IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Using the Control Center to Configure Server Communications


If you want to set up communications using the command line processor, refer to Using the Command Line Processor to Configure Server Communications.

To complete the steps in this section, you should be familiar with how to start the Control Center. For more information, see Appendix A. Basic Task Knowledge.


When you add a new protocol to your network, you must install the appropriate support on the server.

The installation program automatically detects and configures most communication protocols on your system. Use the instructions in this section to update configuration settings, or to add support for a new communications protocol.


Before you can use the Control Center, ensure that you have a running Administration Server. By default, the installation program created and configured an Administration Server on your Windows 32-bit or OS/2 workstation. On UNIX workstations, the installation program does not automatically create or configure an Administration Server. For more information, refer to the Administration Guide.

The Control Center is a graphical tool used to administer DB2 databases. Use the Control Center's setup communications function to configure communications on a DB2 server. The Control Center allows you to:

The setup communications function can be used to maintain communications for both local and remote server instances, provided that an Administration Server is running on the server system.


Modifying an instance's communications settings may require you to update the database connection catalogs on the client.

You can do this by:

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