IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Configuring APPC on the Server

To access a remote server through APPC, you must first have installed and configured communication software on both the client and server workstations. This section describes how to set up APPC communications for inbound client connections on a DB2 Connect or DB2 Universal Database server. These connections can be from workstations running DB2 clients, host database clients, or AS/400 database clients. See Software Requirements for the communication protocol requirements for your platform. See Possible Client-to-Server Connectivity Scenarios for the supported communication protocols for your particular client and server.

Before completing the steps in this section, be sure that you have completed the instructions in Setting the DB2COMM Registry Parameter.

The following steps are required to set up APPC communications:

step  1.

Identify and record parameter values.

step  2.

Configure the server:

  1. Update the database manager configuration file.

  2. Configure the APPC communications subsystem.

Step 1. Identify and Record Parameter Values

Before you configure the server, fill in copies of the worksheet in Table 22.

After you fill in the Your Value entries, you can use the worksheet to configure APPC communications for inbound connections. During the configuration process, replace the sample values that appear in the configuration instructions with your values from the worksheet, using the boxed numbers (for example, (1)) to relate the configuration instructions to the worksheet values.

Figure hint not displayed.

The worksheet and configuration instructions supply suggested or sample values for required configuration parameters. For other parameters, use the communications program's default values. If your network configuration is different from that used in the instructions, consult your Network Administrator for values that are appropriate to your network.

Table 22. APPC Values Required at the Server
Ref. # Name on the Server Sample Value Your Value
(1) Network ID SPIFNET
(2) Local Control Point Name NYX1GW
(3) Local node or Node ID 071 27509
(4) Local LU name NYX1GW0A
(5) Local LU alias NYX1GW0A
(6) Mode name IBMRDB
(7) Service TP name X'07'6DB
(8) Application TP name DB2DRDA

For each server that you are connecting to, fill in a copy of the worksheet as follows:

  1. For network ID ((1)), determine the network name of the server workstation.

  2. Determine the local control point name or control point LU ((2)) to be used for the server workstation. This is usually the same as the Local node or Physical Unit name for the system.

  3. For local node or node ID ((3)), determine the IDBLK and IDNUM of the server workstation. The default value should be correct, or you can obtain the required values from your Network or System Administrator.

  4. Determine the local LU name ((4)) to be used by the server. If you use a Syncpoint Manager to manage multisite updates (two-phase commit), the local LU should be the LU used for the SPM. In this case, that LU cannot also be the Control Point LU.

  5. For local LU alias ((5)), you usually use the same value as for the local LU name ((4)).

  6. For mode name ((6)), usually the default IBMDRB is sufficient.

  7. For Service TP name ((7)) and Application TP name ((8)), choose a name of up to 64 characters, or use the default transaction programs, X'07'6DB' or and DB2DRDA.

Figure hint not displayed.

You will need to record the following entries from the worksheet so that they can be used to configure communications and directories for each client from which you will be accepting connections:

  1. Network ID ((1))

  2. Local Control Point name ((2))

  3. Local LU name ((4))

  4. Mode name ((6))

  5. Transaction program name ((7)) or ((8)).

Step 2. Configure the Server

The following steps describe how to configure this protocol on the server. Replace the sample value with your value as recorded on your worksheet.

A. Update the Database Manager Configuration File

Figure car not displayed.

If you want to use only the default transaction programs for a single DB2 instance, you do not need to configure the tpname database manager configuration parameter. Skip this step and go to B. Configure the APPC Communications Subsystem.

The default transaction program names are DB2DRDA and X'07'6DB'. To configure a DB2 instance to listen for a TP other than, or in addition to, the default TPs, you must configure the TP name in the tpname database manager configuration parameter. You must also configure a unique TP name if you have multiple instances on the server.

To update the database manager configuration file with the transaction program name (8)), perform the following steps:

step  1.

Log on to the system as a user with System Administrative (SYSADM) authority. For more information, see Working with the System Administrative Group.

step  2.

For UNIX servers, set up the instance environment and invoke the DB2 command line processor as follows:

  1. Run db2profile or db2cshrc as follows:
       . INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile    (for Bourne or Korn shell)
       source INSTHOME/sqllib/db2cshrc (for C shell)

    where INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance.

