IBM Control Center for VSE & VM is a set of database administration tools for IBM DATABASE 2 Server for VSE & VM. This manual is intended for people who want to learn about the Control Center product or who are involved in the evaluation, installation, maintenance, administration, and/or usage of Control Center in a VM environment.
Throughout this document and in the Control Center panel interface the terms database, database manager, or database server are used to refer to the DB2 Server for VM. The database or server is composed of a directory, log disk(s), and one or more storage pools.
The Control Center panel interface provides access to, and integrates the functions of, the other product components, along with the job scheduling facility. However, the Operator Commands, Group Authorization Tool (SQLADMIN), Data Restore Functions, DBSPACE Reorganization (SQLREORG), DBSPACE Reorganization Driver Tool (SQLREODR), TABLE Reorganization/Redefinition (SQLTABLE), DBSPACE Maintenance (SQLMAINT), Index Analysis and Maintenance Tool (SQLRINDX), Database Object Search and List (SQLDLIST), and Package Rebind (SQLRBIND) may also be invoked directly; see Appendix G, Command Mode Interface. Related tools are grouped together into chapters to facilitate use of the product and this manual.
The term Control Center, unless otherwise specified, refers to Control Center for VM Version 7 Release 1 Modification 0.
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The Summary of Changes summarizes the changes included in Control Center Version 7 Release 1.0.
Chapter 1, Introduction introduces the product and tool set and explains how it works with the DB2 Server in a VM environment.
Chapter 2, Architecture describes the product architecture.
Chapter 3, Installation and Migration Overview gives preliminary steps for installation and migration.
Chapter 4, Database Setup presents the steps for new and existing users to set up a database manager to work with the product. It assumes that the steps outlined in the DB2 Server for VM Control Center Program Directory have been successfully completed and that the database has been successfully installed (refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual).
DB2 Server for VM Control Center Program Directory describes the steps to migrate from earlier releases of SQL Master to Control Center Version 7 Release 1.0.
Chapter 5, Corrective Service describes service activities. Information contained in this section is not applicable for initial installation.
Chapter 6, Data Restore Setup with Control Center describes the steps to set up Data Restore in a Control Center environment.
Chapter 7, Version Tool describes the version tool which assists DBAs in determining the PTF and code level of options include generating reports and lists for local or remote machines.
Chapter 8, Managing the Environment provides information necessary to properly manage and maintain the environment including explanations of the Control Center to DB2 Server communication interface and interrupt processing.
Chapter 9, Getting Started provides you with enough information to get you started in using the product through the panel-mode interface.
Chapter 10, Job Scheduling Tool describes the job scheduling tool which may be used to schedule execution of Database Administration tools described in other chapters.
Chapter 11, Tape Management Tool describes the database tape management tool which supports various tape management methodologies and can be configured to work with one of several available tape management products.
|Chapter 12, QMF Tools describes the Control Center interface to |QMF and the QMF Tools Utility.
Chapter 13, Group Authorization Tool assists DBAs in managing the access to database objects, simplifies the process of authorization, and shortens the amount of time needed to grant or revoke privileges.
Chapter 14, Database Operation Interface Tools describes how to use the operator interface tools to issue operator commands to any database server in your VM environment.
Chapter 15, Database Status Tool describes tools for displaying and changing the status of one or more database servers in your VM environment.
Chapter 16, Database Startup and Termination Tools describes tools for viewing and changing database startup parameters and for performing immediate or scheduled startup or termination of a database.
Chapter 17, Database Archiving and Recovery Tools provides detailed information on the automated archiving and recovery tools of the product, including the various supported configurations and options.
Chapter 18, Data Restore Support gives a general overview of the Data Restore together with Control Center, giving users the ability to automate, manage, track and schedule Data Restore functions on one or more database servers.
Chapter 19, Data Restore BACKUP describes how to use the Data Restore BACKUP with Control Center to perform a user archive.
Chapter 20, Data Restore RESTORE describes how to use the Data Restore RESTORE with Control Center to perform a user recovery from BACKUP.
Chapter 21, Data Restore UNLOAD describes how to use the Data Restore UNLOAD with Control Center to selectively unload DBSPACES.
