This glossary defines terms as they are used throughout
the QMF library. If you do not find the term you are looking for,
refer to the index in this book, or to the IBM Dictionary of Computing.
- abend
- The abnormal termination of a task.
- The keyword for an abend problem.
- aggregation function
- Any of a group of functions that summarizes data in a column. They
are requested with these usage codes on the form panels: AVERAGE,
- aggregation variable
- An aggregation function that is placed in a report using either
value appears as part of the break footing, detail block text,
or final text when the report is produced.
- alias
- In DB2 UDB for OS/390, an alternate name that can be used in SQL statements
to refer to a table or view in the same or a remote DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem.
In OS/2, an alternate name used to identify a object, a database,
or a network resource such as an LU. In QMF, a locally defined
name used to access a QMF table or view stored on a local or
remote DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem.
- Authorized Program Analysis Report.
- application
- A program written by QMF users that extends the capabilities
of QMF without modifying the QMF licensed program. Started
from a QMF session by issuing a RUN command for a QMF procedure,
an installation-defined command, or a CMS or TSO command that invokes
an EXEC or CLIST, respectively.
- application requester
- (1) A facility that accepts a database request from an application process
and passes it to an application server. (2) In DRDA, the source
of a request to a remote relational database management system.
The application requester is the DBMS code that handles the QMF end
of the distributed connection. The local DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem to which QMF attaches
is known as the application requester for QMF, because DB2 UDB for OS/390's
application requester is installed within the local database manager.
Therefore, an entire DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem (including data) is associated
with the application requester, but the SQL statements are processed
at the current location. This subsystem is called the "local DB2 UDB for OS/390".
With DB2 for VM and VSE the application requester runs in the
same virtual machine as QMF; that is, no database is inherently
associated with the DB2 for VM and VSE application requester.
- application server
- The target of a request from an application requester. (1)
The local or remote database manager to which the application process
is connected. The application server executes at the system containing
the desired data. (2) In DRDA, the target of a request from an application
requester. With DB2 UDB for OS/390, the application server is part of a full DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem.
With DB2 for VM and VSE, the application server is part of a
DB2 for VM and VSE database machine.
- application-support command
- A QMF command that can be used within an application program
to exchange information between the application program and QMF.
These commands include INTERACT, MESSAGE, STATE, and QMF.
- area separator
- The barrier that separates the fixed area of a displayed report
from the remainder of the report.
- argument
- An independent variable.
- base QMF environment
- The English-language environment of QMF, established when QMF is
installed. Any other language environment is established after installation.
- batch QMF session
- A QMF session running in the background. Begins when a
specified QMF procedure is invoked and ends when the procedure
ends. During a background QMF session, no user interaction and
panel display interaction are allowed.
- bind
- In DRDA, the process by which the SQL statements in an application
program are made known to a database management system over application
support protocol (and database support protocol) flows. During a
bind, output from a precompiler or preprocessor is converted to
a control structure called a package. In addition, access paths to
the referenced data are selected and some authorization checking
is performed. (Optionally in DB2 UDB for OS/390, the output may be an application
- built-in function
- Generic term for scalar function or column function. Can also
be "function."
- calculation variable
- CALCid is a special variable for forms that contains a user-defined calculated
value. CALCid is defined on the FORM.CALC panel.
- callable interface
- A programming interface that provides access to QMF services.
An application can access these services even when the application
is running outside of a QMF session. Contrast with command interface.
- Customer Information Control System.
- Conversational Monitor System.
- column wrapping
- Formatting values in a report so that they occupy several
lines within a column. Often used when a column contains values
whose length exceeds the column width.
- command interface
- An interface for running QMF commands. The QMF commands
can only be issued from within an active QMF session. Contrast
with callable interface.
- command synonym
- The verb or verb/object part of an installation-defined command. Users
enter this for the command, followed by whatever other information
is needed.
- command synonym table
- A table each of whose rows describes an installation-defined command.
Each user can be assigned one of these tables.
- commit
- The process that makes a data change permanent. When a commit
occurs, data locks are freed enabling other applications to reference
the just-committed data. See also "rollback".
- concatenation
- The combination of two strings into a single string by appending
the second to the first.
- correlation name
- An alias for a table name, specified in the FROM clause of
a SELECT query. When concatenated with a column name, it identifies
the table to which the column belongs.
- CP
- The Control Program for VM.
- Control section.
- current location
- The application server to which the QMF session is currently
connected. Except for connection-type statements, such as CONNECT
(which are handled by the application requester), this server processes
all the SQL statements. When initializing QMF, the current location
is indicated by the DSQSDBNM startup program parameter. (If that
parameter is not specified, the local DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem
- current object
- An object in temporary storage currently displayed. Contrast
with saved object.
