DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Control Center Operations Guide for VM

Chapter 13. Group Authorization Tool

The Group Authorization Tool (SQLADMIN) assists DBAs in managing the access to database objects, simplifies the process of authorization, and shortens the amount of time needed to grant or revoke privileges. It gives DBAs the ability to issue authorizations to groups of users on groups of objects rather than one by one. Individual users can be associated with defined User Groups, and database objects (tables, views, and packages) can be associated with defined Application Groups. Then, GRANTs and REVOKEs can be issued specifying a User Group (grantee) and an Application Group (on objects) using the Group Authorization panel interface.

Installation Considerations

To use the Group Authorization Tool, an exec called SQMGAINS is supplied that installs five tables and creates the SQLADMIN ID in the database where the tool will be run. This exec must be submitted by an ID with DBA authority in the database. An SQLDBSU input file, SQMGAINS LOADBSU, used by SQMGAINS to create the tables and indexes, may need to be modified before execution. The steps to install are:

  1. Inspect the SQMGAINS LOADBSU file. This file has the ACQUIRE statement for a PUBLIC DBSPACE of 256 pages in |storage pool 1. The DBA must ensure that an unacquired DBSPACE is available prior to running the exec. The DBA may change any of the pertinent fields (POOL, NPAGES, DBSPACENAME).
  2. Replace the changed LOADBSU file on product's code disk.
  3. Run the SQMGAINS exec from a DBA ID linked to the database where the tool is to be installed.
  4. Change the password of SQLADMIN. The DBSU grants DBA authority to SQLADMIN with a password of SQLADMIN. This password should be changed in accordance with your security procedures.

Group Authorization Tables

The five tables which SQLADMIN uses to manage the Group Authorization functions are listed below. Each one is owned by SQLADMIN. They are:

User Group Table. This table is used to hold the name, internal ID, and description of a User group.

User ID Table. This table has one row for each unique combination of Userid and User Group ID.

Application Group Table. This table is used to hold the name, internal ID, and description of an Application Group.

Object ID Table. This table has an entry for each object (object owner, object name) in each Application Group.

Group Authorization Table. This table records each group authorization made by SQLADMIN. It records the User Group ID, the Application Group ID and the specific privileges granted by the SQLADMIN panel interface.

How it Works

The Group Authorization Tool is a stand-alone utility which executes as a user application.

All authorizations are granted by the connect ID "SQLADMIN", and are recorded and maintained by the tool.

By using the LIST Functions the user can take advantage of the various reports that are available to help manage database access. These listings, or reports, will show Application Groups and the objects found within them (tables, views and packages); User Groups and user IDs associated with specific User Groups and authorities granted to User Groups.

Because all data about User and Application Groups, as well as authorization information, is kept in database tables (described in Group Authorization Tables), the DBA can also query these tables to obtain information about User and Application Groups and other authorization information. For example, if the DBA would like to see a list of objects belonging to an Application Group together with the specific authorizations on those objects, a query including a join statement could produce the desired result. Or, if the DBA chooses to modify a Group's description (see Figure 71), an update could be made to the APPL_GROUP_TAB or USERID_GROUB_TAB table to make that change.

Tool Design

The Group Authorization tool is designed such that a user can belong to more than one User Group. A user can have the same privilege granted to an object through multiple User Groups. If the user is dropped from one User Group, the user will NOT lose the privilege to the object since it still has authority through another User Group.

The same logic applies to an object which is in more than one Application Group: if that object is dropped from one group, but privileges on it exist through another application group, those privileges will NOT be revoked from users who have authority on it through another group.

Options Available

ADD a Group

Allows the DBA to create both User and Application Groups. The data created by this function will be maintained in the USER_GROUP_TAB and APPL_GROUP_TAB tables respectively (see Group Authorization Tables).

DROP a Group

Deletes a group entry from the applicable tables (see Group Authorization Tables). In addition, if any privileges have been granted to a User Group which is being dropped, all privileges will be revoked from all users in that group. If an Application Group is dropped, all privileges which were granted on that group will be revoked from all users who were granted those privileges. There are two exceptions to this rule:

  1. When dropping a User Group to which some group authorizations have been made, a check is made before revoking each user's privileges to determine that the user has not been granted the same privileges by virtue of belonging to another group which has been granted like privileges. This user will not lose its privileges in this case.
  2. When dropping an Application Group which has had privileges granted on it, a check is made before revoking the privileges from each user to whom it was granted, to determine whether the privileges on the object have been granted to that user through another Application Group. The user will not lose its privileges in this case.


