Step 34--Install the QMF application queries and application objects (TSO)

This step updates sample queries and procedures for QMF applications. These applications include the Displaying Printed Reports (DPRE), layout, and the document interface. The optional batch IVP uses these sample queries and procedures as part of the test.

After QMF is successfully installed and tested, you can use it to create the QMF-supplied sample queries, procedures, and command synonyms.

Complete this step by running one or two QMF procedures:

Deletes the sample queries and procedures from a previous QMF release
Adds the new sample queries and procedures to the QMF database

  1. Delete the current sample queries and procedures.

    If there is no existing QMF release on the system, or if the previous release is in another DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem, skip this step.

    1. Begin a QMF session.
    2. Connect to the Workstation Database Server or DB2 for OS/390 server in which you just installed QMF.
    3. Enter the following command from within QMF:
      where QMF720 is the prefix for the QMF data sets. If you used another prefix, change the name accordingly.
    4. Run the procedure.
  2. Add the sample queries and procedures to your QMF database.

    Enter the following command in a QMF session:


    where QMF720 is the prefix for the QMF data sets. If you used another prefix, change the name accordingly.

  3. Check that you receive a message that says the objects were installed correctly.

    If a failure occurs, rerun the first execution step to delete any partially created objects. Then run the second step.

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