DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Control Center Operations Guide for VM

Chapter 20. Data Restore RESTORE


RESTORE is used to recover an entire database from either a Data Restore BACKUP, Incremental Backup, or a translated database archive. Database archives MUST be translated prior to executing the RESTORE. If DUAL BACKUPs are used, the user has the choice of restoring from either the primary backup or dual backup. RESTORE is executed as part of a normal USER RECOVERY.

To RESTORE from an Incremental Backup, Data Restore first recovers the Incremental Backup pages and then Full Backup pages.

Considerations When Using Data RESTORE

These steps must be taken to prepare for Data RESTORE recovery:

Figure 115. RESTORE Control File (DRESTCTL) for Incremental Backup

#1 DR  BACKUP 1997-11-13 11.56.07 100 N VP0135
#2 DR  REFBK  1997-11-13 11.56.07 100 N VP0134

Figure 116. RESTORE Control File (DRESTCTL) for Incremental Backup When Backup is a Full Backup

---------------------------- DRESTCTL FILE ------------------------------
RECOVERY LOGMODE = L FROM: DUALINCBACKUP  @06-16-98 11:09:32 INCREF 06-15-98 13:35:20
#1 DR BACKUP      1998-06-16 11.15.39 300.01 N PM1160
#2 DR REFBACKUP   1998-06-15 13.43.06 300    N VM8451
---------------------------- RECOVCTL FILE ------------------------------
RECOVERY LOGMODE = L FROM: DUALINCBACKUP  @06-16-98 11:09:32 INCREF 06-15-98 13:35:20
#1 USER ARCHIVE 1998-06-16 11.15.39 300.01 N USER BACKUP DR_BACKUP 06-16-98 11:09:32

How to Invoke RESTORE

You will use the Control Center panel interface to initiate a RESTORE. Various recovery options are shown in the figure which follows, including the ability to schedule a recovery, or initiate one immediately. This panel is reached by selecting option R (Database Recovery) from the Control Center Main Menu.

Figure 117. Database Recovery Menu

| mm/dd/yyyy                     CONTROL CENTER                       hh:mm:ss   |
| *--------------------------------- Recovery --------------------------------*  |
| | Option ===>                                              CTRLID: MSTRSRV1 |  |
| |    Database ===> SQLDBA                                   NODE:  VMSYSTM1 |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |     I  INITIATE RECOVERY          Immediate recovery initiation           |  |
| |     S  SCHEDULE RECOVERY          Schedule a recovery                     |  |
| |     C  CANCEL RECOVERY            Immediate cancel of active recovery     |  |
| |     R  INITIATE FAILURE RESTART   Restart after Recovery Failure          |  |
| |     VJ VIEW JOB SCHEDULE          View database job schedule              |  |
| |     H  HISTORY                    Display history of archives             |  |
| |     L  LOG                        View log of previous recovery           |  |
| |     VT VIEW TAPES                 View tape catalog                       |  |
| |     TM TAPE MAINTENANCE           Make changes to tape catalog            |  |
| |     ST SCRATCH TAPE ACQUISITION   Acquire a new SCRATCH tape and          |  |
| |                                   add volid to TAPES file                 |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |           Enter OPTION, select DATABASE, press ENTER to process           |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| *---------------------------------------------------------------SQMRECOV----*  |
|  PF:   1 Help    3 End                                                         |
|                                                                                |

Usage Consideration:Before you invoke any kind of database recovery, be certain you are completely familiar with the database recovery topics and considerations outlined in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.


The recovery process obtains information about database archive activity from the ARCHHIST file and not from the database history records. If you have not been using Control Center to manage database archives, COLDLOGs, logmode switches, and recoveries, then recovery information available to Control Center will not be complete.

Automatic recovery features were created to eliminate the need for manual support during a database restore. The process of running a manual database restore requires stopping the database, pre-recovery file and label definitions, startup parameter modifications, tape mounts, tape confirmations, starting the database, responding to console messages, interpreting console messages, reacting to recovery errors, keeping a recovery log, post-recovery database environment changes, and so on. The automated recovery features provided by the Control Center Data Restore interface will perform all these activities from start to completion.


