DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Control Center Operations Guide for VM

Chapter 15. Database Status Tool


Control Center status tools provide you with current detail and summary status information pertaining to your database machine. The status information provided will help you to quickly determine the condition of your database and whether or not any action is required. In addition, status information can be summarized to single panel displays for quick system-wide assessments of multiple databases residing on one or more systems managed by one or more Control Center service machines.

Database Status Display Options

The Database Status selection panel shown in Figure 81 gives you four options for displaying database status information. The options will allow you to retrieve status for one database or for a group of databases. Option D, for example, will provide you with the status for a single database, whereas Option A will provide you with status information for all databases listed in the SQLMSTR DIRECTRY file (refer to Chapter 8, Managing the Environment for details regarding this file). These options were developed to meet a wide range of operational support requirements. For example, an operations support staff responsible for overall systems availability might be more interested in Option A for a total systems status summary, whereas a database administrator might be more interested in Option D, providing information about a specific database.

The status information provided by each Option (D,S,N,A) is the same, with the difference being the specific database or list of databases displayed.

Display Status for a Database (D)

Provides detailed status information for a specific database. From this panel you will be able to quickly determine the current condition of your database, as well as determine if any specific action is required. Additional panel options (Select and Query) will give you quick access to other product tools that can provide you with more detailed status information, as well as operational control tools (database starting, termination, operator commands). Refer to the sections below for more information regarding the Select and Query options.

Display Status by Control Center Machine (S)

With this option you can quickly review the status of all your databases controlled by a specific service machine. The product's entry field can be typed over to quickly request status information from other service machines.

Display Status by System Node (N)

Provides status information for all databases that are managed and controlled by all service machines on a specified system node. To change the system node, simply tab over to the system node entry field and type in the new system node.

Display Status Using Database List (A)

This option provides status information for all databases that are identified in your SQLMSTR DIRECTRY file or another specified file name and file type in the same format.

Specifying a Specific List of Databases to Status

As shown in Figure 81, the SQLMSTR DIRECTRY file indicated for option A can be changed to another CMS file. The format of this file must match that of the SQLMSTR DIRECTRY file, as documented in Chapter 8, Managing the Environment. In this file you would include a list of all database machines that you want status information about.

Figure 81. Database Status Tool, Option Selection Panel

|  mm/dd/yyyy                       Control Center                    hh:mm:ss   |
| *------------------------------ Database Status -----------------------------* |
| | Option  ==>                                              CTRLID: MSTRSRV1  | |
| |  Database => SQLDBA                                      NODE:   VMSYSTM1  | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |    Option   Action                                                         | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |      D      Display status of DATABASE DB261DBA                            | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |      S      Display status of all databases under SQMSTDV1                 | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |      N      Display status of all databases on WMAVM1                      | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |      A      Display status of all databases in SQLMSTR DIRECTRY            | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |        Select OPTION and press ENTER                                       | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |                                                                            | |
| *---------------------------------------------------------------SQMST05------* |
|  PF:   1 Help    3 End                                                         |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

Who is Authorized to Use the Status Display Panels

Retrieval of database status information requires User, Operator, or greater (Database Administrator or Control Center Administrator) authorization for each database that you are requesting status information about. Once the status is displayed, additional panel options (database startup, termination, ...) may require Database Administrator authorization for each database selected. Adding Control Center authority for a database can be done using the Database Parameters tool. Refer to About the Database Parameters Tool.
Advanced Usage:The product provides a default set of tools that are accessible by User, Operator, or Database Administrator-level authorizations. These defaults can be changed so as to add or delete User, Operator, or Database Administrator authorizations to specific tools. For more details on how your authorization levels can be modified, refer to Appendix E, Authorizations.

