This section describes important planning considerations that you should take into account before attempting to use multisite updates with host and AS/400 database servers.
The following minimum software levels are required to support the SPM. Refer to the Readme file for any additional PTFs that may be required.
All DB2/MVS V3.1 systems PTFs UN73393 and UN76673 (fixes APARs PN67179 and PN70102) All DB2/MVS V4.1 systems PTF UN76674 (fixes APARs PN70102 and PQO3146) All DB2 for OS/390 systems Apply ESO tape 9802 (February, 1998) Exclude the following PTFs from ESO tape 9802: UQ12940 UQ12897 UQ13903 Install the following additional PTFs: UQ15503 UQ15036 Install the fix for APAR PQ15977 OS/390 TCP/IP PTF PQ14253 (V3R3, V3R4) PTF PQ14383 (V3R3)
The following APAR fixes are required: PQ01680 PQ03829 VM60922 VM61072 VM61194
The following database manager configuration parameters are required in order to use the DBS Syncpoint Manager (SPM), on workstations where DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition is installed:
If SNA connectivity is being used, this parameter represents the local LU alias used for communications. It must not be the control point LU. This parameter must be set in order for SPM to start when the database manager is started.
If TCP/IP connectivity is being used with the host system, ensure this name is unique in your network. The suggested value is the TCP/IP hostname of the machine on which the DB2 instance is installed. The generated default value is normally sufficiently unique.
See "Configuring Communications Server for OS/2" for additional information about the use of this parameter with OS/2. See "Configuring Communications Server for Windows NT" for additional information about the use of this parameter with Windows NT. See "Configuring Communications Server for AIX" for additional information about the use of this parameter with AIX.
For more details about these parameters, see the Administration Guide.
In addition to having the correct software prerequisites installed, additional planning is required in order to assign LU names for use by the SPM and its partners if you are using SNA connectivity. See "Setting up SNA Communications for the DB2 Syncpoint Manager (SPM)" for further information about what actions may be required in your installation.