- Customer Information Control System (CICS)
- An IBM licensed program that enables transactions entered
at remote terminals to be processed concurrently by user-written application
programs. It includes facilities for building, using, and maintaining
- database administrator
- The person who controls the content of and access to a database.
- database management system
- A computer-based system for defining, creating, manipulating,
controlling, managing, and using databases. The database management system
also has transaction management and data recovery facilities to
protect data integrity.
- database manager
- A program used to create and maintain a database and to communicate
with programs requiring access to the database.
- database server
- (1) In DRDA, the target of a request received from an application
server (2) In OS/2, a workstations that provides database services
for its local database to database clients.
- date/time default formats
- Date and time formats specified by a database manager installation
option. They can be the EUR, ISO, JIS, USA, or LOC (LOCAL) formats.
- date/time data
- The data in a table column with a DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP
data type.
- Double-byte character set.
- Database management system.
- default form
- The form created by QMF when a query is run. The default
form is not created if a saved form is run with the query.
- destination control table (DCT)
- In CICS, a table containing a definition for each transient
data queue.
- detail block text
- The text in the body of the report associated with a particular
row of data.
- detail heading text
- The text in the heading of a report. Whether or not headings
will be printed is specified in FORM.DETAIL.
- dialog panel
- A panel that overlays part of a Prompted Query primary panel
and extends the dialog that helps build a query.
- distributed data
- Data that is stored in more than one system in a network,
and is available to remote users and application programs.
- distributed database
- A database that appears to users as a logical whole, locally accessible,
but is comprised of databases in multiple locations.
- distributed relational database
- A distributed database where all data is stored according to
the relational model.
- Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA)
- A connection protocol for distributed relational database
processing that is used by IBM and vendor relational database products.
- distributed unit of work
- A method of accessing distributed relational data in which users
or applications can, within a single unit of work, submit SQL statements
to multiple relational database management systems, but no more
than one RDBMS per SQL statement.
DB2 UDB for OS/390 introduced a limited form of distributed unit of work
support in its V2R2 called system-directed access, which QMF supports.
- double-byte character
- An entity that requires two character bytes.
- double-byte character set (DBCS)
- A set of characters in which each character is represented
by two bytes. Languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, which contain
more symbols that can be represented by 256 code points, require
double-byte character sets. Because each character requires two
bytes, the typing, display, and printing of DBCS characters requires
hardware and programs that support DBCS. Contrast with single-byte
character set.
- Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code.
- echo area
- The part of the Prompted Query primary panel in which a prompted
query is built.
- EUR (European) format
- A format that represents date and time values as follows:
- Date:
- Time:
- extended syntax
- QMF command syntax that is used by the QMF callable
interface; this syntax defines variables that are stored in the
storage acquired by the callable interface application and shared
with QMF
- gateway
- A functional unit that connects two computer networks of different
network architectures. A gateway connects networks or systems of
different architectures, as opposed to a bridge, which connects
networks or systems with the same or similar architectures.
- global variable
- A variable that, once set, can be used for an entire QMF session.
A global variable can be used in a procedure, query, or form. Contrast
with run-time variable.
- Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM)
- A group of routines that allows pictures to be defined and
displayed procedurally through function routines that correspond
to graphic primitives.
- grouped row
- A row of data in a QBE target or example table that is summarized
either by a G. or a built-in function.
- Hypertext Markup Language. A standardized markup language
for documents displayed on the Internet.
- Interactive Chart Utility.
- The keyword for incorrect output.
- initialization program
- A program that sets QMF program parameters. This program
is specified by DSQSCMD in the callable interface. The default program
for interactive QMF is DSQSCMDn, where n is
the qualifier for the presiding language (';E'; for English).
- invocation CLIST or EXEC
- A program that invokes (starts) QMF.
- ISO (International Standards Organization) format
- A format that represents date and time values as follows:
- Date: yyyy-mm-dd
- Time:
- Interactive System Productivity Facility.
- Integration Exchange Format: A protocol for transferring
tabular data among various software products.
- Job control language for OS/390.
- job control
- In VSE, a program called into storage to prepare each job
or job step to be run. Some of its functions are to assign I/O devices
to symbolic names, set switches for program use, log (or print)
job control statements, and fetch the first phase of each job step.
- JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) format
- A format that represents date and time values as follows:
- Date: yyyy-mm-dd
- Time: hh:mm:ss
- keyword parameter
- An element of a QMF command consisting of a keyword and
an assigned value.
- literal
- In programming languages, a lexical unit that directly represents
a value. A character string whose value is given by the characters
- linear procedure
- Any procedure not beginning with a
REXX comment. A linear procedure can contain QMF commands, comments,
blank lines, RUN commands, and substitution variables. See also "procedure
with logic."