  2. Start the DB2 command line processor by entering the db2 command.

step  3.

Update the database manager configuration file with the server's transaction program name (tpname) by entering the following commands:

   update dbm cfg using tpname tpname

For example, if the server's transaction program name is DB2DRDA, use:

   update dbm cfg using tpname DB2DRDA

If you are configuring the Administration Server to use APPC, you must also update the admin server configuration file. If the Administration Server's transaction program name is DB2ADMIN, enter the following command:

   update admin configuration using tpname DB2ADMIN
   db2admin stop
   db2admin start

If your server contains multiple instances, each accepting connections using APPC, then each instance requires a unique TP on which to listen. Only one of these instances can listen for the default TPs. The db2servicetpinstance registry variable controls which instance listens for the default TPs (on OS/2, Windows NT, or AIX). Set this value to the name of the instance you want to listen for these default TPs.

For example, to ensure that the instance MYINST listens for default transaction programs, enter the following command:


Consider the following server configuration:

In this configuration, MYINST1 instance will listen for the MYTP1 in addition to the default TPs DB2DRDA and X'X'07'6DB'. The MYINST2 instance will continue to listen for the MYTP2 TP.

If this registry value is not set and multiple instances are configured to support APPC connections, then unpredictable results will occur.

B. Configure the APPC Communications Subsystem

To configure your DB2 server to accept remote clients using APPC, you need to update the APPC communications subsystem to support the transaction program name that the server will use.

Figure car not displayed.

Go to the section that provides the APPC inbound client connection instructions for your operating system:

Configuring IBM eNetwork Communications Server for AIX V5.0.2.4

This chapter describes how to configure your IBM eNetwork Communications Server V5.0.2.4 for AIX (CS/AIX) to accept inbound APPC client connections. CS/AIX is the only product supported for this purpose.Before you begin, ensure that your workstation has CS/AIX installed.

For more information on setting up your environment, refer to the online help supplied with CS/AIX.

The following assumptions have been made:

Use the Your Values entries in the worksheet in Table 22 to complete the steps below.

Figure hint not displayed.

DB2 automatically configures CS/AIX with the transaction program parameters required to accept inbound APPC connections. These instructions describe the remaining steps required to configure your APPC communications for inbound connections.

To configure CS/AIX to accept inbound APPC connections, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Log on to the system as a user with root authority and start the /usr/bin/X11/xsnaadmin program. The Node window for the server opens.

step  2.

Define a node

  1. Select Services->Configure Node Parameters from the menu bar. The Node Parameters window opens.
    Node Parameters Window

  2. Click on the APPN support drop down box and select the End node option.

  3. Enter your Network ID ((1)) and Control Point name ((2)).

  4. Enter your Control Point name ((2)) in the Control point alias fields.

  5. Enter your Node ID ((3)) in the Node ID fields.

  6. Click on OK.

step  3.

Define a port

  1. Select the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.

  2. Click on the Add push button. The Add to node window opens.
    Add to Node Window

  3. Select the Port using radio button.

  4. Click on the Port using drop down box and select the appropriate port.

    Figure hint not displayed.

    For our example, we will select the Token ring card option.

  5. Click on OK. The Port window for the chosen port type opens.
    Token Ring SAP window

  6. Enter a name for the port in the SNA port name field.

  7. Select the Initially active checkbox.

  8. From the Connection network box, select the Define on a connection network checkbox.

  9. Enter your Network ID ((1)) and Control Point name ((2)) in the CN name fields.

  10. Click on OK. The Token ring SAP window closes and a new port appears in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.

step  4.

Define a local LU

  1. Select the Independent local LUs window.

  2. Click on the Add push button. The Local LU window opens.
    Local LU window

  3. Enter your independent Local LU name ((4)) in the LU name field.

  4. Enter the same name in the LU alias ((5)) field.

  5. Click on OK. The new LU appears in the Independent local LUs window.

step  5.

