IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Configuring NetBIOS on the Server

To access a remote server through NetBIOS, you must first have installed and configured communication software for both the client and server workstations. See Software Requirements for the communication protocol requirements for your platform. See Possible Client-to-Server Connectivity Scenarios for the supported communication protocols for your particular client and server.

Before completing the steps in this section, be sure that you have completed the instructions in Setting the DB2COMM Registry Parameter.

The following steps are required to set up NetBIOS communications:

step  1.

Identify and record parameter values.

step  2.

Configure the server:

  1. Configure the NetBIOS Interface.

  2. Update the database manager configuration file.

Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values

As you proceed through the configuration steps, complete the Your Value column in the following table. You can fill in some of the values before you start configuring this protocol.

Table 19. NetBIOS Values Required at the Server
Parameter Description Sample Value Your Value
Adapter number (adapter_number)

The local logical adapters that will be used for the NetBIOS connection.

The server uses adapter 0 if this parameter is not configured.

Workstation name (nname)

The NetBIOS name of the server workstation.

nname is a name, chosen by the user, which must be unique among all NetBIOS server nodes in the network.

If you are using DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition, ensure that the last 4 characters are unique among all NetBIOS server nodes in the network.

For more information on workstation names, see Workstation Name (nname) Rules


Step 2. Configure the Server

The following steps describe how to configure this protocol on the server. Replace the sample values with your values and record them on your worksheet.

A. Configure the NetBIOS Interface

DB2 uses registry parameters to control its use of the NetBIOS resources on the server. Use the db2nbadapters registry parameter when you want to specify a value other than the default Logical adapter number 0.

Figure hint not displayed.

For the DB2 server, set the db2nbadapters parameter by entering the db2set db2nbadapters=adapter_number command. The adapter_number can be a list of adapter numbers separated by commas.

For the Administration Server, set the db2nbadapters parameter by entering the db2set db2nbadapters=adapter_number -i DB2DAS00 command. The adapter_number can be a list of adapter numbers separated by commas.

For more information, refer to the Administration Guide.

To view or modify the NetBIOS interface configuration, which maps network routes to adapter numbers, perform the following steps:

B. Update the Database Manager Configuration File

You must update the database manager configuration file with the server's Workstation name (nname) parameter.

To update the database manager configuration file, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Log on to the system as a user with System Administrative (SYSADM) authority. For more information, see Working with the System Administrative Group.

step  2.

Update the database manager configuration file with the server's Workstation name (nname) parameter by entering the following commands:

   update database manager configuration using nname nname

For example, if the server's workstation name (nname) is server1, use:

   update database manager configuration using nname server1

After the database manager is stopped and started again, view the database manager configuration file to ensure that these changes have taken effect. View the database manager configuration file by entering the following command:

   get database manager configuration

If you are configuring the Administration Server for NetBIOS, you must update the admin server configuration file. Use the following command:

   update admin configuration using nname nname
   db2admin stop
   db2admin start

Autostarting DB2 with NetBIOS (for Windows NT only)

If your NetBIOS protocol was configured when you installed the server (or the instance-owning machine on DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition), the setup program automatically created a NetBIOS dependency for the server and Administration Server. You will need to manually create a dependency on NetBIOS for any new instances.

To create this dependency, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Go to the x:\sqllib\misc directory, where x: is the drive on which the server was installed

step  2.

Enter the db2depnb command as follows:

   db2depnb instance_name

where instance_name is the name of the instance that you want to create a dependency for.

This records a dependency on the startup order which causes NetBIOS to start before a DB2 instance starts.

Figure hint not displayed.

If you remove the NetBIOS protocol from your network, you must remove the dependencies that were created during installation, and any dependencies that you created for additional instances. Failure to remove these dependencies may cause problems when running DB2 after the NetBIOS protocol has been removed from the network.

To remove a dependency, enter the db2depnb command as follows:

   db2depnb instance_name /r

where instance_name is the name of the instance for which you are removing a dependency.

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