You must have database or Control Center administrator authority to execute RESTORE. Those persons identified as Control Center administrators on other databases or persons with Control Center user or operator authority cannot invoke RESTORE.

How Automated RESTORE Relates to Automated BACKUP

RESTORE uses information created during database archiving, and Data Restore backups and translates. A recovery control file and restore control file is created by Control Center as a result of reviewing a database's ARCHHIST and TRANHIST file data. A temporary file containing both the recovery and restore control files is sent to you. You will then be able to review exactly how the recovery will be controlled and decide to proceed or cancel the initiation process.

Several panels will prompt you for critical recovery information that will be used during the actual RESTORE.

Database Recovery Restore Sets using Data Restore

The files that drive a database recovery are referred to as a "restore set". Restore sets will vary depending upon the logmode, use of tape or disk, and the type of archive (user or database). Database Recovery Set Report Showing an Incremental Backup Recovery Set and other Archive Activity is an example of a Restore Set Report used for the recovery process that shows the recovery sets from Incremental Backup, Full Backup, archive and translate, an archive, and a non-Data Restore user archive.

Database Recovery Set Report Showing an Incremental Backup Recovery Set and other Archive Activity

RESTORE SET REPORT for Data Base TESTDB2      Date: 1998-07-10  Time: 07.15.59
RESTORE SET(s) generated using LOGMODE = L
  NOTE:  Examine the following restore set(s) and
       remember the restore set that you wish to use.
 ....... Restore Set #1  From Data Base Archive Created 06-16-98 11:09:32     ....
 .......                                       Option: DUALINCBACKUP         ....
           Archive         Archive      Date      Time
        Type (DB or Log)   Sequence   Archived  Archived Series Volid
        _________________  ________  __________ ________ ______ ______
        DB USER ARCHIVE    Uarc #1   1998-06-16 11.15.39 300.01 USER BACKUP DR_BACKUP 06-16-98 11:09:32
        DataRestore Backup BAC1 @1   1998-06-16 11.15.39 300.01 PM1160
                           BAC2 @1   1998-06-16 11.16.39 300.01 PM1161
                           BAC1 @2   1998-06-16 11.17.39 300.01 PM1162
                           BAC2 @2   1998-06-16 11.17.39 300.01 PM1163
        Reference Backup   in Restore Set 2 series 300 created 06-15-98 13:35:20 >  DUALFULLBACKUP
        ACTIVE Log         >>>>    Archived During The Recovery    <<<<
 ....... Restore Set #1 END ....................................................
 ....... Restore Set #2  From Data Base Archive Created 06-15-98 13:35:20     ....
 .......                                       Option: DUALFULLBACKUP        ....
           Archive         Archive      Date      Time
        Type (DB or Log)   Sequence   Archived  Archived Series Volid
        _________________  ________  __________ ________ ______ ______
        DB USER ARCHIVE    Uarc #1   1998-06-15 13.43.06 300    USER BACKUP DR_BACKUP 06-15-98 13:35:20
        DataRestore Backup BAC1 @1   1998-06-15 13.43.06 300    VM8451
                           BAC2 @1   1998-06-15 13.43.06 300    BK2001
        Log Archive(s):    Log  #2   1998-06-16 11.09.44 300    PM1159
        ACTIVE Log         >>>>    Archived During The Recovery    <<<<
 ....... Restore Set #2 END ....................................................
 ....... Restore Set #3  From Data Base Archive Created 06-15-98 13:20:00     ....
 .......                                       Option: INCBACKUP             ....
           Archive         Archive       Date     Time
        Type (DB or Log)   Sequence   Archived  Archived Series Volid
        _________________  ________  __________ ________ ______ ______
        DB USER ARCHIVE    Uarc #1   1998-06-15 14.42.35 200.01 USER BACKUP DR_BACKUP 06-15-98 13:20:00
        DataRestore Backup BAC1 @1   1998-06-15 14.42.35 200.01 GP1111
        Reference Backup   in Restore Set 4 series 200 created 06-15-98 13:07:55 > ARCHIVEFULL/TRANSLATE
        Log Archive(s):    Log  #2   1998-06-15 13.35.27 200.01 VB4603
                                #3   1998-06-16 11.09.44 300    PM1159
        ACTIVE Log         >>>>    Archived During The Recovery    <<<<
 ....... Restore Set #3 END ....................................................
 ....... Restore Set #4  From Data Base Archive Created 06-15-98 13:07:55     ....
 .......                                       Option: ARCHIVEFULL/TRANSLATE ....
           Archive         Archive      Date      Time
        Type (DB or Log)   Sequence   Archived  Archived Series Volid
        _________________  ________  __________ ________ ______ ______
        Data Base Archive  Tape #1   1998-06-15 13.16.13 200    VB4556
                                #2   1998-06-15 13.16.16 200    AR0010
                           TDSK @1   1997-11-14 10.45.00 200    SQL35300 TRANSDSK * 401
                           BAC1 @2   1997-11-14 10.49.21 200    TR0001
                           BAC1 @3   1997-11-14 10.58.43 200    TR0002
        Log Archive(s):    Log  #3   1998-06-15 14.33.33 200    VP0066
                                #4   1998-06-15 13.35.27 200.01 VB4603
                                #5   1998-06-16 11.09.44 300    PM1159
        ACTIVE Log         >>>>    Archived During The Recovery    <<<<
 ....... Restore Set #4 END ....................................................
 ....... Restore Set #5  From Data Base Archive Created 06-15-98 08:02:23     ....
 .......                                       Option: UARCHIVE              ....
           Archive         Archive      Date     Time
        Type (DB or Log)   Sequence   Archived  Archived Series Volid
        _________________  ________  __________ ________ ______ ______
        DB USER ARCHIVE    Uarc #1   1998-06-15 08.58.47 400    USER BACKUP
        Log Archive(s):    Log  #2   1998-06-15 13.08.01 100    VB4554
                                #3   1998-06-15 14.33.33 200    VP0066
                                #4   1998-06-15 13.35.27 200.01 VB4603
                                #5   1998-06-16 11.09.44 300    PM1159
        ACTIVE Log         >>>>    Archived During The Recovery    <<<<
 ....... Restore Set #5 END ....................................................
 ....... Restore Set #6  From Data Base Archive Created 06-12-98 15:45:38     ....
 .......                                       Option: ARCHIVE               ....
           Archive         Archive       Date     Time
        Type (DB or Log)   Sequence   Archived  Archived Series Volid
        _________________  ________  __________ ________ ______ ______
        Data Base Archive  Tape #1   1998-06-12 15.45.03 300    NA0001
                                #2   1998-06-12 15.48.03 300    NA0002
                                #3   1998-06-12 15.49.46 300    NA0003
        Log Archive(s):    Log  #4   1998-06-15 08.02.28 300    VP0093
                                #5   1998-06-15 13.08.01 100    VB4554
                                #6   1998-06-15 14.33.33 200    VP0066
                                #7   1998-06-15 13.35.27 200.01 VB4603
                                #8   1998-06-16 11.09.44 300    PM1159
        ACTIVE Log         >>>>    Archived During The Recovery    <<<<
 ....... Restore Set #6 END ....................................................

