DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Control Center Operations Guide for VM

Chapter 7. Version Tool


The Version Tool was developed to provide you and the Control Center support staff with an easy way to gather comprehensive information about code, files, PTFs, and the overall product environment.


The Version Tool:

  1. Lists all Control Center code files and current PTFs on all minidisks accessed by the user or product.
  2. Reports duplicate code files.
  3. Reports missing code files.
  4. Lists non-Control Center files on a code or other selected disk.
  5. Reports selected CP and CMS system information.
  6. |Reports incorrect or missing entries in the SQLMSTR PROFILE |file.
  7. Runs against local or remote Control Center machines.


The Version tool is executed as a command from CMS. Be sure you are addressing the correct service or support machine by entering:

     SQM ( SQM-ID

where SQM-ID is the userid of the machine.

Command Format

The Version command format is:

Figure 25. Version command format

>>-SQM VERSION-------------------------------------------------->
      | +-?----+                                   |
      | '-VER--'                                   |
        |  (1)          |   '-| Report Options |-'
Report Options
    |  .--------------------------. |
    |  |       (1)                | |
    |  V.-LIST-----------------.  | |
        |       '-NOLIST-'     |
        |      '-NOLIST-'      |


  1. These options can appear in any order.

  2. ALL implies LIST, DISK, SYS, and PROFILE.

The order of options is not important. Reports are created and saved on the Control Center A-disk and sent to the user's reader. Old reports are erased before new reports are created. Execution of the Version command can be restricted to the service machine's administrators by changing the VERSION entry in the |SQLMSTR PROFILE file to level 5.

General Options

The general options of the Version command are:


Displays documentation for the Version command. All other options are ignored. Can also be invoked by typing: HELP SQMVERSN

Displays the current version only. No report is sent and no "LAST PTF" information is given. All other options are ignored.

Creates and sends LIST, DISK and SYS reports.

Gathers the selected PTF, System, or disk information based on minidisks the user is currently accessing. Runs Version on the user's virtual machine, rather than a service machine as is normally the case.

PTF List Options

When you choose the PTF list options, the product looks for occurrences of every file found in the SQLMSTR LIST file. Its PTF information can be found at the bottom of executable files that have a file type of EXEC, XEDIT, or $EXEC, |and at the top of files with a file type of HELPCMS. $EXEC files are template files that are customized for local use either by the product or by the user. It searches backwards through these files, extracting PTF numbers and information. A file will be searched until the current PTF record is found.

|Refer to PTF Report for an example and description of a PTFLIST |report.

The valid PTF List options are:


Avoids creating and sending a PTF list to the user's reader. This is useful if only the DISK, SYS |or PROFILE report is desired.

Examines Control Center code file on all accessed disks and creates a listing and analysis of the current PTF level of each file. By default, a PTF list and PTF analysis are generated each time the command is executed unless the NOLIST option is used. A PTFLIST report is sent to the user's reader. The filename is the userid of the service machine. The report includes PTF information about files on all accessed disks, including:


The NOLIST, VER, and HELP options suppress creation of the PTF report

Non-Control Center Files

The options to list non-Control Center files are:


Reports files on the code disk that are not in the SQLMSTR LIST file. The product only allows files in the SQLMSTR LIST file to be received to its code disk during normal disconnected operation. This option helps identify local execs or other files that have been placed there. An XTRACODE report is sent to the user's reader. The filename is the userid of the service machine. If all the files on the disk are Control Center files, the report is not sent to the user.

DISK = fm
You can change the disk to be examined by using this parameter, where "fm" is the file mode of a disk that the product has accessed. You can determine the disks that it is accessing by using the SYS option. By default, the location of the code disk is determined by the location (fm) of the first SQLMSTR LIST file found. This option always uses the first SQLMSTR LIST file it finds as the basis for its examination regardless of what "fm" is chosen.

System Report Option

The System Report option provides information about the environment in which the product is operating. When problems occur, this information can be used to verify that everything is set up correctly.


Reports current CMS and CP system information about the service machine including:

An SQMSYS report is sent to the user's reader. The filename is the userid of the service machine.

|SQLMSTR PROFILE Validation Report Option


|The SQLMSTR PROFILE Validation Report option examines both the |SQLMSTR PROFILE and the SQLMSTR $PROFILE files. |


|Reports the following SQLMSTR PROFILE information: |

|A PROFCHEK report is sent to the user's reader. The PROFILE |CHECK function assumes that the function is executed on the Control Center |machine. If the HERE option is used, authority checking will be |incomplete. |

PTF Report

Figure 26 is an example of a PTF report.

Figure 26. Version PTF Report

             Control Center for VM Version 6 Release 1 Modification 0
                                01 Jan 1998
Type: SQM VERSION HELP   for explanation of this report
Files listed in SQLMSTR LIST D ...  350       LAST PTF:       UV58736
SQLMSTR code files on disk D .....  349       Missing files:  1
Code files that have duplicates ..    8       FINDPTF:        CURRENT
            Control Center Code  File     File     PTF         FILE/PTF
PTF Number FileName FileType FM   Date     Time     Date   DUP  DESCRIPTION
---------- -------- -------- -- -------- -------- -------- ---- ---------
           CPVENDBA PARMS    A1 10/04/96 10:13:30               Database
           CPVENDBA TAPES    A1 10/04/96 10:12:52               Database
           SQLDBA   $PARMS   C1  5/05/96 12:32:57               Database
           DATABASE MESSAGES D1  5/05/96 11:02:41               Data Base
           DATABASE MSGLIST  D1  5/20/96 16:11:00               Message
Base Code  DBADEXT  EXEC     D1  6/16/96  6:52:52 06/14/96      Database
**DANGER** SQLMAINT EXEC     *     ERROR     FILE  MISSING      Control Center
           SQLMSTR  DIRECTRY D1 10/03/96 11:38:28          DUP2 Database
           SQLMSTR  DIRECTRY M1  9/15/96  9:30:48          DUP2 Database
Base Code  DBADSPAC EXEC     D1  6/16/96  6:52:54 06/14/96      Database
UV58520    DBEXTMAP EXEC     D1  7/22/96 11:26:21 07/22/96      *FIX PROB
Base Code  DBFORCE  EXEC     D1  6/16/96  6:52:50 06/14/96      FORCE use
           DBINIT   $CONTROL D1  5/05/96 12:32:54               Database
           DBINIT   CONTROL  D1  7/19/96 17:12:13          DUP2 Database
           DBINIT   CONTROL  M1  7/16/96  9:04:41          DUP2 Database
UV58119    DBINIT   EXEC     D1  2/09/96 14:47:28 02/09/96 DUP2 *REMOVE PASS=

The PTF Report field descriptions are as follows:


PTF Number
Contains the most current PTF number found or "Base Code" if no PTFs have been applied to the file since the base code for the current release was installed. This field is blank if the file type is NOT either EXEC, XEDIT, |$EXEC, or HELPCMS. IF the file is not on any accessed disk, the field contains "**DANGER**" followed by a message.

FileName FileType FM
The name, type and mode of the file that is being reported on.

File Date File Time
The current date and time stamp.

PTF Date
The date the PTF was issued.

If duplicates are found, the field contains "DUP" followed by the number of times the file was found. The report is sorted by file name, so duplicate files should be grouped together in the report.

File/PTF Description
If no PTF is found, this field contains a description of the file. If a PTF is found, this field contains an "*" followed by a description of the PTF.

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