IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Serving Documentation in Multiple Languages

To serve translated versions of the DB2 online documentation on the web, you might prefer to start with a UNIX server, where you can use symbolic links instead of making multiple copies of files and directories.

When you install DB2 on a UNIX server, you can select one or more languages for the "product library", that is, the HTML books. English (en_US) HTML books are always installed with books in any other language, because some books are available only in English.

The installation through the db2setup command creates a doc/html subdirectory that contains a link to each translated book or individual HTML file, or the English one if no translated version is available.

The doc/html subdirectory can be found in the following paths on UNIX systems:

This provides a "well-known" location for the DB2 documentation, regardless of the language chosen.

If you install through the smit or another native operating system installation tool instead of the db2setup command, you must follow the instructions in the Quick Beginnings book for running the db2insthtml command. You must run this command for each language in which you installed DB2 documentation.

For example, if you used smit on AIX to install English, German, and French documentation, you would run these commands afterward:

   cd /usr/lpp/db2_06_01/doc
   db2insthtml en_US
   db2insthtml de_DE
   db2insthtml fr_FR

Specifying the fr_FR locale last means that the links in /usr/lpp/db2_06_01/doc/html would point to the French versions of files that are translated into French, and English files for everything else.

Example 1: English and Japanese
You want to set up a web server for users who speak only Japanese, or a mixture of Japanese and English. Because only two languages are involved, you can select both the English and Japanese languages for the Product Library and set up a virtual directory on the server that points to the doc/html subdirectory, which has links to all the Japanese books, and to English books where no translated version is available. The index.htm file in this directory provides a list of all the product manuals, and is the place to begin when looking for information.

Example 2: English, Japanese and Swedish
Now, you want to set up a web server for users who speak a mixture of Japanese, English, and Swedish. The Japanese books are in the doc/ja_JP/html subdirectory, the English books are in the doc/en_US/html subdirectory, and the Swedish books are in the doc/sv_SE/html subdirectory. The Japanese and Swedish directories (indeed, all non-English directories) have symbolic links so that any books that are not translated are displayed in English.

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