About the Master Database Status Display Panel

The Master Database Status Panel (format 1), shown in Figure 83, provides status summary information for databases as specified by your selection on the previous panel (Figure 81).

|The Format 1 Status Display Panel provides you with the overall |status of the database machine as well as the first 20 characters of the |internal database mode (SQMODE) and database status (DBSTATUS) that Control |Center maintains for this database. See About SQMODE and DBSTATUS for more information about the dbmode and |dbstatus.

|By reviewing the machine status, dbmode, and dbstatus, you can |quickly determine if the database is UP, DOWN, or performing a database |function.

|When the database (SQLDBA1) is running normally (NORMAL, NORMAL), |the machine status will indicate UP. If the database (SQLDBA2) has been |brought down normally (NORMAL, DOWN), the machine status will be DOWN. |If the database (SQLDBA3) is performing a Single User Mode (SUM) operation |(such as a User Archive, add dbextent, or cold log), that function will be |reflected in the machine status.

|Discrepancies between the machine status and the dbstatus indicate a |problem.

|For example, in Figure 82, the machine status for SQLDBA4 shows a machine |status of 'LOGOFF' but a dbstatus of 'ARCHIVEDOWN |RUNNING.' This would indicate that the database was logged off in |the middle of an archive.

|The machine status of 'NOTDISC' for SQLDBA3 indicates that |someone is currently logged on that database while it is running. This |could be a potential problem. If the database is running, Control |Center will not receive or respond to any of the database's messages when |the database is not running disconnected.

|The SQMODE and DBSTATUS fields are blank for SQLDBA6 because the |database is managed by a Control Center service machine at an earlier version |than 7.1.0. However, you can still review the SQMODE and |DBSTATUS by selecting option C (Change status).

Figure 82. Master Database Status Panel (Format 1)

| dd/mm/yyyy                  Control Center                    hh:mm:ss         |
|*--------------------- Master Database Status Display -----------------------*  |
|3 Command ===>                                                               3  |
|3                        Machine     Database Mode       Database Status     3  |
|3 Sel Database   Node    Status         SQMODE               DBSTATUS        3  |
|3 --- -------- -------- -------- --------------------  --------------------  3  |
|3  _  SQLDBA1  WMAVM1   UP       NORMAL                NORMAL                3  |
|3  _  SQLDBA2  WMAVM1   DOWN     NORMAL                DOWN                  3  |
|3  _  SQLDBA4  WMAVM1   LOGOFF   NORMAL                ARCHIVEDOWN RUNNING   3  |
|3  _  SQLDBA5  WMAVM1   NOTDISC  NORMAL                NORMAL                3  |
|3  _  SQLDBA6  WMAVM1   UP                                                   3  |
|3                                                                            3  |
|3                                                                            3  |
|3 Select: C Change Status,  S Sqlstart,  E Sqlend,      V View Messages      3  |
|3         A Show Active,    L Show Log,  U Show Users,  O Operator Cmds      3  |
|3 Query:  QA Archlog, QE Extents,  QH Archhist, QJ Jobs,  QL Last Strtparms  3  |
|3         QP Parms,   QR Recovlog, QS Startlog, QT Tapes, QV Vmdss           3  |
|3                            Page 1     of 1                                 3  |
|3                                                                            3  |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMSTAT1-----*  |
|PF:  1 Help    2 Refresh   3 End   4 Format 2 Display       7 Bkwd     8 Fwd    |
|     9 Sort/Database  10 Sort/Status    11 Sort/Statdate   12 Sort/SQLStart     |

Format 2 Status Display Panel

The format 2 status display panel, shown in Figure 84, provides you with the current status of each database, the date and time when the status had last changed, the date and time when the last message was received by the product from the database, the date and time when the database last started, and the time/result of the last SHOW LOG, with the LOGPCT field calculated as the amount of the current log being used divided by the database's archive threshold (LOGUSED / ARCHPCT, with ARCHPCT matching the archpct database startup parameter; refer to Chapter 16, Database Startup and Termination Tools). The PF4 key can be used to change to the Format 3 Status Display Panel.