Figure 118 displays a Restore Set Selection panel specifying logmode L and Restore Set 1.

Figure 118. Control Center Restore Set Selection Panel using Data Restore

|  mm/dd/yyyy                    Control Center                       hh:mm:ss   |
| *-------------------------- Restore Set Selection --------------------------*  |
| | Command ==>                                              CTRLID: MSTRSRV1 |  |
| |    Database ===> SQLDBA                                  NODE:   VMSYSTM1 |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |  Logmode           ===> L           Logmode for the recovery              |  |
| |  Restore Set       ===> 1           Archive Restore Set number to Use     |  |
| |                                     (Select from the list below)          |  |
| |  Partial Restore   ===> N           (Y,N) Perform PARTIAL Restore         |  |
| |  Use Data Restore  ===> Y           (Y,N) Restore from a Data Restore     |  |
| |                                     Backup or Translated archive.         |  |
| |         ------------------ Valid Restore Sets -------------------         |  |
| |  1 (07/03/98), 2 (07-02-98), 3 (06/25/98), 4 (06/25/98)                   |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |   NOTE:   If you do NOT want to perform a COMPLETE restore, but instead   |  |
| |           only want to apply selected LOGS, then enter Y for Partial      |  |
| |           Restore and you will be prompted for additional information.    |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |    Enter Restore Set and press ENTER to process, or press PF3 to QUIT     |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| *---------------------------------------------------------------SQMAR70-----*  |
|  PF:   1 Help    3 End (Quit)                                                  |
|                                                                                |

Selecting a RESTORE Set

After you have entered options on the Restore Set Selection Menu (Figure 118), Control Center lets you select one of the valid RESTORE sets that was also displayed in the earlier report. The RESTORE sets will always be numbered sequentially starting with 1, from the most recent archive to the oldest.

