IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Installation Steps

To install DB2, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Install DB2.

step  2.

Create or assign groups and user IDs.

step  3.

Create a DB2 instance.

step  4.

Create the Administration Server.

step  5.

Install the license key.

step  6.

Create links for DB2 files.

You can install DB2 using either of the following methods:

Using SMIT
The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) allows you to install a subset of products and filesets on a single machine. If you want to install only a selected set of DB2 filesets or components, see Install Products or Filesets Using SMIT.

Installing software bundles using SMIT
A software bundle contains a list of filesets that are suited for a particular use. Installation, although easier with software bundles, only occurs on a single machine.

Figure hint not displayed.

If you prefer to use the installp command, you must first mount the DB2 CD-ROM. You also need to mount the CD-ROM if you want to view the Installation Notes or print the postscript manuals prior to installation.

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