Permits the DBA to populate a group with user IDs (in the case of User Groups) or, tables and views, or packages (in the case of Application Groups). With Application Groups, the group is defined as either a table group (consisting of tables and views only), or a package group (consisting of package names only).

A user can belong to more than one User Group. An object can belong to more than one Application Group. Both group types could consist of only one entity.

When an object is added to an Application Group, if any User Groups have privileges on that group, those privileges will be GRANTED on the newly added object to all users in the User Groups authorized to that Application Group. When an object is dropped from an Application Group, all users holding privileges to that object will have them automatically REVOKED (see exceptions in DROP a Group).

When a user is added to a User Group, all authorities which the group currently has are GRANTED automatically to the added user. When a user is dropped from a group, all authorities which the group has are automatically REVOKED from the user (see exceptions in DROP a Group).

GRANT or REVOKE Privileges

Provides the capability of granting or revoking privileges to User Groups on individual database objects or on Application Groups; on all objects defined in the group. The capability of granting column UPDATE privileges is not implemented. However, you can create a view with the column updates and then grant UPDATE privilege on the view.

The Authorization panel allows you to enter an individual object or a group of objects on which privileges are to be granted or revoked. An individual object is identified by its owner and object name. A group object is identified by its Application Group name. All authorizations are done under the connect ID of SQLADMIN.

For example, in the SYSTEM.SYSTABAUTH table, the grantor for group authorizations will always be SQLADMIN. An extra grant is done for the User Group name to facilitate the implementation of the tool. If SELECT privilege is given to User Group UGROUP1 on Application Group AGROUP1, one extra GRANT SELECT to UGROUP1 on each object in AGROUP1 is generated by the tool. Likewise, this privilege is revoked from the User Group when the REVOKE function is used.

LIST Functions

These on-line listings, or reports, are available from within the Group Authorization Tool panel environment:


There are two ways to invoke the SQLADMIN tool:

Once the tool has been invoked, various Group Authorization functions are available as Figure 69 shows.

Figure 69. Control Center Group Authorization Utility Menu

| mm/dd/yyyy                   Control Center                        hh:mm:ss    |
|*----------------------- Group Authorization Utility ------------------------*  |
|| Database ===> SQLDBA                                     CTRLID: MSTRSRV1  |  |
|| Option =====> 5                                          NODE:   VMSYSTM1  |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||          **OPTION**                     *****DESCRIPTION*****              |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||      1 USER GROUP   FUNCTIONS          Define/Drop/Alter Group             |  |
||      2 USER         FUNCTIONS          Add/Drop Users from Group           |  |
||      3 APPLICATION  FUNCTIONS          Define/Add/Drop Applications        |  |
||      4 GROUP   AUTHORIZATIONS          Grant/Revoke Group Privileges       |  |
||      5 CONNECT AUTHORIZATIONS          Grant/Revoke Connect                |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||      Select OPTION, and press ENTER to process                             |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMADMIN-----*  |
|PF:   1 HELP     3 QUIT     4 EXIT                                              |
|                                                                                |

Using the Tool

|Using the Connect Authorizations Option

|The Group Authorization tool is used to define users to Control Center |and grant them selected authorizations and access to specified objects.

|When you specify 5 for the OPTION in panel SQMADMIN, a panel for CONNECT |authorizations is presented. Figure 70 is an example of the panel SQMADMCO.

|Figure 70. Group Authorization System Authorizations Menu

|| mm/dd/yyyy                   Control Center                         hh:mm:ss   |
||*----------------------- Group Authorization Utility ------------------------*  |
||| Database ===> SQLDBA                                     CTRLID: MSTRSRV1  |  |
|||                                                          NODE:   VMSYSTM1  |  |
|||                                                                            |  |
||| OPTION                 => _              ( 1 GRANT    2 REVOKE )           |  |
|||                                                                            |  |
||| PRIVILEGES             => _              ( 1 CONNECT  2 RESOURCE  3 DBA )  |  |
|||                                                                            |  |
|||                           TO or FROM                                       |  |
|||                                                                            |  |
||| USER GROUP NAME        => ________                                         |  |
||| INDIVIDUAL             => ________         PASSWORD  => ________           |  |
||| ALLUSERS               => _       ( X= YES)                                |  |
|||                                                                            |  |
||| DISPLAY AUTHORITY      => ________   ( CONNECT, RESOURCE, DBA, or userid ) |  |
|||                                                                            |  |
|||                                                                            |  |
|||                                                                            |  |
|||     Enter parms, select OPTION, press ENTER to process                     |  |
|||                                                                            |  |
||*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMADMCO-----*  |
||PF:   1 HELP     3 QUIT     4 EXIT                                              |
||                                                                                |