If you have been performing USER ARCHIVES using Data Restore BACKUP or have translated database archives, information regarding the tapes and/or files used will be presented for each restore set listed in the report. If a backup was performed, then all the tapes and files used in the primary backup will be identified with "BAC1" and all the DUAL backup output identified with "BAC2". If a TRANSLATE was performed on a database archive, all output information concerning the archive will be presented along with output information for the TRANSLATE. TRANSLATEs are treated as primary backups and are identified by "BAC1". The disk where the "SYS001", "DIRWORK" and "HEADER" files were written is identified by "TDSK".

Initiate Failure Restart

If the Data Restore RESTORE portion of the recovery fails, it may be possible to resolve the problem that caused the error and restart the restore process from the point of error, avoiding restarting from the beginning. Please note, however, that if the recovery process had not started the log archive restore portion of the recovery process, then the recovery must be restarted from the beginning.

History Files

The database ARCHHIST or TRANSHIST files will be updated during database recovery with pertinent archive information. If any log tapes were recovered, then the ARCHHIST file will be updated to indicate that log archives were done. This is done because recovery history information is recorded by the database in its history log, changing future restore set information. The recovered database archive and any recovered log archives will be distinguished from regular archive activity in the ARCHHIST file by a status of RECOVERED to the right of the archive record.

Recovery Log

During recovery of an archived database, status messages about key events during the recovery process will be sent to all the database administrators. The Control Center database status (refer to Chapter 15, Database Status Tool) will be continually updated and will indicate exactly what the recovery process is doing. You can also browse the database RECOVLOG, which is a log of all database console messages issued during the recovery process.

Example database RECOVLOG file for Backup provides an example of the RECOVLOG file for a database recovery.