- linear syntax
- QMF command syntax that is entered in one statement of
a program or procedure, or that can be entered on the QMF command
- local area network (LAN)
- (1) Two or more processors connected for local resource sharing
(2) A network within a limited geographic area, such as a single
office building, warehouse, or campus.
- local data
- Data that is maintained by the subsystem that is attempting
to access the data. Contrast with remote data.
- local DB2 UDB for OS/390
- With DB2 UDB for OS/390, the application requester is part of a DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem
that is running in the same MVS system as QMF. Therefore, an
entire DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem (including data) is associated with the
application requester, but the SQL statements are processed at the
current location. This subsystem is where the QMF plan is bound.
When QMF runs in TSO, this subsystem is specified using DSQSSUBS
startup program parameter. When QMF runs in CICS, this subsystem
is identified in the Resource Control Table (RCT). The local DB2 UDB for OS/390 is
the subsystem ID of the DB2 UDB for OS/390 that was started in the CICS region.
- location
- A specific relational database management system in a distributed
relational database system. Each DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem is considered
to be a location.
- logical unit (LU)
- A port through which an end user accesses the SNA network
to communicate with another end user and through which the end user
accesses the functions provided by system services control points.
- Logical Unit type 6.2 (LU 6.2)
- The SNA logical unit type that supports general communication
between programs in a distributed processing environment.
- MSGx
- The keyword for a message problem.
- Multiple Virtual Storage/Enterprise System Architecture (IBM
operating system).
- Network Control Program (NCP)
- An IBM licensed program that provides communication controller
support for single-domain, multiple-domain, and interconnected network
- National Language Feature. Any of several optional features
available with QMF that lets the user select a language other
than US English.
- National Language Support.
- package
- The control structure produced when the SQL statements in
an application program are bound to a relational database management
system. The database management system uses the control structure
to process SQL statements encountered during statement execution.
- panel
- A particular arrangement of information, grouped together
for presentation in a window. A panel can contain informational
text, entry fields, options the user can choose from, or a mixture
of these.
- parameter
- An element of a QMF command. This term is used generically
in QMF documentation to reference a keyword parameter or
a positional parameter.
- partner logical unit
- In SNA, the remote system in a session.
- The keyword for a performance problem.
- permanent storage
- The database where all tables and QMF objects are stored.
- plan
- A form of package where the SQL statements of several programs
are collected together during bind to create a plan.
- positional parameter
- An element of a QMF command that must be placed in a certain position
within the command.
- primary panel
- The main Prompted Query panel containing your query.
- primary QMF session
- An interactive session begun from outside QMF Within this session,
other sessions can be started by using the INTERACT command.
- procedure with logic
- Any QMF procedure beginning with a REXX comment. In a procedure
with logic, you can perform conditional logic, make calculations,
build strings, and pass commands back to the host environment. See
also "linear procedure."
- profile
- An object that contains information about the characteristics
of the user's session. A stored profile is a profile that has been
saved in permanent storage. A profile in temporary storage has the
name PROFILE. There can be only one profile for each user.
- Prompted Query
- A query built in accordance with the user's responses to a
set of dialog panels.
- Program status word.
- Program temporary fix.
- QBE (Query-By-Example)
- A language used to write queries graphically. For more information
see Using QMF
- QMF administrative authority
- At minimum, insert or delete priviledge for the Q.PROFILES
control table.
- QMF administrator
- A QMF user with QMF administrative authority.
- QMF command
- Refers to any command that is part of the QMF language.
Does not include installation-defined commands.
- QMF session
- All interactions between the user and QMF from the time
the user invokes QMF until the EXIT command is issued.
- qualifier
- When referring to a QMF object, the part of the name that
identifies the owner. When referring to a TSO data set, any part
of the name that is separated from the rest of the name by periods.
For example, 'TCK', 'XYZ', and 'QUERY' are
all qualifiers in the data set name 'TCK.XYZ.QUERY'.
- Relational database management system
- relational database management system (RDBMS)
- A computer-based system for defining, creating, manipulating,
controlling, managing, and using relational databases.
- remote unit of work
- (1) The form of SQL distributed processing where the application
is on a system different from the relational database and a single
application server services all remote unit of work requests within
a single logical unit of work. (2) A unit of work that allows for
the remote preparation and execution of SQL statements.
- Restructured extended executor.
- rollback
- The process that removes uncommitted database changes made
by one application or user. When a rollback occurs, locks are freed
and the state of the resource being changed is returned to its state
at the last commit, rollback, or initiation. See also commit.
- row operator area
- The leftmost column of a QBE target or example table.
