QMF installation flow diagram

Figure 33 is a flow diagram of QMF installation to help acquaint you with the installation process before starting.

Figure 33. Installation steps for QMF Version 7.2 (Part 1 of 2)
If you are doing a full QMF installation or installing load modules, begin
with the Preliminary tasks and progress through step 4a. If you are installing
 QMF into a database, begin with step 1 and progress through step 4a.
Figure 34. Installation steps for QMF 7.2 (Part 2 of 2)
If QMF is used as an ISPF dialog, go to step 4B and progress through steps
5 and 6, otherwise go to step 5 and progress to step 6.
Figure 35. Installation steps for QMF 7.2 (Part 3 of 3)
If QMF will be used in batch mode, go to step 7 and progress to  step 8A if
QMF V7.1 was installed in the same database as the previous version, or step
8b if QMF V7.1 was not installed in the same database as the previous version,
or step 9 if QMF was not previously installed. If QMF will not be used in
batch mode, skip step 7 and progress to step 8A, 8B, or 9 for the previously
mentioned reasons.
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