Example database RECOVLOG file for Backup
 00.57.19  ARI0032I The database manager has terminated.
 00.57.20  ARI0043I Database manager return code is 0.
 00.57.20 User Archive Recovery Starting. Database brought down.
 00:57:20  Recovery from USER ARCHIVE of DB2VM610 beginning.
 00:57:21  RESTORE Beginning Series 400 @  1997-01-03 16:14:35
 00:57:21  Submit routine SDRUSTRT executed.
 00.57.21  DASD 0207 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0200 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0202 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0300 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0301 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0400 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0401 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0600 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0601 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0602 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0700 DETACHED
 00.57.21  DASD 0701 DETACHED
 00.57.22  DASD 0702 DETACHED
 00.57.22  ARI0796I End SQLSTART EXEC: 01/30/97 00:57:21 EST
 00.57.22  Ready; T=4.10/6.98 00:57:21
 00.57.22  DRESTORE DB2VM610 MEDIA= TAPE TIMESTAMP= 1997-01-03 16:14:35
 00.57.29  Communications established with SQMSTDV1
 00.57.38  DMSLBD441R Enter VOLID information:
 00.57.38  SQMCPSND (VB3201) ENTERED
 00.57.38  DMSLBD441R Enter VOLID information:
 00.57.38  SQMCPSND (VB3202) ENTERED
 00.57.38  DMSLBD441R Enter VOLID information:
 00.57.38  SQMCPSND () ENTERED
 00.57.40  XTS9-100 Data Restore feature 6.1.0
 00.57.40  DMSXSU587I XEDIT:
 00.57.40  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 207 207 W
 00.57.40  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 200 200 W
 00.57.40  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 202 202 W
 00.57.40  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 300 300 W
 00.57.40  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 301 301 W
 00.57.40  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 400 400 W
 00.57.41  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 401 401 W
 00.57.41  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 600 600 W
 00.57.41  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 601 601 W
 00.57.41  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 602 602 W
 00.57.41  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 700 700 W
 00.57.41  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 701 701 W
 00.57.41  _|If var1 = 'DEF' Then CP LINK DB2VM610 702 702 W
 00.57.41  DMSXSU583I EOF:
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0207 does not exist
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0200 does not exist
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0202 does not exist
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0300 does not exist
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0301 does not exist
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0400 does not exist
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0401 does not exist
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0600 does not exist
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0601 does not exist
 00.57.41  HCPDTV040E Device 0602 does not exist
 00.57.42  HCPDTV040E Device 0700 does not exist
 00.57.42  HCPDTV040E Device 0701 does not exist
 00.57.42  HCPDTV040E Device 0702 does not exist
 00.57.42  EZI08037I Message acknowledged. Awaiting processing
 00.57.42  EZI15043I Request for Mount of VB3201 has been queued for processing.
 00.59.03  EZI15008I SL check verified. Label matches request.
 00.59.04  EZI15036I Tape positioned before label. Issue CMS command TAPE DVOL1 to get past label..
 00.59.04  Tape 181 attached R/O
 00.59.04  XTS9-304 Restore from user archive invoked
 00.59.04  XTS9-305 Current database will be destroyed
 00.59.04  XTS9-406 Enter 0(CANCEL) or 1(CONTINUE)
 01.17.58  SQMCPSND (1) ENTERED
 01.17.58  XTS9-008 Restoring directory
 01.19.33  XTS9-009     30604 directory blocks restored
 01.19.33  DMSACC724I 202 replaces B (207)
 01.19.33  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK1
 01.19.34  XTS9-010         8 blocks restored
 01.19.34  DMSACC724I 400 replaces B (202)
 01.19.34  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK4
 01.19.34  XTS9-010         4 blocks restored
 01.19.34  DMSACC724I 600 replaces B (400)
 01.19.34  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK6
 01.19.34  XTS9-010         3 blocks restored
