DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Control Center Operations Guide for VM
Control Center provides a command mode interface allowing most Control Center
tools and tool options to be invoked directly from the CMS command prompt or
from within a REXX exec. In some cases, options available in command
mode are not available in panel mode.
Depending on the command and the command options specified, a data entry or
options selection panel may be displayed. For example, entering
SQM VERSION at the CMS command prompt will return a message
identifying, among other things, the Control Center product release and
modification level, whereas entering SQM by itself displays the
Control Center Main Menu (panel mode interface).
Issuing Control Center commands requires READ access to the Control
Center code disk and, depending on the command specified, read access to the
database production disk.
The DBINIT command sets up access to a database by linking to the database
production disk and, if necessary, performing an SQLINIT.
Operational Consideration: | DBINIT requires access to these files:
Database Product Modules:
DBINIT Command
| '-(--PROFile--filename--filetype--+-----------+--' |
| '-filemode--' |
If DBINIT is entered without any parameters, a message indicating the
currently accessed database is displayed.
- database
- the name or nickname of the database to access.
- PROFile filename filetype filemode
- specifies an alternative file to be used instead of
- The name of the currently accessed database is placed in the program
The SQLMAINT command lets you automate dbspace maintenance. It
performs UPDATE STATISTICS and SQLREORG functions on selected dbspaces.
DBSPACE selection parameters include the number of days that have elapsed
since the same maintenance was last performed on the dbspace. Refer to Chapter 33, Automated DBSPACE Maintenance Tools for additional information.
Usage Considerations:
- Authority required:
SQLMAINT must be executed from a user ID that has DBA authority in the
target database.
- Authorization for SFS Databases:
Upon execution of SQLREORG, the Control Center support machine must
- Granted READ access on the production code directory files
- Enrolled as a USER in the SFS filepool where the production code directory
is located
- Granted DBA on the servers where the database administration activities
will be performed.
| '-(--| INSTALL options |--' |
| '-(--| LISTREORG options |--' |
| '-(--| LISTSTATS options |--' |
| '-(--| REORGPRIOR options |--' |
| '-(--| RUNREORG options |--' |
'-(--| UPSTATS options |--'
The SQLMAINT panel interface is invoked if no parameters are
- dbname
- is the database name (the dbname, not the database machine ID)
of the database where the maintenance will be performed.
- will create a public table within the target database which is used to
keep track of SQLMAINT activities.
- INSTALL options
- Panel Option I. See INSTALL options.
Note: | SQLMAINT must first be installed using the INSTALL option before
it is fully operational.
- will list candidate dbspaces that require reorganization based on
specified criteria.
- LISTREORG options
- Panel option LR. See LISTREORG options.
- will list dbspaces which need to have statistics updated.
- LISTSTATS options
- Panel option LS. See LISTSTATS options.
- will reorganize dbspaces based on candidates chosen by a previous
evaluation (generated by either LISTREORG or RUNREORG). The previous
candidate list must be available on the A-disk (filename=database,
The essential purpose of this option is to allow one execution of the
candidate evaluation process using either LISTREORG or RUNREORG, with multiple
subsequent reorganization runs based on the single prior evaluation.
This can save considerable dbspace examination time, but should be used with
caution since the evaluation data may quickly become
- REORGPRIOR options
- Panel Option RP. See REORGPRIOR options.
- will reorganize candidate dbspaces that meet the specified
- RUNREORG options
- Panel Option RR. See RUNREORG options.
- will update statistics on dbspaces that meet the specified
- UPSTATS options
- Panel Option US. See UPSTATS options.
INSTALL options
- dbspacename
- is a public dbspace where the SQLMAINT table may be created. If not
specified, SQLMAINT will prompt the user for the dbspace name.
Note: | The SQLMAINT table must first be created before the SQLMAINT
function is fully operational.
| .-ALL-----. | '-DBSPname=dbspacename-'
'-DBMIN=minpages-' '-DBMAX=maxpages-' '-QTY=nnn-'
- OWNer=owner
- is the owner of dbspaces to be listed (PUBLIC, PRIVATE, ALL, or specific
owner). ALL is the default. Owner name may include a leading or
trailing percent sign (%) to indicate a wildcard match.