|The differences between granting connect authorizations for individual |users or groups of users are as follows: |

|Individual Users
|The USER GROUP NAME, ALLUSERS or DISPLAY fields are not used.

|Groups of Users
|The INDIVIDUAL field is not used. |

|All other functions are basically the same for either individual users or |groups:

|Menu Fields


|Used to specify the type of action to be performed with respect to the |PRIVILEGES field. The values are: |



|Used to specify the type of authorization to be granted or revoked. |The values are: |



|DBA |

|Name of a User Group, as defined to the Group Authorization tool. |If a group name is entered, the authorization selected will be assigned to ALL |members of the group. This field is not used when working with a single |user ID.

|Name of a specific user to whom to grant or revoke a privilege. |When working with a group, this field is not used.

|The password to be used when granting the authority. Note that |PASSWORD applies only to an individual ID.

|If any non-blank value is entered, the authority is granted to |ALLUSERS. This field is not used when working with a single user |ID.

|When working with groups, this field is used to select a specific |authorization report to be generated and displayed online in XEDIT |mode. The values are: |

|The report lists those database users who have CONNECT authority |only. This value is not used when working with a single user ID.

|The report lists those database users who have RESOURCE authority (CONNECT |authority is implied). This value is not used when working with a |single user ID.

|The report lists those database users who have DBA authority. This |value is not used when working with a single user ID.

|If an INDIVIDUAL ID is entered, the ID's highest level of |authorization will be displayed immediately below the DISPLAY AUTHORITY |field. When working with groups, a single user ID is not |appropriate. |

Sample Scenarios For Working With Group Authorizations

These are some example steps to take when first using the Group Authorization tool:

  1. Define Application Groups
  2. Add Objects to the Application Groups
  3. Define User Groups
  4. Add Users to the User Groups
  5. Grant Authorities to the User Groups

To help you get started, we have provided the following suggestions and example scenarios.

Analyze your current database authorization structure. You can start by grouping tables and views according to some common function or element(s). For instance, perhaps you would like to have all payroll, personnel, or accounting tables in their own specific groups. You can then define Application Groups for these various functions.

Let's say you have 5 tables and 3 views that belong in the personnel organization. You might want to define three Application Groups for this organization. The Application Groups will contain the tables and views from the personnel organization.

Application Group Definitions


Note:PERSTAB1 is common to both AGROUP1 and AGROUP2, and AGROUP3 has only one view defined to it.

Step 1: Define Application Groups

To define (or add) an Application Group, select Option 3 from the Group Authorization Utility Menu (Figure 69). The next menu presented will be the Application Group Menu. Here you must enter the name of the Application Group, together with the option to Add a Group, and the Group Type.

Figure 71. Control Center Application Group Menu

| mm/dd/yyyy                      CONTROL CENTER                      hh:mm:ss   |
|*----------------------- GROUP AUTHORIZATION Utility ----------------------*    |
|| Database ===> SQLDBA                                     CTRLID: MSTRSRV1|    |
|| Group  =====>  (A)                                        NODE:  VMSYSTM1|    |
|| Option =====>  (B)                                                       |    |
||                           APPLICATION GROUP MENU                         |    |
||                                                                          |    |
||   1 ADD  GROUP                                                           |    |
||   2 DROP GROUP                                                           |    |
||   3 ADD/DROP OBJECTS IN GROUP                                            |    |
||   4 LIST GROUPS                                                          |    |
||   5 LIST OBJECTS IN A GROUP                                              |    |
||   6 LIST GROUP AUTHORIZATIONS                                            |    |
||                                                                          |    |
||                                                                          |    |
||   DESCRIPTION       =>  (C)________________________                      |    |
||   GROUP TYPE        =>  (D) (T or P)                                     |    |
||                                                                          |    |
||     Choose OPTION, select DATABASE, press ENTER to process               |    |
||                                                                          |    |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMADMAP---*    |
|ENTER F1= HELP F3= QUIT F4= EXIT                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

The required, or optional, fields are:

(A)The Application Group Name (AGROUP1)
(B)The Application Group option, 1-6 (1)
(C)The Group Description field is optional. If entered, it is stored in the database record and can be viewed in the Application Group List report.
(D)The Group Type identifier; T is for tables or views, P is for packages.