Define a mode

  1. Select Services->APPC->Modes from the menu bar. The Modes window opens.
    Modes window

  2. Click on the New push button. The Mode window opens.
    Mode Window

  3. Enter your Mode name ((6)) in the Name field.

  4. The configuration values below are suggested for the following fields:

    • Initial Session limits: 20

    • Maximum Session limits: 32767

    • Min con. winner sessions: 10

    • Min con. loser sessions: 10

    • Auto-activated session: 4

    • Initial Receive pacing window: 8

    These values are suggested because they are known to work. You will need to tailor these values so that they are optimized for your particular application environment.

  5. Click on OK. The new mode appears in the Mode window.

  6. Click on Done.

step  6.

Close the CS/AIX administration program.

step  7.

Test the APPC connection

  1. Start the SNA subsystem by entering the /usr/bin/sna start command. You can enter the /usr/bin/sna stop command to stop the SNA subsystem first, if required.

  2. Start the SNA administration program. You can enter either the /usr/bin/snaadmin command or the /usr/bin/X11/xsnaadmin command.

  3. Start the subsystem node. Select the appropriate node icon in the button bar, and click on the Start button.

You have now finished setting up your workstation for inbound APPC communications.

Configuring IBM eNetwork Communications Server for Windows NT V5.01

This section describes how to configure IBM eNetwork Communications Server for Windows NT V5.01 (CS/NT) to accept inbound APPC client connections

Before you begin, ensure that the IBM Communications Server for Windows NT you installed complies with the following restrictions:

__  1.

APAR fixes JR11529 and JR11170. These fixes are required to enable cancelling of queries in progress by using Ctrl-BREAK or issuing the SQLCancel ODBC/CLI call.

__  2.

IBM Communications Server IEEE 802.2 LAN interface (this is an installation option for Communications Server) or LLC2 driver installed from the IBM Communications Server installation directory. During installation CS/NT asks if you want to install LLC2. If you are not sure whether LLC2 was installed with your copy of CS/NT, you can find out as follows:

step  a.

Click on the Start push button, then select Settings->Control Panel.

step  b.

Double-click on the Network icon.

step  c.

On the Network window, click on the Protocols tab. IBM LLC2 Protocol must be one of the protocols listed. If it is not, you need to install this protocol from your IBM Communications Server for Windows NT software. Refer to its documentation for instructions.

For more information on setting up your environment, refer to the online help supplied with CS/NT, or to the following publications:

The following assumptions have been made:

Use the Your Values entries in the worksheet in Table 22 to complete the steps below.

To configure CS/NT to accept inbound APPC connections, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Start IBM Communications Server for Windows NT

  1. Click Start and select Programs->IBM Communications Server->SNA Node Configuration. The IBM Communications Server SNA Node Configuration window opens.

  2. Select File->New->Advanced.

step  2.

Configure the node

  1. In the Configuration options box, select Configure Node, then click on the New push button. The Define the Node window opens.

  2. Enter your Network ID ((1)) and local Control Point name ((2)) in the Fully qualified CP name fields.

  3. Enter the same name in the CP alias field ((2)).

  4. Enter your Node ID ((3)) in the Local Node ID field.

  5. Select the End Node radio button.

  6. Click on OK.

step  3.

Configure devices

  1. In the Configuration options field, select Configure devices.

  2. Select the appropriate DLC from DLCs field. These instructions use the LAN DLC.

  3. Click on the New button. The appropriate window opens with default values displayed. In this case, the Define a LAN device window opens.

  4. Click on OK to accept the default values.

step  4.

Configure the gateway

Figure car not displayed.

You need to perform this step only if you are setting up Communications Server to accept requests from Communications Server for Windows NT SNA API Client, as described in Configuring IBM eNetwork Communications Server for Windows NT SNA API Client.

  1. In the Configuration options field, select Configure the Gateway, then click on the New button. The Define Gateway window opens.

  2. Select the SNA Clients tab.

  3. Select the Enable SNA API Client Services check box.

  4. Click on OK to accept the default values.

step  5.

Configure modes

  1. In the Configuration options field, select Configure modes, then click on the New button. The Define a mode window opens.

  2. Enter your mode name ((6)) in the Mode name field.

  3. Select the Advanced tab.

  4. Select #CONNECT from the Class of Service Name field.

  5. Click on OK.

step  6.