- DBSPname=dbspacename
- is a dbspace name to list. A blank entry will select ALL
dbspaces. For specific dbspace names, a leading or trailing percent
sign (%) can be used for wildcard matching.
- DBMIN=minpages
- is the minimum dbspace size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- DBMAX=maxpages
- is the maximum dbspace size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- QTY=nnn
- is the number of dbspaces to be listed (default is ALL).
- DAYS=ddd
- is the number of days since the previous update that must have passed for
a dbspace to be listed.
| .-ALL-----. | '-DBSPname=dbspacename-'
'-DBMIN=minpages-' '-DBMAX=maxpages-' '-QTY=nnn-'
- OWNer=owner
- is the owner of dbspaces to be listed (PUBLIC, PRIVATE, ALL, or specific
owner). ALL is the default. Owner name may include a leading or
trailing percent sign (%) to indicate a wildcard match.
- DBSPname=dbspacename
- is a dbspace name to list. A blank entry will select ALL
dbspaces. For specific dbspace names, a leading or trailing percent
sign (%) can be used for wildcard matching.
- DBMIN=minpages
- is the minimum dbspace size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- DBMAX=maxpages
- is the maximum dbspace size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- QTY=nnn
- is the number of dbspaces to be listed (default is ALL).
- DAYS=ddd
- is the number of days since the previous update that must have passed for
a dbspace to be listed.
| .-ALL-----. | '-DBSPname=dbspacename-'
'-DBMIN=minpages-' '-DBMAX=maxpages-' '-QTY=nnn-'
'-FM=filemode-' '-TIME=mmm-'
'-AGE-' '-STOP-' '-ALLStats-' '-COMCOUNT=nnn-'
- OWNer=owner
- is the owner of dbspaces to be reorganized (PUBLIC, PRIVATE, ALL, or
specific owner). ALL is the default. This value must match the
value provided for the previous LISTREORG or RUNREORG job, or it may be a
valid subset of the previous candidate list.
- DBSPname=dbspacename
- is a dbspace name to reorganize. A blank entry will select ALL
dbspaces. This value must match the value provided for the previous
LISTREORG or RUNREORG job, or it may be a valid subset of the previous
candidate list.
- DBMIN=minpages
- is the minimum dbspace size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- DBMAX=maxpages
- is the maximum DBSPACE size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- QTY=nnn
- is the number of dbspaces to be reorganized (default is ALL).
- FM=filemode
- is an optional filemode of a disk linked in WRITE mode to be used for
reorganizations. The default is to use a temporary disk.
- TIME=mmm
- is the maximum number of minutes that will be allowed to complete the
reorganizations. If all selected dbspaces cannot be completed within
the specified minutes, SQLMAINT will complete as many as possible.
- is an optional selection sequence for reorganizations. The default
sequence is by weight.
- indicates that SQLMAINT should immediately terminate if a reorganization
fails on any dbspace, other than failures caused by insufficient external
- is the keyword to use when it is desired to have SQLREORG issue an UPDATE
ALL STATISTICS command in the DDL instead of the default UPDATE
- is the COMMITCOUNT value desired in RELOAD DDL.
RUNREORG options
| .-ALL-----. | '-DBSPname=dbspacename-'
'-DBMIN=minpages-' '-DBMAX=maxpages-' '-QTY=nnn-'
'-FM=filemode-' '-DAYS=ddd-' '-TIME=mmm-'
'-AGE-' '-STOP-' '-ALLStats-' '-COMCOUNT=nnn-'
- OWNer=owner
- is the owner of dbspaces to be listed (PUBLIC, PRIVATE, ALL, or specific
owner). ALL is the default. Owner name may include a leading or
trailing percent sign (%) to indicate a wildcard match.
- DBSPname=dbspacename
- is a dbspace name to list. A blank entry will select ALL
dbspaces. For specific dbspace names, a leading or trailing percent
sign (%) can be used for wildcard matching.