Step 2: Add Objects to the Application Group

After the Application Group has been added or defined, we need to add the objects (tables and views, or packages) to the group. From the Application Group Menu, select Option 3 to add the objects to AGROUP1.

The Object Functions Menu is where tables and views, or packages are added to the Application Group. In Figure 72 we have added the personnel tables and view to Application Group AGROUP1.

Figure 72. Add Objects to Your Application Group

| mm/dd/yyyy                      CONTROL CENTER                      hh:mm:ss   |
|*----------------------- GROUP AUTHORIZATION Utility ------------------------*  |
|| Database ===> SQLDBA                                     CTRLID: MSTRSRV1  |  |
|| Group  =====> AGROUP1                               NODE:  WMAVM7          |  |
|| Option =====> 1                                                            |  |
||                              OBJECT FUNCTIONS                              |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||   1 ADD  OBJECTS                                                           |  |
||   2 DROP OBJECTS                                                           |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||   OBJECTS:    OWNER   OBJECT NAME           OWNER   OBJECT NAME            |  |
||             --------  ------------------  --------  -----------------      |  |
||             PERS____  PERSTAB1__________  ________  _________________      |  |
||             PERS____  PERSTAB2__________  ________  _________________      |  |
||             PERS____  PERSTAB3__________  ________  _________________      |  |
||             PERS____  PERSVIEW1_________  ________  _________________      |  |
||             ________  __________________  ________  _________________      |  |
||             ________  __________________  ________  _________________      |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||           Enter Object ids, select OPTION, press ENTER to process          |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMADMOB-----*  |
|ENTER F1= HELP F3= QUIT F4= EXIT                                                |
|                                                                                |

Step 3: Define User Groups

Once the Application Groups have been set up, define the users of your database to whom privileges must to be granted for the various personnel tables and view identified above.

Let's assume we have 10 users whose IDs are USER1 through USER10. You can now group these users by function or access needs, or whatever criteria you use to determine authorization.

In this case, we will define 3 User Groups (UGROUP1 through UGROUP3). Place the 10 users, User1 through User 10, into any of the 3 defined User Groups:
User Group Definitions

UGROUP1 consists of User1, User2, User3, User4, User5, User6
UGROUP2 consists of User1, User7, User8, User9, User10
UGROUP3 consists of User1 through User10
Note:User1 is in all 3 groups, all ten users are in UGROUP3. Any distribution of users is allowed, depending on your authorization needs.

The User Group Menu is where you can add or delete a User Group, populate a User Group, and list User Groups.

Figure 73. Menu for User Group Functions

| mm/dd/yyyy                      CONTROL CENTER                      hh:mm:ss   |
|*----------------------- GROUP AUTHORIZATION Utility ------------------------*  |
|| Database ===> SQLDBA                                     CTRLID: MSTRSRV1  |  |
|| Group  =====> ________                                    NODE:  VMSYSTM1  |  |
|| Option =====> ____                                                         |  |
||                             USER GROUP MENU                                |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||   1 ADD  GROUP                                                             |  |
||   2 DROP GROUP                                                             |  |
||   3 ADD/DROP USERS IN A GROUP                                              |  |
||   4 LIST GROUPS                                                            |  |
||   5 LIST USERS IN A GROUP                                                  |  |
||   6 LIST GROUP AUTHORIZATIONS                                              |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||   DESCRIPTION       => ______________________________________________      |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||           Select OPTION, enter GROUP NAME, press ENTER to process          |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMADMGP-----*  |
|ENTER F1= HELP F3= QUIT F4= EXIT                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

Step 4: Add Users to the User Groups

After the specific User Group has been added, you can populate the User Group by selecting Option 3 from the User Group Menu.

