The administration and customizing tasks in this book assume that QMF was installed according to the procedures described in this book. Most of the administration and customizing tasks are done using the QMF product itself. Before you begin the tasks in this book, ensure that the installation verification procedure (IVP) has been run. If not, run the IVP to ensure that QMF is properly installed and configured for your site's needs. The IVP is the final step of the QMF installation process.
Most of these tasks require that you have DB2 database administrator (DBA) authority. If the program installer follows the default procedure in this book, the user ID Q is defined for you during QMF installation; this user ID has DBA authority.
To keep the installation task as simple as possible, many of the full IBM product names and titles are shortened. Each product is referred to by its generic, rather than specific, name. For example, DB2 for OS/390, VM/ESA or VSE/ESA is DB2.
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