- DBMIN=minpages
- is the minimum dbspace size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- DBMAX=maxpages
- is the maximum dbspace size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- QTY=nnn
- is the number of dbspaces to be reorganized (default is ALL).
- FM=filemode
- is an optional filemode of a disk linked in WRITE mode to be used for
reorganizations. The default is to use a temporary disk.
- DAYS=ddd
- is the number of days since the previous update that must have passed for
a dbspace to be reorganized.
- TIME=mmm
- is the maximum number of minutes that will be allowed to complete the
reorganizations. If all selected dbspaces cannot be completed within
the specified minutes, SQLMAINT will complete as many as possible.
- is an optional selection sequence for reorganizations. The default
sequence is by weight.
- indicates that SQLMAINT should immediately terminate if a reorganization
fails on any dbspace, other than failures cause by insufficient external work
- is the keyword to use when it is desired to have SQLREORG issue an UPDATE
ALL STATISTICS command in the DDL instead of the default UPDATE
- is the COMMITCOUNT value desired in RELOAD DDL.
UPSTATS options
| .-ALL-----. | '-DBSPname=dbspacename-'
'-DBMIN=minpages-' '-DBMAX=maxpages-' '-QTY=nnn-'
'-DAYS=ddd-' '-TIME=mmm-' '-STOP-'
- OWNer=owner
- is the owner of dbspaces to be listed (PUBLIC, PRIVATE, ALL, or specific
owner). ALL is the default. Owner name may include a leading or
trailing percent sign (%) to indicate a wildcard match.
- DBSPname=dbspacename
- is a dbspace name to list. A blank entry will select ALL
dbspaces. For specific dbspace names, a leading or trailing percent
sign (%) can be used for wildcard matching.
- DBMIN=minpages
- is the minimum dbspace size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- DBMAX=maxpages
- is the maximum dbspace size to be included, expressed as number of pages
- QTY=nnn
- is the number of dbspaces to be updated (default is ALL).
- DAYS=ddd
- is the number of days since the previous update that must have passed for
a dbspace to be updated.
- TIME=mmm
- is the maximum number of minutes that will be allowed to complete the
UPDATE STATISTICS. If all selected dbspaces cannot be completed
within the specified minutes, SQLMAINT will complete as many as
- indicates that SQLMAINT should immediately terminate if the
UPDATE STATISTICS command fails on any DBSPACE.
The SQLRBIND command lets you selectively rebind packages within the
database. SQLBIND uses the REBIND command of the Database Services
Utility (DBSU). Refer to Chapter 34, Rebind Package Tool for additional information.
Usage Considerations:
- Authority required:
SQLRBIND must be executed from a user ID that has DBA authority in the
target database.
'-dbname--| O |---+--------+---+--------+--'
-| PNAME |- '-VALID--' '-PAUSE--'
'-CREATOR=pcreator-' '-PNAME=pname-'
|- ---------------------------------------------|
The SQLRBIND panel interface is invoked if no parameters are
- dbname
- is the database name (the dbname, not the database machine ID)
of the database where the maintenance will be performed.
- CREATOR=pcreator
- will only REBIND packages that were created by the specified
pcreator. A leading or trailing percent sign (%) may be used for
wildcard matching.
- PNAME=pname
- will only REBIND packages with the specified pname. A leading or
trailing percent sign (%) may be used for wildcard matching.
- will REBIND all packages, regardless of whether they are currently
invalid. The default is to REBIND only those packages that are
currently invalid.
- will cause SQLRBIND to capture all REBIND commands within a Database
Services Utility (DBSU) command file and stop without executing the REBIND
The SQLREORG command lets you reorganize a database dbspace. The
specified dbspace will be unloaded, dropped, re-acquired, and reloaded.
This will assure maximum efficiency and space utilization. Refer to Multiple User Mode DBSPACE Reorganization Tool for additional information.
Usage Considerations:
- Authority required:
You must have DB2 Server for VM Database Administrator authority
for the database specified.