Figure 74. Users Added to UGROUP1

| mm/dd/yyyy                      CONTROL CENTER                      hh:mm:ss   |
|*---------------------- GROUP AUTHORIZATION Utility -------------------------*  |
|| Database ===> SQLDBA                                     CTRLID: MSTRSRV1  |  |
|| Group  =====> UGROUP1                                     NODE:  WMAVM7    |  |
|| Option =====> 1                                                            |  |
||                                 USER MENU                                  |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||   1 ADD  USERS                                                             |  |
||   2 DROP USERS                                                             |  |
||   3 LIST USERS                                                             |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||   USER LIST:    NAME       NAME       NAME       NAME       NAME           |  |
||               User1___   ________   ________   ________   ________         |  |
||               User2___   ________   ________   ________   ________         |  |
||               User3___   ________   ________   ________   ________         |  |
||               User4___   ________   ________   ________   ________         |  |
||               User5___   ________   ________   ________   ________         |  |
||               User6___   ________   ________   ________   ________         |  |
||               ________   ________   ________   ________   ________         |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| Select OPTION, enter USERS if needed, press ENTER to process               |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMADMUS-----*  |
|ENTER F1= HELP F3= QUIT F4= EXIT                                                |

Once the users have been added, we can grant object authority to the User Group UGROUP1.

Step 5: Grant Authorities to the User Groups

Now issue grants or revokes to those User Groups associated with the six users who belong to UGROUP1. Using the Authorization Menu, grant SELECT and UPDATE on AGROUP1 to UGROUP1, as shown below.

Figure 75. Authorization Menu

| mm/dd/yyyy                      CONTROL CENTER                      hh:mm:ss   |
|*----------------------- GROUP AUTHORIZATION Utility -----------------------*   |
|| Database ===> SQLDBA                                     CTRLID: MSTRSRV1 |   |
||                                                           NODE:  VMSYSTM1 |   |
|| OPTION                 => 1              ( 1 GRANT   2 REVOKE )           |   |
||                                                                           |   |
|| PRIVILEGES             => 1   4          ( 1 SELECT  2 INSERT  3 DELETE   |   |
||                                            4 UPDATE  5 ALL     6 EXECUTE  |   |
||                             ON                                            |   |
|| OBJECT OWNER           => ________                                        |   |
|| OBJECT NAME            => __________________                              |   |
||                             OR                                            |   |
|| APPLICATION GROUP NAME => AGROUP1                                         |   |
||                                                                           |   |
||                           TO or FROM                                      |   |
|| USER GROUP             => UGROUP1                                         |   |
||                                                                           |   |
|| WITH GRANT OPTION      => _ ( 1 YES)                                      |   |
||                                                                           |   |
||     Enter parms, select OPTION, press ENTER to process                    |   |
||                                                                           |   |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMADMPR----*   |
|ENTER F1= HELP F3= QUIT F4= EXIT                                                |
|                                                                                |

This will have the effect of granting SELECT and UPDATE privileges on tables PERSTAB1, PERSTAB2, PERSTAB3, and PERSVIEW1 to user IDs User1 through User6.

To continue with this scenario, say you were to also enter:
Grant to UGROUP2


This grants SELECT and UPDATE privileges on tables PERSTAB1, PERSTAB2, PERSTAB3, and PERSVIEW1 to user IDs User1, User7, User8, User9, and User10.

Note:User1 has been granted SELECT and UPDATE privileges to the same tables in AGROUP1 by virtue of belonging to two different User Groups.

This means that if this revoke were done:

Revoke from UGROUP1


User2, User3, User4, User5 and User 6 would lose Update privileges on the tables in AGROUP1. They would retain the SELECT privilege. However User1 would retain Update privilege because User1 still has it by belonging to UGROUP2.

This example is only one of very many which can be developed and maintained by using the Group Administration tool. All sorts of variations are possible, and the tool will maintain the structures and authorizations for you.


There are some performance considerations for doing on-line authorizations. However, none of the functions will take longer than if they were done individually by a DBA through ISQL or some other method. In fact, overall elapsed time should be substantially less when key strokes and preparation time are taken into consideration.

Another performance factor, though probably of little concern, is that two tables (USERID_GROUP_TAB and APPL_GROUP_TAB) have primary indexes which will be incremental in nature. These should be monitored by the DBA for reorganization; however, this should only be a problem in the event that very many groups are defined.

