IBM Books

Installation and Configuration Supplement

Step 1. Install DB2

Use the swinstall program to install DB2 for HP-UX. To install, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.

  2. Insert the DB2 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and mount it. For example:
       mkdir /cdrom
       /usr/sbin/mount /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cdrom

    where /cdrom represents the CD-ROM mount directory.

  3. Run the swinstall program using the following command:
       swinstall -x autoselect_dependencies=true

    This command opens the Software Selection window and the Specify Source window.

  4. If necessary, change the Source Host Name in the Specify Source window.

  5. Enter the following as the value for the Source Depot Path field:

    where /cdrom represents the CD-ROM mount directory.

  6. To return to the Software Selection window, select the OK button.

  7. The Software Selection window contains a list of available software to install. Highlight one or more of the following products to install:

    DB2 Universal Database Run-Time Client for HP-UX

    DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for HP-UX

    DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition for HP-UX

    DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Edition for HP-UX

    DB2 Universal Database Control Center and Help (all locales)

    DB2 Software Developer's Kit

    DB2 Universal Database Product Library in HTML (all locales)

    DB2 Universal Database Product Messages (all locales)


    1. This CD-ROM contains several DB2 products. Select the products you are licensed to install. Your Proof of Entitlement and License Information booklet identify the products for which you are licensed.

    2. Do not select products DB2V6MSG, DB2V6HTML, and DB2V6WCC. These products are collections of DB2 product messages, HTML documentation in several languages, and the DB2 Control Center and online help. The procedures to install these products are described later in this section.

  8. Select Mark for Install from the Actions menu to choose the product to be installed.

  9. Select OK when the following message appears:
       In addition to the software you just marked, other software was
       automatically marked to resolve dependencies.  This message will
       not appear again.

  10. Select Install (analysis) from the Actions menu to begin product installation and to open the Install Analysis window.

  11. Select OK in the Install Analysis window when the Status field displays a Ready message.

  12. Select the Yes button in the Confirmation window windows to confirm that you want to install the HP-UX software products.

    View the Install window to read processing data while the software is being installed, until the Status field indicates Ready and the Note window opens. The swinstall program loads the fileset, and runs the control scripts for the fileset.

  13. Select Exit from the File menu to exit out of swinstall.

The HP-UX operating system provides detailed help for swinstall. For help, type:

   man swinstall

Install the DB2 Product Library (Optional)

To view DB2 product documents online, HTML versions of these documents are provided for installation. These documents are translated into several languages. However, not every manual in the DB2 product library is translated into multiple languages. The English version of every manual is available in HTML format. When you select a non-English HTML fileset without selecting the English version, the English HTML fileset is also installed.

The DB2V6HTML product includes filesets for all the DB2 product documentation. A separate fileset exists for each language. For example, the fileset name for the DB2 product library in English is DB2V6HTML.en_US. For a complete list of filesets in the DB2V6HTML product, see Contents of the DB2 Products for UNIX platforms.

To install the DB2 Product Library (HTML) filesets, do the following:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.

  2. Insert and mount the DB2 product CD-ROM as described in Step 1. Install DB2.

  3. Run the swinstall command as follows:

  4. From the list of products displayed, highlight the DB2V6HTML product and press Enter.

    This will display a list of all the filesets in the DB2V6HTML product.

  5. Highlight one or more filesets that you want to install and select Mark for Install from the Actions menu.

    For example, to install the DB2 product Library in English, highlight the following fileset:

       en_US     DB2 Product Library (HTML) - English

  6. Follow the remaining installation procedure, starting at Step 9 in Step 1. Install DB2.

    This will install the compressed-tar files for the DB2 documents in the /opt/IBMdb2/V6.1/doc/<lang>/html directory, where <lang> is the language/locale identifier.

  7. Run the following command to uncompress and un-tar the HTML files:
       /opt/IBMdb2/V6.1/doc/db2insthtml lang

    where lang represents the language/locale identified. For example, en_US for English. For valid language/locale identifiers, see the Administration Guide.
    Note:If you are installing a non-English locale, the English locale is installed as well. You should run db2insthtml against the English locale first.

  8. From your Web browser, open the following URL to view DB2 online manuals:

To recover some disk space, you may want to remove the compressed tar files. It is recommended that you do not just remove the compressed tar HTML files; instead, you should remove the fileset for the DB2 Product Library.

After the fileset is removed, only compressed tar files will be removed. You will still be able to view the online DB2 books.

Install DB2 Product Messages (Optional)

While DB2 Product Message documents are translated into several languages, the English language DB2 Product Messages are always installed. To install the DB2 Product Messages in other locales, you have to install one or more filesets in the DB2V6MSG product.

The DB2V6MSG product includes a separate fileset for every locale in which DB2 Product Messages are available. There is no fileset for the English (en_US.iso88591 or en_US.roman8) locale since these messages are installed with the base product. For example, to install the DB2 Product messages in the fr_FR.iso88591 locale, you need to install the fileset DB2V6MSG.fr_FR. For a complete list of filesets in the DB2V6MSG product, see Contents of the DB2 Products for UNIX platforms.

To install DB2 Product Message filesets, do the following:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.

  2. Insert and mount the DB2 product CD-ROM as described in Installation Steps.

  3. Run the swinstall command as follows:

    where /cdrom is the CD-ROM mount directory.

  4. From the list of products displayed, highlight the DB2V6MSG product and press Enter.

    This will display a list of all the filesets in the DB2V6MSG product.

  5. Highlight one or more filesets that you want to install and select Mark for Install from the Actions menu.

  6. Follow the remaining installation procedure, starting at Step 9 in Step 1. Install DB2.

Install DB2 Control Center and Help (Optional)

The Control Center is the main DB2 graphical tool for administering your database. From the Control Center, you get a clear overview of all the systems and database objects being managed. You can also access other administration tools from the Control Center by selecting icons on the Control Center toolbar or from the Tools pop-up menu.

The DB2V6WCC product includes a separate fileset for every locale in which the DB2 Control Center is available. For a complete list of filesets in the DB2V6WCC product, see Contents of the DB2 Products for UNIX platforms.

To install DB2 Control Center filesets, do the following:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.

  2. Insert and mount the DB2 product CD-ROM as described in Installation Steps.

  3. Run the swinstall command as follows:

    where /cdrom is the CD-ROM mount directory.

  4. From the list of products displayed, highlight the DB2V6WCC product and press Enter.

    This will display a list of all the filesets in the DB2V6WCC product.

  5. Highlight one or more filesets that you want to install and select Mark for Install from the Actions menu.

  6. Follow the remaining installation procedure, starting at Step 9 in Step 1. Install DB2.

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