- Processing:
SQLREORG will acquire a temporary disk for the unloaded dbspace, unless an
optional linked disk filemode or TAPE is specified.
A copy of the unloaded data will also be sent to your reader to provide
recovery backup in case the disk copy is lost.
- Tape Processing:
SQLREORG will unload the dbspace to tape if you specify the TAPE
option. Prior to invoking SQLREORG, you must issue a FILEDEF command
for ddname DBSFILE and have the tape mounted and attached. If your
unloaded data will span more than one tape, you will also need to issue a
LABELDEF command to provide for multivolume tape handling. SQLREORG
executes the UNLOAD utility. For UNLOAD, always specify a record format
(RECFM) of variable-length blocked spanned (VBS). For instance, an
example of FILEDEF and LABELDEF commands would be:
You would then need to have a scratch tape mounted and attached as
If your unloaded data fits on a single tape, SQLREORG may be invoked
without the PAUSE option and a tape rewind will automatically be performed
between the UNLOAD and RELOAD processing. If your unloaded data spans
more than one tape, then you must use the PAUSE option and issue
the proper DETACH and MOUNT commands between the UNLOAD and RELOAD processing
(detaching the last tape and remounting the first tape).
- Authorization for SFS Databases:
Upon execution of SQLREORG, the Control Center support machine must
- Granted READ access on the production code directory files
- Enrolled as a USER in the SFS filepool where the production code directory
is located
- Granted DBA on the servers where the database administration activities
will be performed.
'-(--| options |--'
The SQLREORG panel interface is invoked if no parameters are
- database
- is the name of the applicable database.
- owner.dbspace
- is the database owner and name of the dbspace to be reorganized.
- options
- See options which follow.
'-PAuse-' '-NOUNload-' '-TAPE-' '-DATABASE=database-'
'-OWNER=owner-' '-AFN=alternate file name-'
'-DBSPace=dbspacename-' '-PAGES=nnn-' '-POOL=nnn-'
'-PCTFree=nnn-' '-ALTerfree=nnn-' '-PCTIndex=nnn-'
'-NHeader=n-' '-LOCK=-+-DBSPACE-+--' '-ALLStats-'
'-DISK=filemode-' '-TDSIZE=cylinders-'
- PAuse
- will perform the UNLOAD portion of the reorganization only. To
continue processing, run the REXX exec that is created.
- NOUNload
- will PAUSE before the data UNLOAD, providing only the DDL capture.
- will perform the UNLOAD to TAPE instead of DISK.
- DATABASE=database
- is the database where the dbspace will be moved.
- OWNER=owner
- is the new owner of the dbspace.
- AFN=alternate file name
- is the user selected file name for SQLREORG generated files.
- SENDTO=userid AT nodeid
- is where a copy of the unloaded data is sent for recovery backup when a
temporary disk is used. The default is your user ID.
- DBSPace=dbspacename
- is the new name for the dbspace.
- PAGES=nnn
- is the new size of the dbspace.
- POOL=nnn
- is the new STORPOOL.
- PCTFree=nnn
- is the PCTFREE to use during the RELOAD.
- ALTerfree=nnn
- is the new PCTFREE for after the RELOAD.
- PCTIndex=nnn
- is the new PCTINDEX.
- NHeader=n
- is the new NHEADER size.
- LOCK=xxxxx
- is the new LOCK size (DBSPACE, PAGE, ROW).
- ALLStats
- DISK=filemode
- is the filemode of a linked disk for the data UNLOAD (defaults to using a
TEMP disk).
- TDSIZE=cylinders
- is the temporary disk size (defaults to calculation based on the DBSPACE
The SQLTABLE command lets you reorganize and redefine database
tables. Options can be specified to reorganize a table, copy a table,
move a table, or redefine columns in a table. Column redefinition is
available only when run in panel mode. Refer to Overview for additional information.
Two Database Services Utility (DBSU) files are created by the SQLTABLE
command. A DBSU file with a filetype of LOADDBSU will contain the
DATALOAD statement, along with any required DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE
statements (depending on selected options). A DBSU file with a filetype
of DDLDBSU will contain additional data definition language (DDL) statements
associated with a table, such as CREATE INDEX, CREATE VIEW, and GRANT.