Usage Notes

  1. You can grant and revoke authorizations to a User Group where users have not yet been added. The authorizations will be made to the Group ID.
  2. You can then ADD users who will automatically inherit the grants possessed by the Group ID.
  3. However, when you drop users from the Group, after that last user is dropped from the group, the Group ID also loses its privileges.
  4. Be careful with mixing view and tables together in an Application Group. While you can grant SELECT on a mix of tables and views, you may not be able to grant INSERT unless the SQLADMIN ID has specific authority to the view, or the view itself permits INSERT (or UPDATE).

Special Considerations

  1. All authorizations |(other than CONNECT, RESOURCE, and DBA) are only granted to Groups, not individual user IDs. A way around this is to define a User Group with only 1 user ID in it. You can then grant authorizations to that user group, thus effectively granting to an individual ID.
  2. Authorizations can be granted to a User Group for an individual table which is not a member of an Application Group. For example:
    Individual Tables


    This will grant the privilege to all users defined in UGROUP1. However, since the grant is to an individual database entity, and not to an object belonging to an Application Group, this authorization is NOT recorded in the tool's tables.

    Thus, if any user ID defined in UGROUP1 were later to have its privilege to SQLDBA.ACTIVITY revoked, because that table was defined in an Application Group, the privilege would be deleted from the SYSTEM.SYSTABAUTH table since the Group Authorization tool does NOT know about this individually granted authority.

    The way around this limitation is to define the table in its own group. The same way a single user can be defined in a User Group, so too, a single table (or view, or package) can be defined in its own application group.

  3. The authorizations which can be granted or revoked are:
  4. All grants and revokes are done under the Connect ID of SQLADMIN. This ID will be generated into the database at install time, with a random password. The password is obtained by the program when invoked, and the CONNECT to the ID is done prior to issuing authorities.
  5. When granting EXECUTE on packages, the SQLADMIN ID must have the RUN privilege with GRANT option in order to do the GRANT. An error message will be produced if this is not the case.
  6. There is no ability to grant referential constraint privileges.
  7. If you have current authorizations recorded in SYSTEM.SYSTABAUTH and SYSTEM.SYSPROGAUTH, these entries will not be affected by the tool since all privileges are granted by SQLADMIN. You should, therefore, remove any old or non-SQLADMIN grants as you may deem necessary as you build your authorization scheme and issue GRANTs using the tool.
  8. The following is an example of a query you can use to obtain other information from the Group Authorization tables. For example, if you want a list of which users (and their group IDs) have SELECT authorization to all the objects in a particular Application Group, the following query will obtain the desired result:

    Figure 76. Query Using Join Statement

           U.GROUP_ID        = G.USERID_GROUP_ID AND
           UG.GROUP_ID       = U.GROUP_ID        AND
           G.S_AUTH > ' '
    ORDER BY 1,2,3,5

    Figure 77. Results of Join Query

    GROUP      OBJECT     OBJECT                           GROUP
    NAME       OWNER      NAME        S AUTH    USERID     NAME
    ----       ------     --------    ------    ------     ------
    AGROUP5    M760595    TABERROR      G       TESTGP3    TESTGP3
    AGROUP5    M760595    TABERROR      Y       TESTGP4    TESTGP4
    AGROUP5    M760595    TABERROR      G       USER1      TESTGP3
    AGROUP5    M760595    TABERROR      Y       USER1      TESTGP4
    AGROUP5    M760595    TABERROR      G       USER2      TESTGP3
    AGROUP5    M760595    TABERROR      G       USER3      TESTGP3
    AGROUP5    M760595    TABERROR      Y       USER4      TESTGP4
    AGROUP5    M760595    TABERROR      Y       USER5      TESTGP4
    AGROUP5    SQLDBA     ACTIVITY      G       TESTGP3    TESTGP3
    AGROUP5    SQLDBA     ACTIVITY      Y       TESTGP4    TESTGP4
    AGROUP5    SQLDBA     ACTIVITY      G       USER1      TESTGP3
    AGROUP5    SQLDBA     ACTIVITY      Y       USER1      TESTGP4

    Or, if you want to modify a group's description, you can simply update the GROUP_DESC field for the USERID_GROUP_TAB or the APPL_DESC field of the APPL_GROUP_TAB.

  9. You must have DBA authority to use the tool and should be initialized to the desired database prior to invoking the tool.

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