Configure Local LU 6.2

  1. In the Configuration options field, select Configure local LU 6.2, then click on the New push button. The Define a local LU 6.2 window opens.

  2. Enter your Local LU name ((4)) in the Local LU name field.

  3. Enter a value for the LU session limit field. The default, 0, specifies the maximum allowed value.

  4. Accept the defaults for the other fields.

  5. Click on OK.

step  7.

Create a service Transaction Program

  1. In the Configuration options field, select Configure Transaction Programs.

  2. Click on the New push button. The Define a Transaction Program window opens.

  3. Select the Basic tab.

  4. Select the Service TP check box.

  5. Specify a service TP ((7)) in the TP name field.

  6. Select the Background Process check box.

  7. Select the Advanced tab.

  8. Change the default in the Receive Allocate timeout field to 0 (no timeout).

  9. If you are configuring Communications Server for use with Communication Server SNA Client, select the For SNA API Client use check box.

  10. Accept the defaults for the other fields.

  11. Click on OK.

step  8.

Create an Application Transaction Program

  1. In the Configuration options field, select Configure Transaction Programs, then click on the New push button. The Define a Transaction Program window opens.

  2. Select the Basic tab.

  3. Clear the the Service TP check box.

  4. Specify an application TP name ((8)) in the TP name field.

  5. Select the Background Process check box.

  6. Select the Advanced tab.

  7. Change the default in the Receive Allocate timeout field to 0 (no timeout).

  8. If you are configuring Communications Server for use with Communication Server SNA Client, select the For SNA API Client use check box.

  9. Accept the defaults for the other fields.

  10. Click on OK.

step  9.

Save the configuration

  1. Select File->Save As. The Save As window opens.

  2. Type in a file name, for example ny3.acg, and click on OK.

  3. In the window that opens, you are asked if you want this configuration to be the default. Click on the Yes button.

step 10.

Update the environment

IBM Communications Server uses an environment variable called APPCLLU to set the default Local LU used for APPC communications. You may set this variable on a per-session basis by opening a command window and entering set appcllu=local_lu_name, where local_lu_name is the name of the local LU you want to use. However, you will probably find it more convenient to permanently set the variable. To permanently set the variable in Windows NT, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Start and select Settings->Control Panel.

  2. Double-click on the System icon. The System Properties window opens.

  3. Select the Environment tab.

  4. Type APPCLLU in the Variable field.

  5. Type your local LU name ((4)) in the Value field.

  6. Click on the Set push button to accept the changes.

  7. Click on OK to exit the System Properties window.

The environment variable will now remain set for future sessions.

step 11.

Start SNA Node Operations

  1. Click Start and select Programs->IBM Communication Server->SNA Node Operations. The SNA Node Operations window opens.

  2. Select Operations->Start Node from the menu bar.

  3. In the window that opens, select the configuration file you saved in the previous step (for example, ny3.acg) and click on OK.

Figure hint not displayed.

After installing Communications Server you should register it as a Windows NT Service. This will automatically start Communications Server when the machine is booted.

To register Communications Server as an NT service enter the following command. Either:

   csstart -a

to register Communications Server with the default configuration, or:

   csstart -a c:\ibmcs\private\your.acg

where c:\ibmcs\private\your.acg represents the name of the non-default Communications Server configuration file that you want to use.

Whenever your machine is booted in the future, Communications Server will be started automatically with the required configuration file.

Figure car not displayed.

Now that you have configured the server, you are ready to install a DB2 client. Go to Installing DB2 Clients for more information.

Configuring IBM eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2

This section describes how to configure IBM eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 V5 (CS/2) to accept inbound APPC client connections.

Before you begin, ensure that your workstation has CS/2 V5 or later for OS/2 installed.

For more information on setting up your environment, refer to the online help supplied with CS/2, or to the following publications:

The following assumptions have been made:

Use the Your Values entries in the worksheet in Table 22 to complete the steps below.

Figure hint not displayed.

These instructions describe how to create new profiles within a new configuration. If you are modifying an existing configuration, you may need to delete some profiles before you can verify the configuration.