The PAUSE option allows you to modify these files prior to execution.
This is useful when copying tables to a new name under the same owner,
allowing the user to change the index names and view names to avoid
duplication of existing names.
Usage Considerations:
- Authority required:
The DATA option will require SELECT authority on the source table and
INSERT authority on the target table.
The DDL option requires that you own the target DBSPACE, have RESOURCE
authority if the target DBSPACE is PUBLIC, or have DBA authority (required for
complete capture of all VIEW and GRANT DDL capture).
- Processing options:
SQLTABLE will perform various functions depending on the options
- Table Reorganization:
- If only the source database and table is specified, SQLTABLE will perform
a table reorganization, using DATAUNLOAD to capture the data from the table
and DATALOAD to restore the data to the table. If the DATA option is
specified, SQLTABLE will delete all rows in the table prior to performing the
DATALOAD. The DATA option requires that you have SELECT and INSERT
authority to the table.
If the DDL option is specified, SQLTABLE will capture the table create
statement and all associated database objects, including indexes, views, and
When data and DDL are both captured for a reorganization, you will require
DBA authority for complete capture of all dependent objects within
the database (including those of other users). The table reorganization
for DDL and DATA will capture the data using DATAUNLOAD, DROP and CREATE the
table, DATALOAD the data, and then recreate all dependent objects (indexes,
views, and grants).
- Table Migration
- SQLTABLE will migrate data or table DDL between databases if the New
Database (NEWDB) option is used. The source table will not
be dropped or modified in any way.
- Table Copy
- SQLTABLE will copy either data or the table definition (DDL) or both if a
new owner.table is specified with the NEWTABLE option. If DATA
is specified, the target table must already exist and the column definitions
must match the source table exactly. If DDL is specified, you must have
DBA authority to capture all dependent database objects. It is
important to note that if the target owner is the same as the source table
owner, the index and view create names will be identical to the existing ones
on the old table, so the create statements will fail unless the user takes
steps to eliminate the duplication.
- Table Move
- SQLTABLE will move a table to a new DBSPACE if the DATA and DDL
option are specified with the new dbspace (NEWSpace) option. Note that
the old table will only be deleted if the new owner and table
remain the same as the old owner and table.
- Redefine Table
- SQLTABLE will allow you to redefine a table, changing column names, adding
columns, deleting columns, changing column datatypes and lengths, through the
panel mode option only. Since the DATAUNLOAD/DATALOAD functions of the
Database Services Utility (DBSU) are used for this process, all restrictions
described in the "Data Conversion Summary" section of the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Services Utility manual apply. You should be aware of which datatypes
are compatible and which ones will cause data truncation or dataload
- Tape Processing
SQLTABLE will unload the table data to tape if you specify the TAPE
option. Prior to invoking SQLTABLE, you must issue a FILEDEF command
for ddname DBSFILE and have the tape mounted and attached. If your
unloaded data will span more than one tape, you will also need to issue a
LABELDEF command to provide for multivolume tape handling.
SQLTABLE executes the DATAUNLOAD utility. DATAUNLOAD supports all
record format (RECFM) values with the exception of undefined (U). For
instance, an example of a FILEDEF and LABELDEF command are given below:
You would then need to have a scratch tape mounted and attached as
If your unloaded data fits on a single tape, SQLTABLE may be invoked
without the PAUSE option and a tape rewind will automatically be performed
between the UNLOAD and RELOAD processing. If your unloaded data spans
more than one tape, then you must use the PAUSE option and issue
the proper DETACH and MOUNT commands between the UNLOAD and RELOAD processing
(detaching the last tape and remounting the first tape).
'-(--| options |--'
The SQLTABLE panel interface is invoked if no parameters are
- database
- is the name of the database where the table is located.
- owner.table
- is the database owner and table name of the table that will be the target
of SQLTABLE operations.
- options
- See options below.
