Prerequisite software

The following table lists the program products with the minimum release levels required to support QMF for MVS Version 7.2. Later releases that are not available at the QMF Version 7.2 announcement time are not supported unless specifically stated otherwise.

Table 2. Prerequisite software for QMF for OS/390 Version 7.2
Prerequisite software for QMF for OS/390
Required software Version and release Number
MVS/ESA SP JES2 or Version 4 Release 2 5695-047
MVS/ESA SP JES3 Version 4 Release 2 5695-048
MVS/Data Facility Product (DFP) Version 3 Release 1 5665-XA3
Database 2(DB2) Version 3 Release 1 5685-DB2
GDDM-MVS Version 2 Release 3 5665-356
For installation only:
Interactive System Product Facility (ISPF)-MVS Version 3 Release 5 5685-504
System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E) Version 1 Release 8 5668-949
For the TSO environment:
TSO/Extensions (TSO/E) Version 2 Release 4 5685-025
For the CICS environment:
CICS/ESA or Version 4 Release 1.1 5655-018
CICS/ESA or Version 3 Release 1 5683-083
CICS/MVS Version 2 Release 1.1 5665-403
Prerequisite software for QMF for OS/390
Required software Version and release Number
MVS/ ESA SP JES2 or Version 5 Release 2 5645-001
MVS/ESA SP JES3 Version 5 Release 2.1 5645-001
DFSMSdfp Version 1 Release 3 5645-001
Database2 (DB2) Version 3 Release 1 5685-DB2
GDDM/MVS Version 3 Release 1.1 5645-001
For installation only:
Interactive System Product Facility (ISPF)-MVS Version 4 Release 2.0 5645-001
System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E) Version 1 Release 8.1 5645-001
For the TSO environment:
TSO/Extensions (TSO/E) Version 2 Release 5 5645-001
For the CICS environment:
CICS/ESA or Version 3 Release 3 5683-083
CICS/ESA Version 4 Release 1.1 5655-018
Prerequisite software for QMF for MVS/XA
Required software Version and release Number
MVS/SP-JES2 or Version 2 Release 2 5740-XC6
MVS/SP-JES3 Version 2 Release 2.1 5665-291
MVS/XA Data Facility Product (DFP) Version 2 Release 1 5665-XA2
GDDM/MVS Version 2 Release 1 5665-403
For installation only:
Interactive System Product Facility (ISPF)-MVS Version 2 Release 3 5665-319
System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E) Version 1 Release 8 5668-949
For the TSO environment:
TSO/Extensions (TSO/E) Version 2 Release 1 5685-025
For the CICS environment:
CICS/MVS Version 2 Release 1 5665-403

The following table lists the program products with the minimum release levels required to support optional functions for QMF for OS/390 Version 7.2. Later releases that are not available at the QMF Version 7.2 announcement time are not supported unless specifically stated otherwise.

Table 3. Prerequisite software for optional functions for QMF for OS/390 Version 7.2
Product Version and release Number
ISPF-related functions -- QMF Document Interface, default editor for QMF EDIT command, display printed report application (DPRE), ISPF command, and DXT/End User Dialogs bridge support:
ISPF for MVS Version 3 Release 5 5685-054
Logic in procedures, report calculations and conditions, form column definition, and use of the IBM-supplied command synonyms (DPRE, ISPF, BATCH, LAYOUT):
TSO/Extensions (TSO/E) Version 2 Release 4 5685-025
Charts (Interactive Chart Utility:
GDDM Presentation Graphics Facility (PGF) Version 2 Release 1.1 5668-812
QMF Document Interface. The following editor is required:
Personal Services/TSO (PS/TSO) Release 1 5665-346
Data Extract (DXT). End User Dialogs and the QMF EXTRACT COMMAND:
Data Extract (DXT) Version 2 Release 5 5668-788
QMF High Performance Option (HPO):
ISPF for MVS Version 3 5685-054
QMF for Windows:
Microsoft Windows 95 or 98
Microsoft Windows ME
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0
IBM APPC Networking Services for Windows, or Version 1
Microsoft SNA Server, or Version 2
Novell Netware for SAA, or Version 2
Attachmate EXTRA! APPC Client Version 3 Release 11
Callable Interface Programs written in the callable interface can be written in:
IBM C/370 Compiler and Version 2 5688-187
C/370 Library Version 2 5688-188
IBM HLASM Version 1 Release 1 or Release 2 5696-234
VS COBOL II Compiler and Library Version 1 Release 4 5688-023
VS COBOL II Compiler, Library and Debugging Facility Version 1 Release 4 5668-958
AD/Cycle COBOL/370 Version 1 Release 1 5688-197
IBM COBOL for MVS and VM Version 1 Release 2 5688-197
AD/Cycle C/370 Compiler Version 1 Release 1 5688-216