Figure 83. Master Database Status Panel (Format 2)


|  mm/dd/yyyy                     CONTROL CENTER                       hh:mm:ss  |
| *--------------------- Master Database Status Display -----------------------* |
| | Command ===>                                                               | |
| |                                ***** Dates/Times of Last Activity *****    | |
| | Sel Database   Node    Status  Stat/Change SQLStart    Show Log   Logpct   | |
| | --- -------- -------- -------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ------   | |
| |  _  SQLDBA1  VMSYSTM1 UP       04/05-02:21 04/05-02:21 04/01-10:41 01/78   | |
| |  _  SQLDBA2  VMSYSTM1 DOWN     04/05-15:00 04/01-18:00 04/05-14:00 25/78   | |
| |  _  SQLDBA3  VMSYSTM2 UP       04/03-14:21 03/19-08:00 04/05-12:30 56/78   | |
| |                                                                            | |
| | Select: C Change Status,  S Sqlstart,  E Sqlend,      V View Messages      | |
| |         A Show Active,    L Show Log,  U Show Users,  O Operator Cmds      | |
| | Query:  QA Archlog, QE Extents,  QH Archhist, QJ Jobs,  QL Last Strtparms  | |
| |         QP Parms,   QR Recovlog, QS Startlog, QT Tapes, QV Vmdss           | |
| |                            Page 1     of 3                                 | |
| |                                                                            | |
| *---------------------------------------------------------------SQMSTAT2-----* |
| PF:  1 Help    2 Refresh   3 End   4 Format 3 Display       7 Bkwd     8 Fwd   |
|      9 Sort/Database  10 Sort/Status    11 Sort/Statdate   12 Sort/SQLStart    |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

|Format 3 Status Display Panel

|The Format 3 Status Display Panel, shown in Figure 84, provides additional status information about each |database currently displayed including the last message received from the |database's console. The PF4 key will change the panel back to the |Format 1 Status Display Panel.

Figure 84. Master Database Status Panel (Format 3)


|  mm/dd/yyyy                     CONTROL CENTER                       hh:mm:ss  |
| *--------------------- Master Database Status Display -----------------------* |
| | Command ===>                                                               | |
| |                                                                            | |
| | Sel Database Versn  Status  Last Message Received From Database            | |
| | --- -------- ----- -------- ---------------------------------------------  | |
| |  _  SQLDBA1  6.1   UP       04/05-14:51 ARI0065I Operator command process  | |
| |  _  SQLDBA2  |7.1   DOWN     04/05-14:00 ARI0043I Database manager return   | |
| |  _  SQLDBA3  |7.1   UP       04/02-02:00 ARI0292I Archive Completed         | |
| |                                                                            | |
| | Select: C Change Status,  S Sqlstart,  E Sqlend,      V View Messages      | |
| |         A Show Active,    L Show Log,  U Show Users,  O Operator Cmds      | |
| | Query:  QA Archlog, QE Extents,  QH Archhist, QJ Jobs,  QL Last Strtparms  | |
| |         QP Parms,   QR Recovlog, QS Startlog, QT Tapes, QV Vmdss           | |
| |                            Page 1     of 3                                 | |
| |                                                                            | |
| *---------------------------------------------------------------SQMSTAT3-----* |
| PF:  1 Help    2 Refresh   3 End   4 Format 1 Display    7 Bkwd     8 Fwd      |
|      9 Sort/Database      10 Sort/Status                                       |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

Select Options

|The Select Options (refer to Figure 84) are available from all of the status display |panels. These options provide you with quick access to product tools to |invoke specific database actions, such as database startup or |termination. |


|Change Status (C)
|Use this option to change the DBSTATUS and SQMODE entry fields. |These status fields are used by the product during automated database |operations. If these fields do not correctly reflect the current status |of your database, then you may be required to change them. More |information about these entry fields and the Change Status (C) option is |presented later in this chapter.

|Sqlstart (S)
|If you determine that the database is down and can be restarted, selection |S will issue a start immediate command. Refer to Chapter 16, Database Startup and Termination Tools.

|Sqlend (E)
|Should you need to terminate a DB2 Server for VM database's |operation, selection E will invoke the database termination tool. Refer |to Chapter 16, Database Startup and Termination Tools.

|View Messages (V)
|This option will invoke the View Message Log (refer to View Message Log Tool). This tool provides you with a view of all database |console messages that have been produced to date on a specified database |machine's console.

|Show Active (A), Show Log (L), Show Users (U)
|Selections A, L, and U will invoke the specific database operator commands |indicated (refer to Chapter 14, Database Operation Interface Tools).

|Operator Cmds (O)
|Selection O will invoke the Database Operation Interface tool (refer to Chapter 14, Database Operation Interface Tools). |

Query Options

Query options (QA, QE, ... refer to Figure 84) are available from |any of the status display panels. These options make additional information about your database's status easily accessible from a single panel to aid in the problem determination and resolution process.


