DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Control Center Operations Guide for VM

|Appendix H. Tape Hopper Support

| | In support of unattended tape operations, many installations that do not use |a tape management product, such as VMTAPE, have invested in tape hoppers or |stackers. The hoppers are filled with tapes and have the capability of |automatically feeding a tape drive with one tape after another without any |required operator intervention.

|Control Center does not explicitly support the use of tape hoppers. |However, Control Center can be instructed to use tape hoppers instead of tape |operators for tape mounts.

|Tape Hoppers and Archiving

|When using a tape hopper in support of a database or Data Restore |activity, a tape hopper must be filled with the anticipated number of tapes |that are required.

|When archiving (log, full, or combination of both) begins, the database |issues a prompt requesting the virtual address of the tape device that is to |be written to. The Control Center service machine, which requires a |system privilege level of B, issues the CP command to attach the tape to the |tape hopper drive using the appropriate virtual tape address. This |causes the 'TAPE ATTACHED' message to appear on the database |console, and then archiving is allowed to start.

|Once the response is made, archiving should run to completion, using new |tapes from the hopper as required. As tapes are filled (end-of-volume |conditions), they are replaced by the next tape in the hopper stack, and the |processing continues without interruption until archiving completes.

|No Tape Mounting Required

|In the above scenario there are no explicit requests for tapes to be |mounted. This is because the tapes and the tape drive are "attached" by |Control Center. Therefore, no mount request to an operator console |should be issued.

|Special Considerations

|If you decide to use tape hoppers, then you should be aware of certain |conditions that could cause problems and potentially compromise the ability |for your database to recover.

|First, to implement tape hopper support using Control Center, you must |disable non-hopper archiving capability. This could potentially be a |problem when the database needs to perform implicit archiving and the tape |hopper has not been readied because archiving was not anticipated.

|Second, which tapes are stacked relies heavily on operator interface to |provide the correct tapes when filling the hopper. Without a tape |management system checking for the specific identifiers of tapes, you could |potentially overlay previously used archive tapes.

|Steps for Implementing Control Center Tape Hopper Support

|Implementing tape hopper support consists of changes to the system |privilege levels, PARMS files, SQLMSTR CONTROL file, and modifications to the |SQMOUNT and SQMSTAPE execs.

|These steps should be followed when establishing tape hopper support:


  1. |The Control Center machine and the Data Restore machine MUST have a CP |privilege of 'B' so it can 'ATTACH' the tape to the tape |hopper drive. You can check the CP privilege level of a machine by |executing:
    |Privilege classes for user C990610
    |         Currently: G
    |         Directory: G             
  2. |Both SQMSTAPE and SQMOUNT execs must be modified as described below: |
    1. |Set the 'hopper' variable (at top of exec) to 1 in the SQMSTAPE |and SQMOUNT execs to enable hopper support.
    2. |Set hopper1_address to the real address of the primary tape hopper. |Hopper1 is used for all tapes EXCEPT: |
      • |The secondary backup tapes (ddname= ARCHIV2) of a dual backup
      • |The output (backup) from a translated archive (ddname= ARCHIV)
      • |Database TRACE to tape (ddname= ARITRAC)
        Note:Dual BACKUP, TRANSLATE and database TRACE MUST use TWO tape hoppers because two tapes are mounted at the same time.
    3. |Set hopper2_address to the real address of the secondary tape hopper to be |used during dual backup, translate and database trace to tape.
    4. |If only one tape hopper is used, then hopper1_address and hopper2_address |MUST be the same. |
  3. |The database PARMS file must be updated so that SCRATCH tapes are not used |and the tape pre-mounted options are set to Y. |
    1. |Change or verify that the 'Log_tape_premount' and |'Drtape_premount' values in the database PARMS file are set to |'Y' (Yes).
    2. |Change or verify that the scratch tape options in the database PARMS file |are set to 'N' (No). SCRATCH tapes CANNOT be used with tape |hoppers. |
      • |For Control Center 5.1, set the 'Scratch_tape_option,' |'Drmstr_scratch_tape_option' and 'Translate_scratch_tape' |to 'N' (No).
      • |For Control Center 6.1 or above, set the |'Scratch_tape_option,' 'Backup2_scratch_tape' and |'Translate_scratch_tape'. to 'N' (No). |
  4. |The SQLMSTR CONTROL file must be updated so that the |'Tape_manager' value is set to blank and the |'Tape_manager_userid' value is set to the system's tape |operator user ID. This indicates that only native CMS is used to manage |tape operations.
  5. |Disable the database, Control Center, and Data Restore virtual machines |access to any system tape exits (such as DMSTVI), tape code, or tape product |code disks. The machines must, in effect, have no more than native CMS |tape handling capability. This is done to disable any tape manager code |that would interfere with the tape processing.

    |If you have been using a tape management product, such as VMTAPE, that uses |the DMSTVI tape exit (DMSTVI MODULE), then the DMSTVI tape exit may be loaded |into the nucleus of every machine that has performed tape mounts. To |remove DMSTVI from the nucleus, enter the following command while logged onto |the database, Control Center and Data Restore machines:

  6. |The tape hopper must be prepared: |
    1. |The tapes must be stacked in the hopper in the exact order in which they |will be used. The order of the tapes must match the order in which they |will be used by the TAPES file. Control Center uses the TAPES file to |manage the database and Data Restore tapes.
    2. |Do NOT attach the first tape in the tape hopper.
    3. |List the actual volids (volume IDs) that are to be used in the TAPES |file. (Otherwise, there is not a way to know which volids to put in the |ARCHHIST file.) The order of the tapes in the hopper must match the |same order in which they are used by the TAPES file. For example: |volid LOG01 ARCH01 ARCH02, etc.

      |The entries in the TAPES file are always sorted and the VOLID name is one of |the sort factors. In the example below, VOLID1 is ALWAYS sorted before |VOLID2 regardless of the order in which you put the volids into the TAPES |file.

      |100  ARCHIVE  00000  00:00:00 UNUSED VOLID1
      |100  ARCHIVE  00000  00:00:00 UNUSED VOLID2

    4. |If you change the tape volids for the current series in the TAPES file, |you must restart the database so a FILEDEF is performed on the proper |volids. |

|Controlling When the Tape Hopper is Used

|You can modify the SQMOUNT EXEC and SQMSTAPE EXEC to control when the |tape hopper is used and when the mount command is sent to the tape |operator. For example, the following code sets the 'hopper' |flag only when the time is between 18:00 in the evening and 08:00 |in the morning, or when it is the weekend:

|hopper_start = '18:00'
|hopper_end   = '08:00'
|cur_time     = substr( time(),1,5)
|if   ( cur_time >= hopper_start & cur_time <= '24:00' ) ,
|     ( cur_time <= hopper_end   & cur_time >= '00:00' ) then
|  hopper = 1
|  hopper = 0
|dow = date('w')
|if wordpos( dow , 'SATURDAY SUNDAY') then
|  hopper = 1

|Steps for Turning Control Center Tape Hopper Support Off

|The following steps are to be followed when disabling tape hopper |support: |

  1. |The database, Control Center, and Data Restore machines must be brought |down and they must reaccess any system-provided tape exits and tape code |disks.
  2. |If a tape management product is used, such as VMTAPE, the tape manager |information must be added back to the SQLMSTR CONTROL file.
  3. |The 'hopper' flag in the SQMOUNT and SQMSTAPES execs must be set |to '0' (No).
  4. |If a tape management product is used, such as VMTAPE, the SCRATCH tape |options and tape premount options in the database PARMS file can be changed, |if desired. |

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