This chapter provides you with enough information to get you started in using Control Center in your environment. You will be introduced to the Control Center panel interface, the Control Center Main Menu, list panels and response panels, and we will show you how to tell Control Center which DB2 Server for VM database you want to work with.
After completing this chapter you'll be all set to start learning and using the Control Center tool set described in the remaining chapters of this book.
To use Control Center you must first link and access the Control Center code disk in READ mode with an available virtual device address (cuu) and access mode.
Control Center can be invoked in panel mode by typing "SQM" from CMS and pressing ENTER. To start the service machine in command mode, type "SQM" along with one or more command arguments. If you are a first-time user, use panel mode, which provides you with an interface that guides and assists you throughout all of the Control Center tools and functions.
Even if you are not a first-time user, you are likely to find that panel mode is the easiest and fastest way for you to do the work you need to do. Command mode is available and in some situations may be the better approach. Nevertheless, we have decided to leave the details concerning command mode operation to Appendix G, Command Mode Interface.
After you have started Control Center, you will see the Control Center Main Menu, shown in Figure 36.
Figure 36. Control Center Main Menu
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*--------------------------------- Main Menu --------------------------------* | || Option ===> (A) CTRLID: MSTRSRV1(B) | | || Database => SQLDBA (C) NODE: VMSYSTM1(B) | | || | | |(D) ************************* DBA FUNCTIONS ************************ | | || O Operator Commands C Change CTRLCTR Userid | | || S Database Status P Database Parameters | | || SI Database Startup (Immediate) E SQLEND Database (Menu) | | || SS Database Startup (Scheduled) U Database Utilities | | || A Database Archiving (Menu) R Database Recovery (Menu) | | || T Database TAPES (Menu) M Database Monitoring | | || V View Message Log VJ View Database Job Schedule | | || Q |QMF Tools DR Data Restore | | || |SL Search List Tool | | || | | |(E) ************ CONTROL CENTER ADMINISTRATOR FUNCTIONS *************** | | || N New Database Setup AU CTRLCTR Authorization | | || MS Master Schedule G General CONTROL CENTER Commands | | || | | |(F) | | |*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMMENU------* | |(G) PF: 1 Help 3 EXIT 5 What's New Updated <------ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Some things you should know about the main menu are:
In addition to the Control Center options, you can also invoke any valid CMS command from the option line by preceding the command with CMS.
Note: | Prior to invoking any of the Control Center tools you must first establish a communication path to a service machine in your environment. Refer to Control Center Communication Path Setting for additional information on establishing and changing your communication path. |
While using the Control Center you'll encounter numerous menu panels like the main menu. Except for the available options, PF keys, and input fields, they all operate in a similar manner. Other types of panels you are likely to encounter include list panels and response panels. These are discussed in the sections List Panels and Response Panels.
The Control Center Fast Path facility allows you to more quickly and easily navigate the many Control Center menus and tools. You can:
When you first invoke Control Center from CMS with the fast path facility, the database name found in the user's LASTING GLOBALV file under the tag SQM DATABASE is used. At the same time, each utility initializes itself with the database name used during the last previous execution. Be careful that you do not assume which database will be affected when you use fast path to go directly to a low level utility screen. Either:
You can use fast path commands to proceed to a specific Control Center screen from another screen or from CMS. From the Control Center menu screens which supply a command line, enter an equal sign (=) followed by the tool or panel designator, and options (if known). For example:
This example displays the Job Scheduler screen for scheduling a SQLEND ARCHIVE with the DVERIFY and TRCPURGE options as depicted in Figure 37. This illustrates the general rule that if a lowest level panel has associated parameters, you can specify them following the tool or panel designator.
