Step 27--Bind QMF application programs to a DB2 DRDA AS

This step binds QMF application programs to DB2 DRDA AS. After successful completion of this step, QMF Version 7.2 can connect to the DB2 DRDA AS.

  2. Verify and change, if necessary, the default values for the parameters in the job's instream procedure:
        //DSQBIND PROC RGN='2048K',    Job-step region size        
        //  QMFTPRE='QMF720',          Prefix for QMF target libs
        //  DB2EXIT='DSN710.SDSNEXIT', Exit DB2 library name
        //  DB2LOAD='DSN710.SDSNLOAD'  DB2 program library name
  3. Change <ssid> to your DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem ID.
  4. Change to your DB2 UDB for OS/390 application requester local subsystem ID.
  5. Change <location> to the location name of the DB2 DRDA AS database application server as defined in the DB2 UDB for OS/390communications database.
  6. (Optional) Review the Comments in the JOB for further tailoring opportunities.
  7. Submit job QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1BPKG).
  8. A return code of 0 or 4 indicates a successful run of this job. Review SYSTSPRT, SYSTERM and SYSPRINT outputs for clues to errors for return codes greater than 4. Perform corrective actions and rerun the job.
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