IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Create a Response File

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If you have already set up and configured a DB2 product and you want to distribute this exact configuration across your network, we recommend that you use the response file generator to create the response file for your installation. For more information on creating a response file see, Response File Generator.

If you have already generated a response file using the response file generator, go to Step 3. Run Setup with the Response File from the Client Workstation.

The DB2 CD-ROM includes a ready-to-use sample response file with default entries. The sample response files are located in x:\db2\winnt95\common directory, where x: represents the CD-ROM drive.

Response files are available for each DB2 product, see Available Sample Response Files for more information.

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If you intend to use the sample response file provided, without making any changes to its values, you can skip this step and go to Step 3. Run Setup with the Response File from the Client Workstation.

To edit the appropriate sample response file, perform the following steps:

step  1.

Customize the response file.

To activate an item in the response file, remove the asterisk (*) to the left of the keyword. Then, replace the current setting to the right of the value with the new setting. The possible settings are listed to the right of the equal sign.

Keywords that are unique to installation are only specified in a response file during an distributed installation. For a list of installation keywords, see Important Keywords for OS/2 and Windows 32-Bit Operating Systems.

step  2.

Save the file. If you have made any changes, save the file under a new file name to preserve the original sample response file.

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If you are installing directly from the CD-ROM, you must store the renamed response file on another drive.

For example, the following response file would install a DB2 Administration Client on the c:\sqllib directory, with the reboot and the catalog no authorization options enabled:

FILE                   = c:\sqllib
TYPE                   = 2
PROD                   = ADMIN_CLIENT
REBOOT                 = YES  

If you specify the DB2.CATALOG_NOAUTH=YES keyword, users will not be required to have System Administrative (SYSADM) or System Controller (SYSCTRL) authority to catalog databases.

For more information on this parameter or other configuration parameters, refer to the Administration Guide.

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Install DB2 products only on a drive which is local to the target workstation. Installing on a non-local drive can cause performance and availability problems.

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