Figure 37. Scheduled Sqlend Archive Using Fast Path
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*------------------------------- Job Scheduler -----------------------------* | || Command ===> CTRLID: SQMSTTS1 | | || Jobname ==> ________ NODE: WMAVM1 | | || Job-status ==> S (S=Scheduled, A=Active, F=Failed, I=Inactive) | | || Priority ==> 5 ( 1 through 9, 1 = HIGH, 9 = LOW ) | | || Next-start ==> 19970311 23:00 ( format: YYYYMMDD HH:MM ) | | || Window-end ==> 19970312 08:00 ( format: YYYYMMDD HH:MM ) | | || Schedule-interval ==> ONCE ( ONCE or form nnnXX, where XX is: | | || MI, HR, DY, WK, WD, WE, MO, YR ) | | || Required-database ==> SQL34DBA ( Database machine-id ) | | || Required-dbstatus ==> U ( U=Up, D=Down, A=Any ) | | || Dependent-jobname ==> ________ ( Prior job must run first ) | | || Dependjob-result ==> _ ( S=Successful, F=Failed, A=Any ) | | || Average-runtime ==> 01:00 ( format: HH:MM ) | | || Last-jobstart ==> ______________ Last-jobend ==> ______________ | | || Notify ==> ANDYS | | || Execute ==> SQM SQL34DBA SQLEND ARCHIVE DVERIFY TRCPURGE | | || | | || Enter parameters and press PF6 to schedule | | || | | |*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMSCHDS----* | | PF: 1 Help 2 Detailed Help 3 End (Cancel) 6 Schedule | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
To invoke a specific Control Center tool from CMS, enter SQM, 1 blank space, an "=" sign, followed by the tool/panel designator and any options.
SQM =O.A Issue Operator Command, SHOW ACTIVE
SQM =U.R Invoke SQLREORG menu
SQM =S.D Display STATUS of your database
SQM =M.A Add new Monitor
Some screens do not have a command line and therefore, do not support fast path navigation. You can in some cases, however, be provided with PF keys to allow you to exit to CMS or return directly to the Main Menu.
To use fast path, enter the equal sign (=) followed by the tool/panel designator in the OPTION field on the Main Menu and press ENTER. From there, you can build on the fast path command by specifying a period (.) followed by the designator that identifies the function displayed on that screen. Continue this until you reach the lowest level screen (=U.CL.S).
If you enter a fast path command without specifying a required parameter, the effect is the same as if you invoke the command through the panels. The panel is redisplayed with a highlighted error message indicating a missing or invalid parameter.
Figure 38 shows the primary tool designators you can use in fast path Navigation.
Figure 38. Primary Fast Path Command Designators
Secondary Fast Path Command Designators shows the second level or option designators following the tool to which they apply. Chain an option and its parameters to the tool designator to go directly to the screen you desire.
O - Operator Command Tools .A Active .AD Address module-name .B Buffers .CN Connect .CO Counter *|name .CI Counter Internal *|name .CP Counter Pool *|n|DIR|UNMAPPED .C Dbconfig .E Dbextent .D Dbspace n .F Force uid|AGENT n (DISABLE) .ID Indoubt .I Invalid .IP Initparm .L Log .LA Lock Active .LD Lock Dbspace ALL|n .LG Lock Graph uid|AGENT n .LH Loghist ALL|n|SERVICE .LM Lock Matrix .LN CRR Lognames .LU Lock User uid|AGENT n|ALL .LW Lock Wantlock uid|AGENT n|ALL .P Pool ALL|SUMMARY|DELETED|pool .PO Stop Proc *|proc-name|auth .PR PROC *|proc-name AUTHID .PS Start Proc *|proc-name authid .R Reset *|name .RD Reset Indoubt *|ids .RI Reset Internal (Counter) .RN Reset CRR Lognames .RP Reset Pool *|n|DIR|UNMAPPED .SI Set Parameter name newval .SP Set Pool n1|n1-n2 DSn STR|SEQ .SS Set Saveintv n .ST Set Targetws n .WS Show Saveintv .WT Show Targetws .SG Storage .S System .SP Pserver *|Group .TO Trace Off .TS Trace Start .U Users .VO Stop Pserver group|name .VS Start pserver group|name S - Database Status Tools .D Display status of Database .S Display status of all databases for Control Center machine .N Display status of all databases on Node .A Display status of all databases in SQLMSTR