RELOAD allows the user to reload and recreate up to 90 tables from a Data Restore BACKUP, translated database archive, or a Data Restore UNLOAD. Control Center requires that a database archive first be translated before it is used as an input source for RELOAD.
Additionally, if the RECOVERY option is set to 'YES', then Data Restore will read log archives and the active log to record additional table LUWs executed since the BACKUP. This source can later be examined with the LISTLOG function and re-executed using the APPLYLOG function.
Data Restore RELOAD requires that the database server be active. It is different from a DBSU RELOAD utility which is used in Control Center for DBSPACE reorganizations, since Data Restore RELOAD does not reload table records in key order. When the tables are reloaded using Data Restore RELOAD, the tables are not reorganized. The DBSU and Data Restore RELOAD formats are not compatible with each other.
To RELOAD from an Incremental Backup, Data Restore first recovers the Incremental Backup pages and then Full Backup pages.
The Control Center RELOAD tool will set up, execute, and manage the Data Restore RELOAD process.
RELOAD set up consists of several parts.
Figure 124. RELOAD Control File (RELDCTL) for Incremental Backup
The basic files created will be:
The output media (LMBRWRK and LMBRLGx work files) will be created on the 191 disk of the Data Restore machine.
The RELOAD input tape (ARCHIV) will use CUU 182, and the LOG input tape (LARCHIV) will use CUU 181.
No tapes file processing is required.
RELOAD requires that the database password for user SQLDBA be included in the 'DBAPW=' SYSIN file control statement.
If the database disks are password protected, RELOAD requires the 'READ' password for all of the database disks be included in the 'READPW=' SYSIN file control statement.
A password file (drmach LINKPWDS) file is required. Refer to Appendix C, Password Support, for instructions on how to implement Data Restore password support.
If RECOVERY=YES, then the Data Restore machine must have the authority to READ the database's LOG archive files or tapes. This can be handled manually or attempted through the TAPEPWD option.
To invoke RELOAD, select Option R from the Data Restore Menu (Figure 111).
The first entry panel for the RELOAD tool is shown in Figure 125.
The menus you will use to set up your RELOAD will depend upon whether you wish to perform a normal RELOAD from a BACKUP, TRANSLATE, or UNLOAD, or perform a RELOAD with a LOG recovery, or a restart of a previous RELOAD.
Figure 125. Data Restore RELOAD Dbspace Utility Menu
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*--------------------- Data Restore RELOAD Table Utility --------------------* | || CTRLID: SQMSTDV1 | | || Database ==> SQLDBA NODE: VMSYSTM1 | | || DRMACH: SQMRESTR | | || | | || Log Recovery ==> 1 ( 1= NO 2= YES ) | | || Input Type ==> 1 ( 1= BACKUP, 2= TRANSLATE 3= UNLOAD ) | | || Restart ==> 1 ( 1= NO 2= YES, Restart RELOAD and use | | || same RELDCTL file ) | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | |*---------------------------------------------------------------DRUNLD2------* | |PF1 HELP PF3 QUIT PF4 EXIT PF5 MAIN MENU ENTER RETRIEVE LIST | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
RELOAD Parameters
If you selected to RELOAD and UNLOAD, and RESTART=NO, then you will be presented with the Unload Selection menu (Figure 127). From this panel you will view the unload description file (UNLDDESC) or unload history file (UNLDHIST) to determine the timestamp that Data Restore generated for the UNLOAD that you wish to RELOAD.
From this panel, you will press PF5 to review the appropriate history file to determine the DATE and TIME stamps of the UNLOAD that you want to use for RELOAD. For each UNLOAD that you perform, Control Center updates the UNLDHIST file with the media used and the timestamp generated by Data Restore for the UNLOAD. The timestamp for an UNLOAD is identified by an "@" symbol immediately preceding the timestamp. When you return to the menu, you will enter the DATE and TIME stamps, and proceed to the table list panel.
Press PF6 to review the Unload UNLDDESC file which contains all the UNLOAD listing for the database. This file contains the same information that would be generated by the DESCRIBE function. The timestamp for an UNLOAD is identified by the XTS9-142 message. For example, XTS9-142 Base SQLDB2 Date 09/08/98 Time 14:39:43.
