Skip this step if your installation doesn't use batch-mode QMF.
This step tests batch-mode IVP by running the batch-mode job that you created in Step 18--Set up QMF batch job to run batch IVP (optional). The job begins a background TSO session in which QMF runs the procedure Q.DSQ1EBAT. The procedure conducts the batch-mode IVP and tests the following batch-mode operations:
The IVP is successful when it runs without error and prints the following query:
The resources QMF needs in batch mode and those it needs interactively are basically the same. You can create the batch job out of the sample TSO logon procedure. Be certain that your batch job allocates DSQPRINT. Output from the QMF PRINT command goes into this file.
You created Q.DSQ1EBAT with the sample queries and procedures. It was saved with SHARE=YES. You can therefore examine and edit it on the screen. If you are not using QMF720 as the prefix for the QMF data sets, you must change the procedure's IMPORT commands, which retrieve queries from the QMF sample library.
If you change the procedure, you must save it under your own logon ID; be sure to specify SHARE=YES. If you started QMF as an ISPF dialog, you must change the ISPSTART statement in the batch IVP JCL to reflect the new ownership of the procedure. For example, if your logon ID is JONES, the modified statement looks like this:
If the job fails, you can correct the error and rerun it.