Directry A - Archiving Tools (parms = DVERIFY, TRCPURGE) .I Immediate Archive .SA Sqlend Archive parms .A Archive .SL Sqlend Larchive parms .L Larchive .SU Sqlend Uarchive parms .BU BACKUP parms .BI BACKUP INCREMENTAL parms .S Schedule Archive .SA Sqlend Archive parms .A Archive .SL Sqlend Larchive parms .L Larchive .SU Sqlend Uarchive parms .BU BACKUP parms .BI BACKUP INCREMENTAL parms .C Cancel archive .L view previous archive Log .VJ View database Job schedule .VT View Tape catalog .H display archive History .TM Tape catalog Maintenance .ST Acquire new SCRATCH TAPE and add to tapes file (VMTAPE or DYNAMT) T - Tapes Tools .V View tape catalog .M Make changes to tape catalog .S Acquire new scratch tape and add to tapes file (VMTAPE or DYNAMT) P - Parameters Tools .V View parameters .U Update parameters .S display last used Startup parameters .VS View Storage pool specification file (VMDSS) .US Update Storage pool specification file (VMDSS) E - Sqlend Tools (parms = DVERIFY TRCPURGE) .N sqlend Normal parms .S Schedule sqlend parms .Q sqlend Quick .SQ Schedule sqlend Quick U - Database UTILITY Tools .E add dbExtents .A Add Dbspaces .D Delete dbextents .L List Files .RD Reorg Driver tool .QE Query Extents .RI Reorg Index tool .RS Reorg Single User .SL Search/List .M SQLMAINT .B sqlrBind .R SQLREORG .T sqlTable .E data Extent .C Copy/move dbextents .CL Database Coldlog .D Directory disk .I Initiate Coldlog .L Log disk .S Schedule Coldlog .CO COmmand (CP DET 181) .RC Reorg Catalog indexes .I Immediate command .I Initiate sqlcireo .S Scheduled command .S Schedule sqlcireo R - Database RECOVERY Tools .I Immediate .VJ View database Job schedule .S Schedule .H display archive History .C Cancel .L view Log of previous recovery .R Restart after recovery failure .VT View Tape catalog .TM Tape catalog Maintenance .ST acquire new Scratch Tape and add to tapes file (DYNAM/T and VMTAPE) M - Database MONITORING Tools .A ADD a new monitor .P PURGE (refresh) a monitor report .D DELETE a monitor .R Display REPORT for a monitor .L LIST monitors for this database .S Display SCHEDULE for monitor(s) .M MODIFY an existing monitor .V View (display) a monitor Q - Query Management Facility Tools (QMF Tools) .1 QMF .2 LIST queries, procs, and forms .3 CREATE FILE .4 TRANSFER OWNER MS - Master SCHEDULE Tools .VJ View scheduled Jobs .VE View Events in SQLMSTR TIMES .SJ Schedule a Job .SE Schedule an Event in TIMES DR - Data Restore Tools .T TRANSLATE ARCHIVE .VJ VIEW JOB SCHEDULE .U UNLOAD DBSPACES .S VIEW DRMACH STATUS .R RELOAD TABLES .SR RESET DRMACH STATUS .LL LISTLOG .D SHOWDBS .AL APPLYLOG AU - SQLMSTR Authorization .A Add .D Delete .M Mum machine .L List G - GENERAL Control Center Commands .C issue Command to CTRLCTR .CO close and display CTRLCTR COnsole .D View SQLMSTR Directry file .F FILELIST * * (Defaults to SQLMSTR LOG*) .I Initialize SQLMSTR Control .N NEWPROF (restart CTRLCTR, read SQLMSTR profile) .R CTRNCTR Reader List .T Terminate CTRLCTR .S View/Update SQLMSTR Control File .SO Spool CTRLCTR console .SS Stop spooling CTRLCTR console
Depending on your environment, you can have several service machines in operation on one or more CPUs. Each service machine can manage several DB2 Server for VM databases on that CPU. To work with a specific database, you must establish a communication path with the managing service machine and specify the database server machine.
Together, the database name specified in the Database entry field and your established communication path identify the database server you are working with. Figure 39 and the following discussion help to illustrate this.
Figure 39. Control Center communication paths
![]() |
Shown is a two-CPU environment, VMSYSTM1 and VMSYSTM2. Database manager machines SQLDBA1 and SQLDBA2 operate on VMSYSTM1 along with the Control Center service machine MSTRSRV1 and user machine MSTRUSR. The database manager machine SQLDBA3 and the Control Center service machine MSTRSRV2 operate on VMSYSTM2.