'-DATA-' '-DDL-' '-NEWDB=database-'
'-NEWTable=owner.table-' '-NEWSpace=owner.dbspacename-'
'-PAuse-' '-COMmit=nnnnn-' '-NOPrep-' '-ALLStats-'
'-PCTFree=nnn-' '-ALTFree=nnn-' '-DISK=filemode-'
'-TAPE-' '-UPDBefore-'
- will only unload the DATA within the specified table, and will
not capture associated Data Definition Language (DDL) statements
- will only capture the Data Definition Language statements associated with
the specified table, and will not unload the data.
- NEWDB=database
- is the target database for the data or DDL. If this option is used,
SQLTABLE will perform a COPY function, and the original table will remain
- NEWTable=owner.table
- is the target table for the data or DDL. If this option is
specified, SQLTABLE will perform a COPY function, and the original table will
remain intact. If DDL is captured, the INDEX and VIEW names on the new
table will be identical to the names on the old table, causing them to
fail unless the PAUSE option is used and either the old or new
names are changed.
- NEWSpace=owner.dbspacename
- is the target dbspace for the data and DDL. If this option is used
without specifying a new database or owner.table name, SQLTABLE will
perform a MOVE function, moving the table, indexes and views to the new
- PAuse
- will perform the DATAUNLOAD and DDL capture only.
- COMmit=nnnnn
- is the COMMITCOUNT for the DATALOAD.
- NOPrep
- packages will not be reprepped.
- ALLStats
- PCTFree=nnn
- is the PCTFREE to be used during the DATALOAD.
- ALTFree=nnn
- is the new PCTFREE for after the DATALOAD.
- DISK=filemode
- is the filemode of a linked disk for the DATAUNLOAD.
- will perform the DATAUNLOAD to TAPE instead of DISK.
- UPDBefore
- will UPDATE STATISTICS before calculating temp disk space.
The SQM command is used to start Control Center in panel mode and to issue
Control Center administrator commands and database administrator commands in
command mode.
SQM Command
+-Control Center main menu option-+
+-| Control Center Admin Cmds |---+
'-| Database Admin Cmds |---------'
The Control Center Main Menu is displayed if no parameters are
specified. Refer to Chapter 9, Getting Started for additional information.
- ?
- displays the current Control Center communication path.
- displays help for the SQM command.
- Control Center main menu option
- allows you to go directly to any option on the Control Center Main Menu
when invoking Control Center in panel mode. For example, you can go
directly from CMS to the ARCHIVING selection panel by specifying SQM A at
the CMS command level.
- Control Center Administrator Commands
- See Control Center Admin Cmds.
- Database Administrator Commands
- See Figure 250.
- userid AT nodeid
- is used to change communications to a different Control Center
Note: | This must be the first SQM command issued by a new user in order
to establish initial communications.
Control Center Admin Cmds
| '-STOP--' |
| .-CLOSE--. |
| '-OFF----' |
+-MESSAGE--| Update |--msgno--action--| Msg Type |--comment--+
+-OP--Database Operator Command------------------------------+
| '-SCHEDULE-' |
| (2) |
| (3) |
Msg Type
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
| (8) |
| (9) |
- Add
- Change
- Delete
- Administrator alert.
- Database alert.
- Error alert.
- Information only.
- Operator alert.
- Serious error alert.
- is used to add a line to the SQLMSTR PROFILE. The syntax must
conform to SQLMSTR PROFILE requirements.
- is used to have Control Center execute any valid CMS command.
- cmscommand
- is any valid CMS command.
Note: | Caution must be exercised with this command. If the command causes any
console input (VM READ), Control Center will be disabled.
- is used to start or stop tracing of certain code within Control Center for
a database. The results of the tracing will appear in the Control
Center CONSOLE and LOG files.
- dbname
- is the database which will have code tracing started or stopped.
- will start code tracing.
- will stop code tracing.
- is used to control the spooling of the Control Center virtual machine
- is used to have Control Center close the current console and send it to
your reader for examination. This is the default.
- ON
- specifies that the Control Center virtual machine should begin spooling
its console.