Chapter 22, Data Restore RELOAD describes how to use the Data Restore RELOAD with Control Center to selectively restore a table or series of tables, together with forward log recovery.
Chapter 23, Data Restore TRANSLATE describes how to use the Data Restore TRANSLATE with Control Center to convert a database archive to Data Restore BACKUP format.
Chapter 24, Data Restore LISTLOG describes how to use the Data Restore LISTLOG with Control Center to list LUW statements from the active and archive logs for selected tables.
Chapter 25, Data Restore APPLYLOG describes how to use the Data Restore APPLYLOG with Control Center to perform forward log recovery on selected tables.
Chapter 26, Single User Mode Tools describes the database utility tools that execute on the database virtual machine in single user mode (SUM). The product will, if necessary, automatically change the database to SUM operation from multiple user mode (MUM) operation prior to executing the tool.
Chapter 27, Database Monitoring Tools describes the automated database monitoring tools. Results from monitoring specific activities, such as resource usage or resource contention, may be gathered over a period of time and reported on or used to automatically invoke tools described in other chapters.
Chapter 28, DBSPACE Reorganization Tools describes the automated tools for reorganizing DBSPACEs within a database.
Chapter 29, DBSPACE Reorganization Driver Tool describes the tool which performs multiple DBSPACE reorganizations within a single job submission.
Chapter 30, Table Reorganization Tool describes the automated tools for performing table-level reorganization and redefinition. Table redefinition includes copying the table, moving the table to another DBSPACE, and column redefinition.
|Chapter 31, Table Create Utility describes the Table Create Utility, which |provides a user with an interface for defining and creating SQL |tables.
Chapter 32, Index Reorganization Tool describes the automated tools for analysis and reorganization of multiple indexes within a database.
Chapter 33, Automated DBSPACE Maintenance Tools describes the tools for automatically analyzing DBSPACEs and performing maintenance upon them to improve performance. Maintenance includes DBSPACE Reorganization and updating statistics.
Chapter 34, Rebind Package Tool describes the tool for automatically rebinding one or more database packages.
Chapter 35, Object Search and List Tools describes the tools for searching and listing DBSPACEs, tables, views, indexes, packages, and columns. Applicable tools described in other chapters may be executed directly against one or more listed objects.
Chapter 36, Control Center Administration Tools describes a set of special tools to assist the administrator in managing the database server for VM environment. It includes a description of the tool for issuing any command to a database machine from the panel interface and having it execute as if it were entered on a terminal connected to that machine.
Appendix A, Control Center Messages describes message processing and the Control Center Message/List Report.
Appendix B, Changing Database Name describes the procedure for changing the name of a database machine set up to work with the product.
Appendix C, Password Support describes the product's support for minidisk passwords.
Appendix D, Master Scheduling Tool describes the Master Scheduling tool including how to use the Job Scheduling tool to schedule non-Control Center work.
Appendix E, Authorizations describes the authorization levels and the procedure for changing the default settings.
Appendix F, User Archiving describes the process for supporting user archives and the steps required for implementation.
Appendix G, Command Mode Interface describes the command line interface, available commands, and command syntax.
Appendix H, Tape Hopper Support describes the steps that must be taken for the product to work with a tape hopper.
Appendix I, Parameter Support describes the product's handling of startup parameters when a database is started in single user mode, and the capability to override startup parameters, to take effect during specified database activities or conditions.
Appendix J, Database Shutdown Procedures describes the DBFORCE tool, an alternative to SQLEND QUICK for removing active and inactive users.
|Appendix K, DB2 UDB Web Control Center Support describes the DB2 UDB Web Control Center |support for performing certain tasks against a DB2 Server for VSE & VM |database using Control Center for VM stored procedures.
|Notices contains informational and legal notices |associated with this publication.
Bibliography lists manuals that contain information which may be beneficial when operating Control Center and DB2 Server in a VM environment.
This manual assumes you have reviewed and understand the IBM manuals for the related VM and DB2 Server for VM products. A working technical knowledge of DB2 Server for VM system administration and database administration is also assumed.
For additional information, see the manuals list in the Bibliography.