Step 27--Bind QMF application programs to a DB2 DRDA
This step binds QMF application programs to DB2 DRDA AS.
After successful completion of this step, QMF Version 7.2 can connect
to the DB2 DRDA AS.
- Verify and change, if necessary, the default values for the
parameters in the job's instream procedure:
//DSQBIND PROC RGN='2048K', Job-step region size
// QMFTPRE='QMF720', Prefix for QMF target libs
// DB2EXIT='DSN710.SDSNEXIT', Exit DB2 library name
// DB2LOAD='DSN710.SDSNLOAD' DB2 program library name
- Change <ssid> to your DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem ID.
- Change to your DB2 UDB for OS/390 application requester local subsystem ID.
- Change <location> to the location name of
the DB2 DRDA AS database application server as defined in the DB2 UDB for OS/390communications database.
- (Optional) Review the Comments in the JOB for further tailoring opportunities.
- Submit job QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1BPKG).
- A return code of 0 or 4 indicates a successful run of this job.
Review SYSTSPRT, SYSTERM and SYSPRINT outputs for clues to errors
for return codes greater than 4. Perform corrective actions and
rerun the job.
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