- specifies that the Control Center virtual machine should stop spooling its
- DBstatus
- is used to display the Master Database Status panel.
- is used to add/change/delete an action routine in the
DATABASE MESSAGES file (message filtering).
- Update
- A
- to add a message.
- C
- to change a message.
- D
- to delete a message.
- msgno
- is the message identifier (ARI0001E).
- action
- is the executable command that will be performed when this message is
received from a database.
- Message Type
- A
- for Administrator alert.
- D
- for Dbstatus alert.
- E
- for Error alert.
- I
- for Information only.
- O
- for Operator alert.
- S
- for Serious Error alert.
- comment
- is any text which describes the message.
- causes Control Center to temporarily halt execution and re-read the
SQLMSTR PROFILE, and then restart. This must be done if any changes
are made to the SQLMSTR PROFILE in order for the changes to become
- OP
- issues a database operator command to the database specified in the last
executed SQLINIT or DBINIT command.
- Database Operator Command
- the database operator command to execute. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
- will display the current Job Schedule for ALL databases.
- will display the current SQLMSTR TIMES schedule.
- causes Control Center to send you a list of Control Center reader
- is used to immediately start a scheduled job.
- jobname
- the name of the Control Center job to start.
- causes Control Center execution to terminate.
- displays Control Center code level (release, modification, service level,
and last PTF applied).
Figure 250. Database Admin Cmds
Database Admin Cmds
|--+------------+---database machine ID--| Command Options |----|
- nodeid
- is the CPU node ID. Specify when it is necessary to distinguish
between database machines with the same name on different CPUs. For
example: VMSYSTM1.SQLDBA can be used to specify the SQLDBA
database machine on CPU VMSYSTM1.
- database machine ID
- is any valid database machine ID that is controlled by Control
Center. It must precede every Control Center DBA command.
- Command Options
- See Command Options.
Command Options
|--+-ADD DBSPACE-------------------------------+----------------|
+-ADD DBEXTENT------------------------------+
| (1) |
| +-LOG-----+ |
| '-TRACE---' |
| (6) |
| +-FULL-----------+ |
| +-INCremental----+ |
| '-+------------+-' |
| +-AUTOFULL---+ |
| +-LOGDISK---+ |
| '-DBEXTENT--' |
| (2) |
| '-(--NOWAIT--' |
| '-AGENT--agentnumber--' |
+-FORWard--| Forward Options |--------------+
+-Query--| Query Options |------------------+
| (3) |
| (4) |
| '-(--NOWAIT--' |
| (5) |
| | '-DUMP-' | |
| | .-CLOSE-. | |
| '-OFF-+-------+--+---------+--' |
| '-NOCLOSE-' |
+-UARCHIVE--completion status---------------+
Forward Options
'-MSGs-----' '-userid--AT--nodeid--'
- Only valid when using VMTAPE.
- Any valid COUNTER command option; refer to the DB2
Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
- Any valid RESET command option; refer to the DB2
Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
- Any valid SHOW command option; refer to the DB2
Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
- Any valid SQLEND command option; refer to the DB2
Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
- If Incremental Backup is enabled, then only Full and Incremental options
are valid.
- will initiate the Add DBSPACE tool using the database SQLADBSP file on
Control Center.
- will initiate the Add DBEXTENTS tool using the database ADEXTENT and
ADNLPOOL files on Control Center.
- is used to request a scratch tape to be mounted, catalogued, and added to
a database TAPES file.
Usage Consideration: | This function is available only with VMTAPE.
Specify the tape type:
- series
- must be a three-digit number that indicates to which tape series the tape
should be added.
- is used to begin an immediate archive of a database with the database
remaining up.
Options DVERIFY and TRCPURGE may be specified.
- is used to immediately terminate an active archive or recovery. It
will cause a crash of the database by detaching any active tape drives,
forcing an I/O error. Manual cleanup and restoration must then be
- is a general purpose command that will pass any valid command executable
under CMS to a database machine.
- command
- is any valid command executable under CMS. If the database machine
is operational, only CP commands will be accepted and they must be explicitly
preceded by CP.