To configure your system, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Start a new configuration

  1. Double-click on the IBM eNetwork Communications Server icon.

  2. Double-click on the Communications Manager Setup icon.

  3. On the Communications Manager Setup panel, click on the Setup push button.

  4. On the Open Configuration panel, provide a name for a new configuration file and click on OK. The Communications Manager Configuration Definition window opens.
    Configuration Definition panel.

step  2.

Configure the protocol

  1. Select the Commonly used definitions radio button.

  2. In the Communications Definitions box, select the protocol that you want to use.

    Figure hint not displayed.

    These intructions use APPC APIs over Token-Ring.

  3. Click on the Configure push button. The APPC APIs over Token-Ring window opens.

  4. Enter your Network ID ((1)) and local Control Point name ((2)) in the corresponding fields.

  5. Click on the End node push button that your network administrator advises you to use.

    Figure hint not displayed.

    You can select either the End node - to a network node server radio button or the End node - no network node server radio button. A network node server is used when many users are routed through the same connection. This example assumes no network node server is used.

  6. Click on the Advanced push button. The Communications Manager Profile List window opens.
    Communications Manager Profile List window

    Figure hint not displayed.

    Subsequent steps begin from this window. You will return to this window when each of the following steps are completed.

step  3.

Prepare a LAN DLC profile

  1. On the Profile List window, select the DLC - Token ring or other LAN Types Adapter Parameters option and click on the Configure push button. The Token Ring or Other Lan Types Adapter Parameters window opens.

  2. Enter your Network ID ((1)) in the Network ID field.

  3. Click on OK.

step  4.

Update the SNA local node characteristics

  1. On the Profile List window, select the SNA local node characteristics option and click on the Configure push button. The Local Node Characteristic window opens.

  2. Enter your Network ID ((1)) in the Network ID field.

  3. The Local node name ((2)) was probably set when CS/2 was installed. If you are not sure, consult your local network administrator.

  4. Enter your Node ID ((3)) in the Local node ID (hex) field.

    Figure hint not displayed.

    The first part should be filled in for you already when you display the profile. You only need to complete the second part.

  5. Click on OK.

step  5.

Set SNA features

  1. On the Profile List window, select the SNA features option and click on the Configure push button. The SNA Features List window opens. Subsequent steps begin from this window.
    SNA Features List window.

step  6.

Prepare a local LU profile

If the DB2 workstation is defined as an independent LU, prepare a Local LU Profile by performing the following steps:

  1. On the SNA Features List window, select Local LUs->Create from the action menu bar.

  2. Enter your Local LU name ((4)) in the LU name field.

  3. Enter your Local LU alias ((5)) in the alias field.

  4. Select the Independent LU radio button in the NAU address box.

  5. Click on OK.

step  7.

Prepare a mode definition

  1. From the SNA Features List box, select the Modes option and click on the Create push button. The Mode Definition window opens.
    Mode Definition Window

  2. Enter your Mode name ((6)) in the mode name field.

  3. For the other fields, you can either specify values that match the mode profile defined on your server systems, or tune the parameters.

  4. Click on OK to finish the creation of the mode and to return to the SNA Features List panel.

step  8.

Define a transaction program name

  1. From the SNA Features List panel, double-click on Transaction Program Definitions. The Transaction Program Definition window opens.

  2. Specify your transaction program name ((8)) in the Transaction program (TP) name field.

  3. Enter any string, for example, notused, in the OS/2 program path and file name field. This field will not be used to determine the actual transaction program location, but must be filled to continue with the configuration steps.

  4. Select the Conversation security required check box.

  5. Click on the Continue push button. The Additional TP Parameters window opens.

  6. Select the Background radio button from the Presentation type group.

  7. Select the Queued, operator preloaded radio button from the Operation type group.

  8. Click on OK to finish the TP name definition and return to the SNA Features List panel.

step  9.

Define conversation security

  1. From the SNA Features List panel, double-click on Security. The Conversation Security window opens.

  2. Select the Utilize User Profile Management check box.

  3. Click on the Add push button.

  4. Click on OK to finish the conversation security definition and return to the SNA Features List panel.

step 10.