- run-time variable
- A variable in a procedure or query whose value is specified
by the user when the procedure or query is run. The value of a run-time
variable is only available in the current procedure or query. Contrast
with global variable.
- Single-byte character set.
- scalar
- A value in a column or the value of a literal or an expression
involving other scalars.
- scalar function
- An operation that produces a single value from another value
and is expressed in the form of a function name followed by a list
of arguments enclosed in parentheses.
- SNAP dump
- A dynamic dump of the contents of one or more storage areas
that QMF generates during an abend.
- Structured Query Language Communication Area.
- Software Support Facility. An IBM online database that allows
for storage and retrieval of information about all current APARs
and PTFs.
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- A language used to communicate with DB2 UDB for OS/390 and DB2 for VSE or VM.
Used to write queries in descriptive phrases.
- subquery
- A complete SQL query that appears in a WHERE or HAVING clause
of another query (the main query or a higher-level subquery).
- substitution variable
- (1) A variable in a procedure or query whose value is specified either
by a global variable or by a run-time variable. (2) A variable in
a form whose value is specified by a global variable.
- substring
- The part of a string whose beginning and length are specified
in the SUBSTR function.
- System Log (SYSLOG)
- A data set or file in which job-related information, operational data,
descriptions of unusual occurrences, commands, and messages to and
from the operator may be stored.
- Systems Network Architecture (SNA)
- The description of the logical structure, formats, protocols,
and operational sequences for transmitting information units through
and controlling the configuration and operation of networks.
- tabular data
- The data in columns. The content and the form of the data
is specified on FORM.MAIN and FORM.COLUMNS.
- target table
- An empty table in which example elements are used to combine
columns, combine rows, or include constant values in a report.
- temporary storage
- An area where the query, form, procedure, profile, report,
chart, and data objects in current use are stored. All but the
data object can be displayed.
- temporary storage queue
- In CICS, a temporary storage area used for transfer of objects between QMF and
an application or a system service.
- thread
- The DB2 UDB for OS/390 structure that describes an application's connection, traces
its progress, provides resource function processing capability,
and delimits its accessibility to DB2 UDB for OS/390 resources and services.
Most DB2 UDB for OS/390 functions execute under a thread structure.
- three-part name
- A fully-qualified name of a table or view, consisting of a
location name, owner ID, and object name. When supported by the
application server (that is, DB2 UDB for OS/390), a three-part name can be
used in an SQL statement to retrieve or update the specified table
or view at the specified location.
- timestamp
- A date and a time, and possibly a number of microseconds (a
six- or seven-part value).
- TP
- Transaction Program
- Transaction program name
- transaction program name
- The name by which each program participating in an LU 6.2 conversation
is known. Normally, the initiator of a connection identifies the
name of the program it wants to connect to at the other LU. When
used in conjunction with an LU name, it identifies a specific transaction
program in the network.
- transient data queue
- In CICS, a storage area, whose name is defined in the Destination Control
Table (DCT), where objects are stored for subsequent internal or
external processing.
- Time Sharing Option.
- two-phase commit
- A protocol used in distributed unit of work to ensure that participating
relational database management systems commit or roll back a unit
of work consistently.
- unit of work
- (1) A recoverable sequence of operations within an application
process. At any time, an application process is a single unit of
work, but the life of an application process may involve many units
of work as a result of commit or rollback operations. (2) In DRDA,
a sequence of SQL commands that the database manager treats as a
single entity. The database manager ensures the consistency of data
by verifying that either all the data changes made during a unit
of work are performed or none of them are performed.
- unnamed column
- An empty column added to an example table. Like a target table,
it is used to combine columns, combine rows, or include constant
values in a report.
- USA (United States of America) format
- A format that represents date and time values as follows:
- Date: mm/dd/yyyy
- Time: hh:mm xM
- variation
- A data formatting definition specified on a FORM.DETAIL panel
that conditionally can be used to format a report or part of a report.
- Virtual Storage Extended
- An operating system that is an extension of Disk Operating System/
Virtual Storage. A VSE consists of (1) VSE/Advanced Functions support
and (2) any IBM-supplied and user-written programs that are required
to meet the data processing needs of a user. VSE and the hardware
it controls form a complete computing system.
- VM
- Virtual Machine (IBM operating system).
The generic term for the VM/ESA environment.
- Virtual Storage Extended (IBM operating system).
The generic term for the VSE/ESA environment.
- The keyword for an endless-wait-state problem.
- Workstation Database Server
- The IBM family of DRDA database products on the UNIX and Intel
platforms (such as DB2 Universal Database (UDB), DB2 Common Server,
DB2 Parallel Edition, and DataJoiner.)