- is used to immediately begin a COLDLOG (SQLLOG) on the target
database. If the database is running, it will be terminated with
- will initiate the Copy/Move DBEXTENTS tools, using the database CDBEXDIR,
CDBLOGEX, or CDBEXTNT file on Control Center.
Specify the type of extent to copy:
- will issue the COUNTER command to the target database.
- counteropts
- is any valid COUNTER command option. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
- optional parameter to issue command and immediately return control without
waiting for response. The response from the database will come back as
a file in your virtual reader.
- DBstatus
- is used to display the Master Database Status panel.
- will initiate the Delete DBEXTENTS tool using the database SQLADBEX file
on Control Center.
- will issue the database SHOW ACTIVE and FORCE commands to the target
database for a specified userid/agent.
- userid
- is an active userid in the target database.
- AGENT agnt
- specifies an active agent number to be forced.
- FORWard MESSages | MSGs
- will cause all messages from a database virtual machine to be forwarded to
a specified userid.
- keyword to stop forwarding database messages.
- userid AT nodeid
- the userid that will begin receiving messages forwarded from a database
virtual machine.
- is used to immediately begin a Log Archive on the target database, with
the database remaining up.
- See Query Options.
- will initiate the Single User Mode DBSPACE Reorganization tool.
- userid
- is the userid which owns the minidisk to which the dbspace data has been
- vaddr
- is the virtual address of the minidisk to which the dbspace data has been
- dbsfname
- is the CMS file name of the unloaded dbspace.
- will reset the COUNTER statistics for a given database.
- resetopts
- are valid RESET command options (* or certain value). Refer to the
DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
- will execute any of the database SHOW operator commands.
- showopts
- are any valid database SHOW command parameters. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
- optional parameter to issue command and immediately return control without
waiting for response. The response from the database will come back as
a file in your virtual reader.
- will initiate an immediate Catalog Index reorganization for the specified
database. If the database is up, it will be terminated using
- will immediately terminate the specified database.
- sqlendopts
- are any valid SQLEND options. Refer to the DB2
Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.
- is used to update a parameter in the database parameters file.
- parmid
- is a valid database parameter name.
- parmval
- is a valid database parameter value.
- will cause Control Center to re-read the parameters in the database
parameters into memory.
- is used to change the current database status contained in the SQMODE
- newmode
- is the new value for the SQMODE parameter.
- is used to start the database.
- is used to change the current database status contained in the DBSTATUS
- newstatus
- is the new value for the DBSTATUS parameter.
- is used to start or stop TRACING within a database.
- ON
- to start tracing. Trace option DUMP may be specified.
- to stop tracing. Trace option CLOSE or NOCLOSE may be
- is used to indicate to Control Center the completion status for a database
user archive.
- completion status
- is used to change the current database user archive status contained in
the UARCSTAT parameter.
Valid values are:
Query Options
| '-(--MESSAGEONLY--' |
- will display the Archive History file for the specified
database. This includes BACKUP, Full Backup, and Incremental Backup
history information.
- will display the last Archive console file for the specified
- EXTents
- will display the current DBEXTENT versus STORPOOL mapping for the
specified database.
- will display the current Job Schedule for the specified database.
- will display the messages between the Control Center virtual machine and a
specified database. This information is obtained from the Control
Center LOGjjddd files, where jjddd is the Julian
- msgqty
- is an integer to limit the number of message lines displayed to the most
recent quantity.
- logdate
- is the Julian date (91022) of the log file.
- will display the characteristics of a given database monitor routine, or
all monitor routines for the database if parameter chkname
is not is specified.
- chkname
- is a specific monitor check name to display.
- will display the database parameters for the specified database.
- will display the current SQLMSTR TIMES schedule for the specified
- will display the startup parameters used by the target database the last
time it was started.
- will display the current status of the target database.
- Database status is returned as a single line message.
- will display the tape catalog of the target database.
- will display a user archive status for target database.
- 10
Control Center administrator options and database administrator options are
not the same as Control Center Administration tools and Database
Administration tools, respectively.
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