IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Configuring TCP/IP Communications on the DB2 Connect Workstation

This section assumes that TCP/IP is functional on the DB2 Connect and host systems.

You will only need to refer to the instructions in this section if you wish to configure your TCP/IP connection to a host database by hand. TCP/IP can normally be configured automatically using the Client Configuration Assistant (CCA). For more information about the CCA, the communications requirements of your platform, or the protocols supported for communication between your particular client and server, refer to your Quick Beginnings manual.

To set up TCP/IP communications between your DB2 Connect workstation and a host database server, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Identify and record parameter values.

step  2.

Configure the DB2 Connect workstation:

  1. Resolve the host's IP address.

  2. Update the services file.

step  3.

Catalog the TCP/IP node.

step  4.

Catalog the database.

step  5.

Catalog the database as a Database Connection Service (DCS) database.

step  6.

Bind utilities and applications to the database server.

step  7.

Test the host connection.

Figure hint not displayed.

Due to the characteristics of the TCP/IP protocol, TCP/IP may not be immediately notified of the failure of a partner on another host. As a result, a client application accessing a remote DB2 server using TCP/IP, or the corresponding agent at the server, may sometimes appear to be hung. DB2 uses the TCP/IP SO_KEEPALIVE socket option to detect when there has been a failure and the TCP/IP connection has been broken.

If you are experiencing problems with your TCP/IP connection, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to adjust this parameter and other common TCP/IP problems.

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