used. This file is created in a directory called db2log, on the drive where your operating system is installed. This parameter is optional.


    Specifies the computer name of the code server. This parameter is required.


    Specifies the share name of the code server drive or directory where DB2 Thin Client code server is installed. If you specify this parameter, you will not have to perform a net use command to the code server each time you reboot your machine.

    If this share requires that a user account be entered, specify the share name as: sharename,userid,password.

    This parameter is optional.

    For example, to install a Thin Connect workstation where the shared sqllib directory, on a code server called myserver, is mapped as drive x:, enter the following command:

       x:\thnsetup\thnsetup /P x: /U x:\thnsetup\db2thin.rsp /M myserver

step  3.

Check the messages in the log file for installation errors when the installation finishes.

step  4.

After the installation, the workstation must be rebooted before you use the Thin Client workstation.

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