Table 7 shows the database field entry and communication path
settings necessary to work with each of the databases from user machine
Table 7. Database field entries and communication path settings
To work with a Database: | Database Input Field Entry | Communication Path Settings | |
Prior to working with a specific database server, you must establish a communication path with the managing service machine. This can be done explicitly using Option C, Change CTRLCTR user ID, on the main menu, or implicitly by specifying a new database machine in the Database entry field. See Control Center Database Setting. In the latter case, Control Center will automatically switch your communication path to the proper service machine.
Once established, your communication path will remain in effect (between sessions and system log-off/log-on) until explicitly or implicitly changed as described above.
A single service machine is capable of managing |up to 26 databases. It is necessary for you to identify which database you want to work with by entering the database machine name or defined nickname in the Database entry field. 5 The database name can be qualified with a node ID such as VMSYSTM1.SQLDBA1 to specify a particular CPU node if duplicate database machine names exist on different CPUs in your environment.
Several Control Center tools present information to you in list format. Shown below is the DBSPACE List Utility, which is a part of the Object Search and List tool.
Figure 40. Control Center List Panel
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*--------------------------- DBSPACE List Utility ----------------------------* | || Database => SQLDBA | | || | | |(A)SEL SPNO OWNER NAME POOL PAGES NACTIVE PIDX PCTF LOCK | | || --- ---- -------- ------------------ ---- -------- ------- ---- ---- ---- | | |(B)_ 3 PUBLIC HELPTEXT 1 8192 -1 33 10 P | | || _ 4 PUBLIC ISQL 1 1024 3 33 15 T | | || _ 5 PUBLIC SAMPLE 1 512 3 33 5 P | | || _ 11 PUBLIC SQLMAINT 3 128 1 33 15 P | | || _ 1 PUBLIC SYS0001 1 12800 58 60 0 T | | || _ 2 PUBLIC SYS0002 1 2048 -1 0 1 P | | || | | || | | || | | || | | |(C)Select: S = SHOW DBSPACE L = SHOW LOCK T = TABLE | | || R = REORG A = ACQUIRE U = UPDATE STATISTICS D = DROP | | |(D) | | |(E) Page 1 of 1 | | |*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMDLST2-----* | |(F)PF: 1 Help 3 QUIT 4 StatHistory 7 Bkwd 8 Fwd | | 9 Sort/Name 10 Sort/Spno 11 Sort/Pages 12 Sort/Pool | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Some things you should know about list panels are:
Unique to list panels are "sort" PF keys which allow you to sort the rows by values in specific columns. For example, PF12 Sort/Pool sorts the list by the values in the POOL column.
Response panels display information sent to you by a service machine in response to an action or activity you initiated against a database. Responses are sent as files to your virtual reader that Control Center automatically displays using the CMS PEEK command. CMS PEEK places you in the XEDIT environment, editing the file spoolid PEEK A0. The full power of XEDIT is available to you while you peek the response file.
For additional information, refer to the PEEK command in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual.
Figure 41. Control Center Response Panel
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |(A) 2634 PEEK A0 V 255 Trunc=255 Size=9 Line=0 Col=1 Alt=0 | |(B) File SQLDBA URESP from MSTRSRV1 at VMSYSTM1 Format is DISK-DUMP. | | * * * Top of File * * * | | Userid: MSTRUSR (C) Date: 97/03/16 | | At Node: VMSYSTM1 Time: 07:58:09 | | | |(D) Request: SHOW ACTIVE for database SQLDBA at VMSYSTM1 | | | |(E) Status of Agents: | | Checkpoint agent is not active. | | 5 agent(s) not connected to an APPL or SUBSYS. | | ARI0065I DB2 operator command processing is complete. | | * * * End of File * * * | | | | | | | | | | | | | |(F) 1= Help 2= Add line 3= Quit 4= Tab 5= Clocate 6= ?/Chang| | 7= Backward 8= Forward 9= Receive 10= Rgtleft 11= Spltjoin 12= Cursor | | | |(G) ====> | | X E D I T 1 Fil| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Some things you should know about response panels are:
When you quit the response panel using PF3, the response file is discarded from your virtual reader and is no longer available. You can elect to save the file to your disk in one of two ways. PF9 will receive the file to your A-disk using file name spoolid PEEK (see (A)). Or, you can enter the XEDIT FILE command followed by the filename, filetype and filemode on the command line.