The installation process

The installation steps are outlined on the following pages.

The NLF JCL and control statements are shipped on the ISD tape. The following figures show the steps required to install QMF 7 in a DB2 subsystem with or without an earlier QMF NLF release.

The NLF requires the use of the QMF Version 7.2 sample library, QMF720.SDSQSAPE, and the load module library, QMF720.SDSQLOAD.

Figure 17. Installation steps for QMF NLF -- Part 1
First-time QMF NLF installation in an MVS system follows steps 1 through 7.
QMF NLF installation in another DB2 subsytem using options FULL database,
SERVER database, (RUW users), and REQUESTER database (RUW users) starts at
step 4.
Figure 18. Installation Steps for QMF NLF -- Part 2
Start with step 5. If you want to submit each job manually, skip step 6 and
follow steps 7 - 10. Step 6 skips to step 11. If you  customize the QMF NLF
runtime libraries, go to step 10, otherwise go to step 7. Step 7 goes to 8,
9a, 9b, then 10a or 11.
Figure 19. Installation Steps for QMF NLF -- Part 3
Start at step 9b. If Requester database install is yes, go to step 11 or 12a,
othewise go to step 10a for No previous release, Step 10Ab for QMF NLF V2R2
or V2R3, step 10Ac for QMF NLF V2R4, step 10Ad for QMF NLF V3R1, or step 10B
for QMF NLF V3R1M1 or V3R2.
Figure 20. Installation Steps for QMF NLF -- Part 4
Start at step 10B, go to step 10C. If you are installing
QMF NLF into another DB2 subsystem, go to step 13 if processing in batch mode
or go to step 14 if not. If you are not installing QMF NLF into another DB2
subsystem, go to  step 11 for TSO or go to step 12a for CICS. If you are processing
in batch mode, go to step 13, otherwise go to step 14.
Figure 21. Installation Steps for QMF NLF -- Part 5
Start from step 6, 9b, 10c, 11, 12F, or 13. Go through
steps 14 and 15. If you are batch processing, go to step 16.
Figure 22. Installation Steps for QMF NLF -- Part 6
If an earlier release was installed, go to step 17,
go  to step 18 if this is a first time QMF NLF installation in an MVS environment.
If not, go to step 19.
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