Figure 126. Example of UNLOAD UNLDDESC (Describe) file entries
XTS9-100 Data Restore feature VERSION 6.1.0
XTS9-309 Processing DB2 for VSE and VM version 6
XTS9-160 External labeling of this unload is
XTS9-142 Base SQLDB2 Date 09/08/98 Time 14:39:43
XTS9-013 Table SQLDBA .ACTIVITY may be reloaded
Figure 127. Unload Selection Menu
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*-------------------------- Unload Selection ------------------------------* | || CTRLID: SQLMDEMO | | || Database ==> SQLDBA NODE: VMSYSTM1 | | || DRMACH: DREST41 | | || | | || | | || 1) Press PF5 to review the UNLOAD HISTORY file (UNLDHIST) | | || 2) Determine the DATE and TIME stamps for the UNLOAD you wish to | | || RELOAD. The DATE and TIME stamps follow the VOLID/file entry | | || in the COMPLETION record line. | | || 3) Input the DATE and TIME stamps below. | | || EXAMPLE UNLOAD HISTORY ENTRY | | || UNLOAD.TEMP Beginning Series 200 | | || UNLOAD filled, series 200 Volid VP001 400 - 08/02/97 16:00:00 | | || UNLOAD.TEMP COMPLETED SERIES 200 - 08/02/97 16:00:00 | | || | | || Timestamp ==> __________ ( Date ) _________ ( Time ) | | || | | || | | |*---------------------------------------------------------------DRRELD4------* | | PF1 HELP PF3 QUIT PF5 UNLOAD History PF6 UNLOAD DESCRIBE | | ENTER Continue | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Figure 128 is an example of an UNLOAD history file and its corresponding DATE and TIME stamp that must be entered on UNLOAD Selection Panel.
Figure 128. Example UNLOAD History file with UNLOAD DATE and TIME stamps
01/03/97 11:41:20 UNLOAD.TEMP Beginning Series 100 01/03/97 11:41:49 UNLOAD filled, series 100 Volid 35UNLO1 DB2VM510 * 400 @ 03/01/97 11:41:42 01/03/97 11:41:50 UNLOAD.TEMP COMPLETED SERIES 100 @ 03/01/97 11:41:42 |
If you select RESTART = Yes, the next menu invoked is the Restart Selection menu. Here you will enter the same time and date stamps that were used for the original reload. Since the same RELDCTL file will be used again for the reload, you will not be presented with the Reload Table Command generation menu. Instead, you will be taken directly to the Reload Execution menu.
Figure 129. Reload Restart Selection Menu
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*---------------------- Reload Restart Selection --------------------------* | || CTRLID: SQLMDEMO | | || Database ==> SQLDBA NODE: VMSYSTM1 | | || DRMACH: DREST41 | | || | | || 1. Input the SAME DATE and TIME stamp that was used in | | || the original reload control file (RELDCTL). On the next panel | | || use the same RELOAD ID (filename) as before. CTRLCTR will use | | || the same file for input media and RELOAD commands. | | || | | || 2. Input the DATE and TIME stamp below. Press Enter to continue. | | || EXAMPLE UNLOAD HISTORY ENTRY | | || UNLOAD.TEMP Beginning Series 200 | | || UNLOAD filled, series 200 Volid VP001 400 - 08/02/97 16:00:00 | | || UNLOAD.TEMP COMPLETED SERIES 200 - 08/02/97 16:00:00 | | || | | || Timestamp ==> __________ ( Date ) _________ ( Time ) | | || | | || | | |*---------------------------------------------------------------DRRELD6------* | | PF1 HELP PF3 QUIT PF5 UNLOAD History PF6 UNLOAD DESCRIBE | | ENTER Continue | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
If you select to RELOAD from a BACKUP or TRANSLATE, you will be lead through a process to perform a reload from either a BACKUP, INCREMENTAL BACKUP, or translated archive. When "Log Recovery" = "2" (yes), then logical units of work (LUWs) will be extracted from the selected log archives. After the RELOAD is complete, Control Center will automatically perform a LISTLOG. You can review the LISTLOG output from the LISTLOG function menu. The selected LUWs can later be re-executed on the database by the APPLYLOG function.
If you are reloading from an incremental backup, Data Restore will first reload the table records from the incremental backup and then reload the unchanged records from the reference backup.
