DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Control Center Operations Guide for VM

Chapter 5. Corrective Service

IBM provides corrective service for the Control Center product. Corrective service is provided in PTFs.

All service for Control Center is provided as directly replaceable files, with no additional compilation or link-edit steps required. However, any locally customized files will need to be considered when new versions of those files are received on the Control Center service tape.

Installing Corrective Service

To apply service to Control Center from a PTF tape, follow the instructions provided with the tape to copy the contents of the tape to a temporary disk, |execute the rename exec provided on the PTF tape, and then copy the files to the Control Center code disk |using the OLDDATE and REPLACE options. After applying service, the database |must be restarted so that the new code is reaccessed.

After the Control Center code disk has been updated, it may be necessary to update certain files on each service machine's A-disk (191 minidisk) by manually using an editor (such as XEDIT). These additional updates will only be required if the applied Control Center service includes any of the special files that are customized for local use and copied to the service machine's 191 disk. These files will have a special filetype that begins with the $ character. Files provided with Control Center which may be customized include:

Additional information for some of the files listed above can be found in Chapter 8, Managing the Environment.

It may also be necessary to modify the PROFILE EXEC on the service machine, support machines, and database machines.

Service Machine
The SQMPROF $EXEC provided with Control Center is renamed to PROFILE EXEC and placed on the service machine's A-disk during Control Center service machine installation. If a new SQMPROF $EXEC is provided on the PTF tape, it should be used to replace the existing PROFILE EXEC. Make changes for local use as required.

Support Machines
The SUPPROF $EXEC provided with Control Center is renamed to PROFILE EXEC and placed on the support machine's A-disk during Control Center support machine installation. If a new SUPPROF $EXEC is provided on the PTF tape, it should be used to replace the existing PROFILE EXEC. Make changes for local use as required.

Database Machines
The DBPROF $EXEC provided with Control Center is used as the PROFILE EXEC for each database machine. If a new DBPROF $EXEC is provided on the PTF tape, it should be used to replace the existing PROFILE EXEC on each database virtual machine. Make changes for local use as required.

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