Complete the worksheets

Table 10, displays the parameters you need to provide values for during the QMF installation. Use them as worksheets.

Table 10. QMF Installation Parameters (Version 7 Worksheet part 1

Location name

Target Library Prefix
(Default = QMF720)

Distribution Library Prefix
(Default = QMF720)

Target Library Volume
(Default = xxxxxx)

Distribution Library Volume
(Default = xxxxxx)

SMP/E Data Set Prefix
(Default = IMSVS)

Local DB2 UDB for OS/390 Subsystem ID

Local DB2 UDB for OS/390 Release Level

Local DB2 UDB for OS/390 Exit Library

Local DB2 UDB for OS/390 Load Library

Communications database installed
at local DB2 UDB for OS/390

yes or no

Gather the following information if the communications database is installed at the local DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem:
Scope of installation
F (Full database),
S (Server database),
or R (Requester database)
Gather the following information, if the scope of the database install is not "S"(Server database):
Customize QMF runtime libraries yes or no

QMF application plan ID

Gather the following information if the scope of the database install is "S" (Server database):
DB2 UDB for OS/390 server location in remote DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem? (Default=NO) yes or no
Gather the following information, if the scope of the database install is "F"(Full database), or the scope of the database install is "S"(Server database), and the server database is the same as the local subsystem.

DB2 UDB for OS/390 user catalog (ICF)
DB2 UDB for OS/390 user catalog password

QMF tablespace catalog alias
QMF tablespace catalog password (for QMF control tables)
QMF tables volume
DB2 UDB for OS/390 default punctuation , (comma) or . (period)

Previous QMF level
(migration installs only)

,V3R2, V3R3, V6R1 or NONE

Gather the following information when the scope of the database install is "S" (Server database) and the server database is different from the local DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem.
DB2 UDB for OS/390 server location name
DB2 UDB for OS/390 server in another operating system? yes or no

DB2 UDB for OS/390 user catalog (ICF) for server
DB2 UDB for OS/390 user catalog password
QMF tablespace catalog alias at server (Default=QMFDSN)

QMF tablespace catalog password
(for QMF control tables)
QMF tables volume at server
DB2 UDB for OS/390 default punctuation at server , (comma) or . (period)

Previous QMF level at server
(migration installs Only)

Version 3 Release 1,Version 3 Release 1 Modification1,
Version 3 Release 2, Version 3 Release3, Version 6 Release 1 or NONE

Gather the following information, if the previous QMF level is not NONE, and the scope of the database install is not "R".
QMF control table tablespace
      Sizes: (in 1K units)
      Table Space name        Default size
                      (primary, secondary)
 - Q.OBJECT_DIRECTORY (see Note) (200,20)
 - Q.OBJECT_REMARKS       "      (200,20)
 - Q.OBJECT_DATA          "     (5000,200)
 - Q.PROFILES             "      (100,20)
 - Q.ERROR_LOG            "      (100,20)
 - Q.COMMAND_SYNONYMS     "      (100,20)
 - Q.RESOURCE_TABLE       "      (100,20)
 - Q.DSQ_RESERVED                (100,20)
 - SAVE DATA (Optional)   "      (100,20)
Table Index
      Sizes: (in 1K units)
      Table Index name        Default size
                      (primary, secondary)
 - Q.OBJECT_DIRECTORYX (see Note) (100,20)
 - Q.OBJECT_REMARKSX       "      (100,20)
 - Q.OBJECT_OBJDATAX       "      (100,20)
 - Q.PROFILEX                     (100,20)
 - Q.COMMAND_SYNONYMSX     "      (100,20)
Determine the following, if applicable:
Install QMF jobs in the foreground or tailor the JCL files yourself and run each job in batch? foreground or batch
Do you have fixed or variable-length CLIST libraries? variable or fixed
Do you have fixed or variable-length EXEC libraries? variable or fixed
Do you want SAVE DATA table space created? yes or no

Note: Control tables and indexes are provided only on the initial installation of QMF.

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