Save the configuration

  1. Click on the Close button to return to the Comminucation Server Configuration Definition window.

  2. Click on the Close button to automatically verify and save the new configuration file, and leave the configuration windows.

  3. Stop and start Communications Server. Select Stop Communications Normally->Start Communications.

You have now finished setting up your workstation for inbound APPC communications.

Configuring IBM eNetwork Personal Communications for Windows NT

This chapter describes how to configure IBM eNetwork Personal Communications V4.30 for Windows NT (PCOMM/NT) to accept inbound APPC client connections.

Before you begin, ensure that the IBM eNetwork Personal Communications software you installed:

__  1.

Is Version 4.30 or higher

__  2.

Has the LLC2 driver installed from the IBM Communications Server installation directory. To confirm this, perform the following steps:

step  a.

Click on the Start push button, then select Settings->Control Panel.

step  b.

Double-click on the Network icon. The Network window opens.

step  c.

On the Network window, click on the Protocols tab.

step  d.

Verify that IBM LLC2 Protocol is one of the protocols listed. If it is not, you need to install this protocol from your IBM Personal Communications for Windows NT software. Refer to its documentation for instructions.

For more information on setting up your environment, refer to the online help supplied with PCOMM/NT or to the following publications:

The following assumptions have been made:

Use the Your Values entries in the worksheet in Table 22 to complete the steps below.

To start IBM Personal Communications, complete the following steps:

step  1.

Click Start and select Programs->IBM Communications Server->SNA Node Configuration. The IBM Personal Communications SNA Node Configuration window opens.
Configuration Window

step  2.

Select File->Newfrom the menu bar. The Define the Node window opens. Subsequent steps will begin from this window.

To configure APPC communications, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Configure the Node

  1. In the Configuration options box, select Configure Node, then click on the New push button. The Define the Node window opens.

  2. In the Fully qualified CP name fields, type in your Network ID ((1)) and local Control Point name ((2)).

  3. Optionally, in the CP alias field, type in a CP alias. If you leave this blank the local control point name ((2)) will be used.

  4. Enter your Node ID ((3)) in the Local Node ID fields.

  5. Click on OK.

step  2.

Configure the device

  1. In the Configuration options box, select Configure devices.

  2. Select the appropriate DLC from DLCs field. These instructions use the LAN DLC.

  3. Click on the New button. The appropriate window opens with default values displayed. In this case, the Define a LAN device window opens.

  4. Click on OK to accept the default values.

step  3.

Configure Modes

  1. In the Configuration options box, select Configure modes, then click on the New push button. The Define a mode window opens.

  2. Enter your Mode name ((6)) in the Mode name field of the Basic tab.

  3. Select the Advanced tab.

  4. Select #CONNECT from the Class of Service Name field.

  5. Click on OK.

step  4.

Configure Local LU 6.2

  1. In the Configuration options box, select Configure local LU 6.2, then click on the New button. The Define a local LU 6.2 window opens.

  2. Enter your Local LU name ((4)) in the Local LU name field.

  3. Type in a value for the LU session limit field. The default, 0, specifies the maximum allowed value. Accept the defaults for the other fields.

  4. Click on OK.

step  5.

Create a service Transaction Program

  1. In the Configuration options field, select Configure Transaction Programs.

  2. Click on the New push button. The Define a Transaction Program window opens.

  3. Select the Basic tab.

  4. Specify a service TP ((7)) in the TP name field.

  5. Select the Advanced tab.

  6. Change the default in the Receive Allocate timeout field to 0 (no timeout).

  7. Accept the defaults for the other fields.

  8. Click on OK.

step  6.

Create an Application Transaction Program

  1. In the Configuration options field, select Configure Transaction Programs, then click on the New button. The Define a Transaction Program window opens.

  2. Select the Basic tab.

  3. Clear the the Service TP check box.

  4. Specify an application TP name ((8)) in the TP name field.

  5. Select the Background Process check box.

  6. Select the Advanced tab.

  7. Change the default in the Receive Allocate timeout field to 0 (no timeout).

  8. Accept the defaults for the other fields.

  9. Click on OK.

step  7.

