Installing QMF Version 7.2 into the DB2 for VM Database

This chapter explains the steps for performing the installation of QMF Version 7.2 from VM. If you have already installed QMF Version 7.2 and want to install it into another database, follow the directions in this chapter.

If you are installing QMF Version 7.2 for the first time, read the QMF Program Directory first and complete the steps listed therein to unload QMF from tape to disk. Check the program directory for modifications to the procedures described in this chapter, then complete the steps in this chapter to complete the QMF database installation.

The QMF installation uses the Restructured Extended Executor (REXX) language execs to install QMF into a DB2 database. For information on how to use REXX, see the VM System Product Interpreter Reference manual.

Installation considerations:
  1. The QMF-supplied execs that install QMF into a database are designed to prompt the installer for variable information. There is no requirement for your installation to change the supplied installation execs. Every prompt message asks for variable input, and each offers an optional help or cancel response.
  2. All variables are resolved before execution of any given installation step, which can be restarted from the beginning.
  3. Several output files from the execs are routed to the printer. You may want to spool your printer to HOLD before you start the database installation.
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