 01.19.34  DMSACC724I 601 replaces B (600)
 01.19.34  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK7
 01.19.34  XTS9-010         1 blocks restored
 01.19.34  DMSACC724I 700 replaces B (601)
 01.19.34  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK9
 01.19.34  XTS9-010         1 blocks restored
 01.19.34  DMSACC724I 701 replaces B (700)
 01.19.34  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK10
 01.19.34  XTS9-010         1 blocks restored
 01.19.34  DMSACC724I 202 replaces B (701)
 01.19.35  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK1
 01.19.46  XTS9-010      1682 blocks restored
 01.19.47  DMSACC724I 400 replaces B (202)
 01.19.47  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK4
 01.19.48  XTS9-010       196 blocks restored
 01.19.48  DMSACC724I 600 replaces B (400)
 01.19.48  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK6
 01.21.41  XTS9-010     17949 blocks restored
 01.21.41  DMSACC724I 601 replaces B (600)
 01.21.41  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK7
 01.22.28  XTS9-010      7476 blocks restored
 01.22.28  DMSACC724I 700 replaces B (601)
 01.22.28  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK9
 01.24.22  XTS9-010     17954 blocks restored
 01.24.22  DMSACC724I 701 replaces B (700)
 01.24.22  XTS9-011 Restoring DDSK10
 01.24.30  DMSTLM427I TAP1(181) EOV1 label read
 01.24.31  TAPE 0181 DETACHED
 01.24.31  EZI08037I Message acknowledged. Awaiting processing
 01.24.31  EZI15043I Request for Mount of VB3202 has been queued for processing.
 01.26.34  EZI15008I SL check verified. Label matches request.
 01.26.34  EZI15036I Tape positioned before label. Issue CMS command TAPE DVOL1 to get past label..
 01.26.34  Tape 181 attached R/O
 01.28.21 Recovery from BACKUP has completed.
 01.28.24 Recovery from User Archive has completed.
 01.28.26  ARI0025I This is an INITIATION test for SCIF operation
 01.28.29  01/30/97 01:28:29 @SQMREQFL SQMSFILE DB2VM610 LINKPWDS (WAIT=300 FILEDB2VM610 L
 01.28.29  INKPWDS A0
 01.28.30  ARI0025I TVITEST: DMSTVI MODULE available
 01.28.30  01/30/97 01:28:30 @SQMREQFL SQMSFILE DB2VM610 PARMS (WAIT=300 FILE DB2VM610 PARM
 01.28.33  ARI0025I DB2/VM VERSION 6 RELEASE 1 MOD 0
 01.28.34  File DB2VM610 DBEXTMAP A1 sent to SQMSTDV1 at WMAVM1 on 01/30/97
 01.28.34  TAPEFUPD DB2VM610 Clear_filedef
 01.28.37  ARI0811I Archive filedef SCIF SYNCPOINT
 01.28.37   SQMRDR: DB2VM610 DBEXTMAP A received by SQMSTDV1 at WMAVM1
 01.28.38  ARI0811I Larchive filedef SCIF SYNCPOINT
 01.28.41  DMSLBD441R Enter VOLID information:
 01.28.41  SQMCPSND (DB35L402 LOG402 L 204) ENTERED
 01.28.42  ARI0811I Trace filedef SCIF SYNCPOINT
 01.28.45  ARI0717I Start SQLSTART EXEC: 01/30/97 01:28:44 EST.
 01.28.45  ARI0663I FILEDEFS in effect are:
 01.28.45  Z        DISK     DMSNAM   LOADLIB  *
 01.28.45  ARILARC  DISK     DB35L402 LOG402   L1
 01.28.45  ARITRAC  TAP2  SL  00001  VOLID SCRATCH
 01.28.45  BDISK    DISK     207
 01.28.45  LOGDSK1  DISK     200
 01.28.45  DDSK1    DISK     202
 01.28.45  DDSK2    DISK     300
 01.28.46  DDSK3    DISK     301
 01.28.46  DDSK4    DISK     400
 01.28.46  DDSK5    DISK     401
 01.28.46  DDSK6    DISK     600
 01.28.46  DDSK7    DISK     601
 01.28.46  DDSK8    DISK     602
 01.28.46  DDSK9    DISK     700
 01.28.46  DDSK10   DISK     701
 01.28.46  DDSK11   DISK     702
 01.28.46  ARIARCH  TAP1  SL  00001
 01.28.46  ARISSCR  DISK     ARISSCR  MACRO    *
 01.28.46  ARISSTR  DISK     ARISSTR  MACRO    *
 01.28.46  ARISCCS  DISK     ARISCCS  MACRO    *
 01.28.46  NETID    DISK     SNA      NETID    *
 01.28.46  ARISPOOL DISK     DB2VM610 ARISPOOL *
 01.28.47  ARI0020I Virtual machine addressing mode = 31
 01.28.47           Virtual machine storage size = 32768KB
 01.28.48  ARI0025I The program ARISQLDS is loaded at 7B7A00.
 01.28.48  ARI0025I The program ARIXRDS is loaded at 6246B8.
 01.28.48  ARI0025I The program ARIXSXR is loaded at D510D8.
 01.28.48  ARI0025I The program ARICMOD is loaded at DE25A8.
 01.28.48  ARI0015I PROTOCOL parameter value is SQLDS.
 01.28.48  ARI0015I ACCOUNT parameter value is N.
 01.28.48  ARI0015I DUMPTYPE parameter value is F.
 01.28.48  ARI0015I LOGMODE parameter value is L.
 01.28.48  ARI0015I STARTUP parameter value is U.
 01.28.49  ARI0015I SYSMODE parameter value is M.
 01.28.49  ARI0015I EXTEND parameter value is N.
 01.28.49  ARI0015I DBNAME parameter value is DB2VM610.
 01.28.49  ARI0015I RESID parameter value is DB2VM610.
 01.28.49  ARI0015I PARMID parameter value is DB2VM610.
 01.28.49  ARI0015I TRACDBSS parameter value is 00000000000.