Save the configuration

  1. Select File->Save As. The Save As window opens.

  2. Type in a file name, for example ny3.acg, and click on OK.

  3. In the window that opens, you are asked if you want this configuration to be the default. Click on the Yes push button.

step  8.

Update the environment

IBM Personal Communications uses an environment variable called appcllu to set the default Local LU used for APPC communications. You may set this variable on a per-session basis by opening a command window and typing set appcllu=local_lu_name, where local_lu_name is the name of the local LU you want to use. However, you will probably find it more convenient to permanently set the variable. To permanently set the variable in Windows NT, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the Start push button and select Settings->Control Panel.

  2. Double-click on the System icon. The System Properties window opens.

  3. Select the Environment tab.

  4. Type appcllu in the Variable field.

  5. Type your local LU name ((4)) in the Value field.

  6. Click on the Set push button to accept the changes.

  7. Click on OK to exit the System Properties window.

The environment variable will now remain set for future sessions.

step  9.

Start SNA Node Operations

  1. Click Start and select Programs->IBM Personal Communications->Administrative and PD Aids->SNA Node Operations. The Personal Communications SNA Node Operations window opens.
    SNA Node Operations Window

  2. From the menu bar, select Operations->Start Node.

  3. In the window that opens, select the configuration file you saved in the previous step (for example, ny3.acg) and click on OK.

You have now finished setting up your workstation for inbound APPC communications.

Configuring Microsoft SNA Server for Windows NT

This section describes how to configure your Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 to accept inbound APPC client connections.

For more information on setting up your environment, refer to the online help supplied with SNA Server, or to the following publications:

The following assumptions have been made:

Use the Your Values entries in the worksheet in Table 22 to complete the steps below.

Figure hint not displayed.

The transaction program name required for inbound APPC connections is automatically defined for the worksation when the SNA Server is installed. These instructions describe the remaining steps required to configure your APPC communications for inbound connections.

You can define the properties of your SNA connections in the Microsoft SNA Server Manager. The Server Manager uses an interface similar to that of the Windows NT Explorer. Figure 1 shows the interface. There are two panes in the main window of the Manager. All the required configuration options can be accessed by right-clicking on objects in the left-hand pane of the window. Every object has a context menu that you can access by right-clicking on the object.

Figure 1. The Microsoft SNA Server Manager

The Microsoft SNA Server Manager

To configure APPC communications for inbound connections using Microsoft SNA Server Manager, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Start the Server Manager by clicking on the Start button and selecting Programs->Microsoft SNA Server->Manager.

step  2.

Define the control point name

  1. Click on the [+] sign beside the Servers folder.

  2. Right-click on the SNA Service folder and select the Properties option. The Properties window opens.

  3. Enter your Network ID ((1)) in the NETID field.

  4. Enter your local Control Point name ((2)) in the Control Point Name field.

  5. Click on OK.

step  3.

Define a local LU

  1. Right-click on the SNA Service icon and select the Insert->APPC->Local Lu option. The Local APPC LU Properties window opens.

  2. Enter the following information:

    1. The LU alias ((5)).

    2. The NETID((1)).

    3. The LU name ((4)).

  3. Select the Advanced tab.

  4. Select the Member of Default Outgoing Local APPC LU Pool option. Accept the other defaults.

  5. Click on OK.

step  4.

Define a mode

  1. Right-click on the APPC Modes folder, and select the Insert->APPC->Mode Definition option. The APPC Mode Properties window opens.
    APPC Mode Properties - General

  2. Enter the Mode Name (6) in the Mode Name field.

  3. Select the Limits tab.

  4. Enter appropriate numbers in the Parallel Session Limit and Minimum Contention Winner Limit fields. Your Network administrator should be able to supply you with the numbers if you do not know the limits you should place here.

  5. Accept the other defaults, and click on OK.

step  5.

Save the configuration

  1. Select File->Save File in the Server Manager window. The Save File window opens.

  2. Type a unique name for your configuration into the File Name field.

  3. Click on the Save button. Your configuration is now saved.

You have now finished setting up your workstation for inbound APPC communications.

Configuring SunLink SNA for Solaris

This chapter describes how to configure your Solaris server to accept inbound APPC client connections.