The RELOAD setup process will be:
The next step is to create the list of RELOAD commands for each table that is to be reloaded. See Figure 130. Up to 90 table RELOAD statements can be listed in one SYSIN file. Each RELOAD command must include either the PURGE, NEW, ADD, or REPLACE option that is to be applied, and the appropriate TNAME, CREATOR, NEWTNAME, NEWCREATOR, DBSPACE OWNER and NAME parameters. RELOAD performance will be affected by the number and type of tables listed.
Note: | If the selected tables are using Referential Integrity, then you must understand how it will affect reloading the tables. Data Restore does not reload tables in the order presented in the SYSIN file. |
When you are finished entering the RELOAD table commands, press PF5 to continue to the RELOAD Execution panel.
Figure 130. RELOAD Table List Panel
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*---------------------------- Reload Table List -----------------------------* | || Database => SQLDBA Selected Tables => 0 | | || P,N,A,R Table Dbspace | | || Num Funct Creator Table Name Owner Dbspace Name | | || --- ----- -------- ------------------ -------- ------------------ | | || P CREATOR_ TNAME_____________ | | || NEW NEWCREAT NEWTNAME__________ OWNER___ DBSPACE___________ | | || | | || _ ________ __________________ | | || NEW ________ __________________ ________ __________________ | | || | | || _ ________ __________________ | | || NEW ________ __________________ ________ __________________ | | || | | || _ ________ __________________ | | || NEW ________ __________________ ________ __________________ | | || | | || | | || Page 1 of 1 | | |*---------------------------------------------------------------DRRELD3------* | |PF1 Help PF3 QUIT PF5 Continue | |PF7 Back PF8 Forw | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
In the next panel (Figure 131), you will decide whether to execute or schedule the RELOAD, and specify the RELOAD ID for the RELOAD, some additional SYSIN file options, and who to notify.
Figure 131. RELOAD Execution Panel
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*---------------------------- RELOAD EXECUTION ------------------------------* | || DATABASE ==> SQLDBA CTRLID: MSTRSRV1 | | || NODE: WMAVM1 | | || | | || Execution ==> _ ( 1 = Schedule, 2 = Execute Immediately | | || | | || RELOAD ID ==> SQLDBA (Unique file name for RELOAD event ) | | || The Reload ID (name) will be used as the file name for the RELDCTL control | | || file which will hold media and table list data required for the RELOAD. | | || If you execute a RECOVERY=YES, the RELOAD ID is the database machine. | | || | | || Commitcount ==> ______ ( Rows to reload before a commitcount. | | || Restartcount ==> ______ ( Rows to skip before restarting reload. | | || Nbviews ==> ______ ( Estimate number of views to recreate. | | || | | || TAPEPWD ==> 2 ( 1=Yes, 2=No. Perform Tape password processing | | || ( on LOG archive tapes used in RECOVERY=YES | | || NOTIFY ==> ________ (Userid) ________ (Node) | | || | | |*----------------------------------------------------------------DRRELD5-----* | |PF1 HELP PF3 QUIT ENTER CONTINUE | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
While RELOAD does not use the database, it does use archive tapes that belong to the database. The Data Restore machine must have authority to read these archive tapes in order to perform the RELOAD.
If you use a tape management system, then your tape manager will have a password or tape authority process in place. If you use native CMS to manage your tapes, then the tape OPERATOR will control the tape security. During a database or log archive, passwords are not used when the database's tapes are first mounted. However, many tape managers have catalog commands that can be used to later add, change or delete passwords on a tape. Additionally, tape managers can have authority levels, such as the VMTAPE ANYTAPE, that allow a user to mount other user's tapes.
For VMTAPE users,you have several options that you can use. The database RELDCTL file that is created prior to execution of RELOAD lists the files or tapes to be used as input media for the RELOAD. If you choose 'TAPEPWD=Y' from the menu, then the SDRVTPWD EXEC will execute VMTAPE catalog commands on the database against the tapes listed in the database RELDCTL file to add a read password of 'ALL' to the tapes. This will allow anybody to read that tape without the need for a password. After the RELOAD, SDRVTPWD will be used to remove the password from the tapes.
If the archive in the control file was written to disk, or if you have no tape management system (CMS), then no automatic password processing will take place.
There are some restrictions with using the automatic password processing. SDRVTPWD only works with VMTAPE, but it can be modified so that catalog commands for other tape management systems can be used.