Introducing QMF

QMF is a query and report writing program that lets users access databases and generate reports or charts based on the data they contain.

QMF runs under MVS/Enterprise System Architecture (MVS/ESA), and primarily accesses data through DB2 UDB for OS/390. QMF works with both the Time-Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) and the online transaction manager under the control of the Customer Information Control System (CICS). CICS users can start QMF from within CICS and access data through the CICS/DB2 attachment.

In a host environment, QMF uses the IBM Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) to display panels. Display application panels can also be viewed with Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF). Figure 1 shows how these products relate to QMF in a host-only configuration.

Figure 1. QMF in a Host-Only configuration.
A chart with QMF pointing to ISPF, which is part of TSO, CICS, DB2, and GDDM,
all which are part of MVS.

QMF works with the following objects:

Information represented by alphanumeric characters contained in tables and formatted in reports.
Specifies the data you want and the action you want to perform.
Describes how retrieved data should be tailored into a report or chart.
Contains one or more QMF commands that can be run as a group.
Contains information about how to process the user's session.
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