Before you begin, ensure that your workstation has SunLink SNA PU 2.1 Server for Solaris installed.

For more information on setting up your environment, refer to:

The following assumptions have been made:

Use the Your Values entries in the worksheet in Table 22 to complete the steps below.

To configure the SunLink SNA PU 2.1 Server to accept inbound APPC connections, log on as root and edit or create the Server configuration file. This file is called sunpu2.config, and it must be placed in /opt/SUNWpu21, or the directory where SunLink SNA PU 2.1 Server is installed. You can use any plain text editor to create the configuration file.

The example below shows the configuration file sections required for configuring the server to accept inbound APPC client connections. Other sections that are not shown are required for establishing server to host connections.

// SunLink SunLU6.2/SunPU2.1 SNA Server Sample Configuration
// Token Ring Peer-to-Peer System A @(#)
// The physical connection is a Token Ring interface adapter.
CP      NAME=NYX1GW                     // Local name (8 char max)
        NQ_CP_NAME=SPIFNET.NYX1GW       // Network Qualified Name
TRLINE  NAME=MAC1                       // SunLink specific name
        SOURCE_ADDRESS=x'400011527509'  // sysA_mac_addr for Sun machine
LU      NAME=NYX1GW0A                   // Local name (8 char max)
        NQ_LU_NAME=SPIFNET.NYX1GW0A     // Network Qualified Name
        SESS_LMT=50                     // Max LU sessions
MODE    NAME=IBMRDB                     // Mode Name (8 char max)
        DLC_NAME=NYX2                   // Associated DLC
        PTNR_LU_NAME=NYX2               // Associated Local LU
        LCL_MAX_SESS_LMT=30             // Max Session Limit
        MIN_CW_SESS=15                  // Min Conwinners
        MIN_CL_SESS=15                  // Min Conlosers
// This section adds DLC for the inbound APPC client NYX2
DLC     NAME=NYX2,                      // User defined name (8 char max)
        LINK_NAME=MAC1,                 // Line name this station is on
        LCLLSAP=x'04',                  // Local Link Service Access Point
        RMTLSAP=x'04',                  // Remove Link Service Access Point
        RMTMACADDR=x'400011528901',     // sysB_mac_addr
        TERMID=x'05d27510',             // IDNUM and IDBLK = XID
// This section defines the partner LU NYX2
PTNR_LU NAME=NYX2,                      // Partner LU name (8 char max)
        LOC_LU_NAME=NYX1GW0A,               // Associated Local LU
        NQ_LU_NAME=SPIFNET.NYX2         // Network Qualified Name
        SEC_ACCEPT=ALREADY_VERIFIED     // Accept client as already verified
// This section adds the TP name NYSERVER
// and associates it with the local LU NYX1GW01
TP      TP_NAME=DB2DRDA,                // TP Name
        LOC_LU_NAME=NYX1GW0A,           // Associated Local LU
        CONV_TYPE=BASIC,                // Conversation Type
SECURITY LOC_LU_NAME=NYX1GW0A,          // Local LU Alias
         USER_ID=USERID,                // User id
         PASSWORD=PASSWORD,             // Password (since UNIX_SEC=NO)

When you have finished editing and saving the server configuration file, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Start and stop the SunLINK subsystem

  1. Change to the SunLink directory, which is usually /opt/SUNWpu21.

  2. Set up environment variables for FlexLM licensing. For example:
       export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/openwin/lib:/usr/lib
       export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/etc/opt/licenses/licenses_combined

    For more information, refer to the SunLink documentation.

  3. Ensure you have created the SNA server configuration file in the /opt/SUNWpu21 directory.

  4. Use the sunop utility to check the status of SunLink SNA if it is already started.

    Check to see if the PU and/or DLC status is connected. Refer to the SunLink documentation for details of the sunop utility.

  5. Stop SunLink if it is active. For example, enter:
       kill -9

  6. Start SunLink using the following command:

step  2.

Set the following environment variables:


Name of the DB2 for Solaris server (usually the TCP/IP hostname).


Name of the local LU name provided in the SNA configuration file ((4)).

Export these on the server machine.

You have now finished setting up your workstation for inbound APPC communications.

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