(REXX and the SAA callable interface for FORTRAN are not supported in the QMF/CICS environment.)

Version 2 Release 5 5668-806
OS PL/I Version 2 Release 3 5668-909
IBM PL/I for MVS and VM Version 1 Release 1.1 5688-265
REXX: TSO Extensions (TSO/E) (REXX and the SAA callable interface for FORTRAN are not supported in the QMF/CICS environment.) Version 2 Release 1 5685-025
REXX(REXX and the SAA callable interface for FORTRAN are not supported in the QMF/CICS environment.) In VM/ESA
Assembler H Version 2 Release 1 5668-962
IBM C/C++ for MVS/ESA (In conjunction with Language Environment for MVS and VM (MVS feature)). Version 3 5655-121
User Edit Routines can be written in:
IBM HLASM Version 1 5696-234
VS COBOL II Compiler and Library Version 1 Release 4 5688-023
COBOL/370 Compiler and Library Version 1 Release 1 5688-197
IBM COBOL for MVS and VM Version 1 Release 2 5688-197
VS COBOL II Compiler and Library Version 1 Release 3.1 5688-023
VS COBOL II Compiler, Library and Debugging Facility Version 1 Release 3.1 5668-958
OS PL/I Version 2 Release 3 5668-909
IBM PL/I for MVS and VM Version 1 Release 1.1 5688-265
Assembler H or standard assembler Version 2 Release 1 5668-962
Governor Exit Routine
IBM HLASM Version 1 5696-234
Assembler H or standard assembler Version 2 Release 1 5668-962
Remote Unit of Work (OS/390)
Connection to remote DB2 on OS/390 DRDA Application Server:
At the local DB2 for OS/390 location:
DB2 for MVS Version 3 Release 1 5685-DB2
QMF for OS/390 Version 7 Release 2 5675-DB2
At the remote DB2 database:
DB2 for MVS Version 3 Release 1 5685-DB2
QMF for OS/390 Version 7 Release 2 5675-DB2
Connection to remote DB2 on VM DRDA Application Server:
At the local DB2 for MVS/ESA location:
DB2 for MVS Version 3 Release 1 5685-DB2
QMF for OS/390 Version 7 Release 2 5675-DB2
At the remote DB2 for VM/ESA or VSE/ESA database:
SQL/DS for VM Version 3 Release 5 5688-103
SQL/DS for VM Version 3 Release 3 5706-255
Connection to remote DB2 on VSE DRDA Application Server:
At the local DB2 for OS/390 location:
DB2 for MVS Version 3 Release 1 5685-DB2
QMF for OS/390 Version 7 Release 2 5675-DB2
At the remote DB2 for VM or VSE database:
SQL/DS Version 3 Release 5 5688-103
DB2 for VSE Version 6 5648-061
Connection to DB2 PE, DataJoiner, Common Server:
At the local DB2 for OS/390 location:
DB2 for MVS Version 3 Release 1 with PTF UP75959 and PTF UN54601 5685-DB2
QMF for OS/390 Version 7 Release 2 5675-DB2
At the remote database configured for APPC communications:
DB2 Parallel Edition for AIX or Version 1 Release 2 5765-328
DataJoiner for AIX or Version 1 Release 2 84H1212
DB2 for Windows NT Version 2 Release 1 53H7474
DB2 for AIX or Version 2 Release 1 41H2128
DB2 for HP-UX or Version 2 Release 1 10H2366
DB2 for Solaris or Version 2 Release 1
DB2 for SCO OpenServer or Version 2 Release 1 79H5359
DB2 for SINIX Version 2 Release 1 79H4133
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