 01.28.49  ARI0015I TRACDSC parameter value is 00.
 01.28.49  ARI0015I TRACRDS parameter value is 0000000.
 01.28.49  ARI0015I TRACCONV parameter value is 0.
 01.28.50  ARI0015I TRACSTG parameter value is 0.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I TRACEBUF parameter value is 0.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I ARCHPCT parameter value is 90.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I CHKINTVL parameter value is 10.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I NCSCANS parameter value is 30.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I NCUSERS parameter value is 5.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I NDIRBUF parameter value is 30.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I NLRBS parameter value is 2520.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I NLRBU parameter value is 1000.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I NPACKAGE parameter value is 10.
 01.28.50  ARI0016I NPACKPCT parameter value is 30.
 01.28.51  ARI0016I NPAGBUF parameter value is 30.
 01.28.51  ARI0016I SLOGCUSH parameter value is 95.
 01.28.51  ARI0016I SOSLEVEL parameter value is 10.
 01.28.51  ARI0016I DISPBIAS parameter value is 7.
 01.28.51  ARI0208D Did the user-restore of the directory and
 01:28:51 "1" entered in response to ARI0208D.
 01.28.51 DBEXTENT(S) execute successfully?
 01.28.51           Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes)
 01.28.51  SQMCPSND (1) ENTERED
 01.28.52  ARI0255I The database manager is initiating a log archive. When it
 01.28.52           is completed, the restore process will continue.
 01.28.52  ARI0293I Archive is starting.
 01.28.52 DB2VM610 Log Archive started.
 01.29.00 LOG ARCHIVE completed, series 400 volid DB2VM610 01309701 L 204
 01.29.00  ARI0260I The restore set for this database archive is
 01.29.00           as follows:
 01.29.00  ARI0238I     database  archive                     01-03-97 16:14:35
 01.29.00  ARI0261I     log archive - disk  DB2VM610 01039704 01-03-97 17:05:51
 01.29.01  ARI0261I     log archive - disk  DB2VM610 01309701 01-30-97 01:28:52
 01.29.01  ARI0239I External labeling of this archive is:
 01.29.01               Type:      log  archive
 01.29.01               Timestamp: 01-03-97  17:05:51
 01.29.01  ARI0252I     Medium:    disk  DB2VM610 01039704 *
 01.29.01  ARI0250D The above information describes the next log archive
 01.29.05 CONTINUE
 01.29.05           to be used in the restore process. Enter either:
 01.29.05             CONTINUE     to restore this log archive,
 01.29.05             STOP SYSTEM  to interrupt this restore process, or
 01.29.06             END RESTORE  to end this restore process.
 01.29.06  ARI0240I Restoring log disk.
 01.29.46  ARI0283I Log analysis is complete.
 01.29.46  ARI0282I LUW UNDO is completed.
 01.29.46  ARI0281I LUW REDO is completed.
 01.29.46  ARI0239I External labeling of this archive is:
 01.29.46               Type:      log  archive
 01.29.46               Timestamp: 01-30-97  01:28:52
 01.29.46  ARI0252I     Medium:    disk  DB2VM610 01309701 *
 01.29.46  ARI0250D The above information describes the next log archive
 01.29.53 CONTINUE
 01.29.53           to be used in the restore process. Enter either:
 01.29.53             CONTINUE     to restore this log archive,
 01.29.53             STOP SYSTEM  to interrupt this restore process, or
 01.29.53             END RESTORE  to end this restore process.
 01.29.53  HCPDTV040E Device 0183 does not exist
 01.29.53  ARI0240I Restoring log disk.
 01.30.19  ARI0283I Log analysis is complete.
 01.30.19  ARI0282I LUW UNDO is completed.
 01.30.21  ARI0281I LUW REDO is completed.
 01.30.22  ARI0143I The application server has been initialized
 01.30.22           with the following values:
 01.30.22           CCSIDSBCS = 500, CCSIDMIXED = 0, CCSIDGRAPHIC = 0.
 01.30.22  ARI0134I Application server DB2VM610 has been
 01.30.22           identified as a local resource.
 01.30.22  ARI0060I Database manager initialization complete.
 01.30.23  ARI0045I Ready for operator communications.
 01.30.23  HCPDTV040E Device 0183 does not exist
 01.30.23  ARI0028I The database manager is terminating.
 01.30.23  ARI0065I Operator command processing is complete.
 01.30.23  ARI0032I The database manager has terminated.
 01.30.23  ARI0043I Database manager return code is 0.
 01.30.23 DB2VM610 RECOVERY SUCCESSFUL! Database is being brought back up.
 01.30.24 SQMA043I=> Database being started with logmode =  L

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