Archlog (QA), Archhist (QH)
Displays all database console messages that were produced by a database machine during its last (most current) archive event (log or full). The QH option will display the database's archive history file, which is a chronological listing of all archive activity for a given database (refer to Chapter 17, Database Archiving and Recovery Tools).

Extents (QE)
This option will display current database extent space utilization information in storage pool order (refer to Query DBEXTENTS/STORPOOL Mapping Tool).

Jobs (QJ)
This option will list all jobs associated (active, inactive, or failed) with a specified database (refer to Job Schedule List Tool).

Last Strtparms (QL), Parms (QP)
Option QL will display the database startup parameters that were specified at DB2 Server for VM database startup. Option QP will display the startup parameters as specified in the database PARMS file (refer to About the Database Parameters Tool).

Recovlog (QR)
This option will display the most current database recovery console file. All database console messages produced during the most current database recovery event will be displayed in this file (refer to Chapter 17, Database Archiving and Recovery Tools).

Startlog (QS)
Displays all database console messages that were produced during the last time the database started up (refer to Chapter 16, Database Startup and Termination Tools).

Tapes (QT)
Will invoke the product's database tape management tool for a specified database machine. From this option all tapes (tapes or disks) assigned to a database machine for the purposes of archiving are displayed (refer to Chapter 11, Tape Management Tool).

Displays the current VMDSS (VM Data Spaces) parameter settings that are used during database startup processing (refer to About the Database Parameters Tool).

PF Key Selections

Various PF keys are available on both the format 1 and format 2 Master Status Display panels which provide you with panel display sorting and refresh capabilities.

PF Key

Refresh (PF2)
This option will refresh the status information currently displayed on |all of the Master Status Display panels.

Sort/Database (PF9)
|This option will sort the Master Status display panels by database |machine name.

Sort/Status (PF10)
|This option will sort the Master Status display panels by database |machine status.

Sort/Statdate (PF11)
|This option will sort the Master Status display panels by date and |time of last status change (most current to oldest).

Sort/SQLStart (PF12)
|This option will sort the Master Status display panels by date and |time of the last database startup time (most current to oldest).

Changing a Database's Status

|The product keeps several parameters in memory about the status of a |database. | | This information is used as part of the knowledge base for many of the |automated operations that Control Center performs. When a database |starts up under product control, the status is always set to NORMAL. |Other status values are set when the product receives information from the |applicable database that indicates what condition it is in.

For example, if a TAPE MOUNTED message is received from a database, the product must know what status the database is in so that the proper action can be performed. If the database is archiving, then the TAPE MOUNTED message will cause it to issue a CUU reply to a database archiving message. If the TAPE MOUNTED message is received while the database is in recovery, then a different response would be issued from the product.

Who Can Change a Database's Status

Only those persons with Database Administrator-level authority or Control Center administrators will be able to change the DBSTATUS and SQMODE status entry fields.

When to Change the Database's Status

A database's status may occasionally become invalid (due to system crashes or other failures) and require manual resetting. You may, for example, need to reset the status information before the product will allow you to issue a database restart or any other database command.

The display and changing of the database status information may be done by selecting option C from |any of the master status display panels (refer to Figure 83).

The panel shown in Figure 85 will display the current DBSTATUS and SQMODE settings for your database. You should exercise caution in changing this information when the database is operational or a database process is active. The product tools depend heavily on these values and results will be unpredictable if they are changed while a process is executing (such as archives or add extents).

Figure 85. Control Center Change Database Status Panel

|  mm/dd/yyyy                     CONTROL CENTER                       hh:mm:ss  |
| *------------------------------ Database Status -----------------------------* |
| | Command ==>                                              CTRLID: MSTRSRV1  | |
| |                                                           NODE:  VMSYSTM1  | |
| |    Database ===> SQLDBA         Database Version ===> |7.1                  | |
| |                               Last Status Change ===> 03/18 14:35          | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |    SQMODE   ===> NORMAL                                                    | |
| |    DBSTATUS ===> NORMAL                                                    | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |           Both status fields should be NORMAL if database is up and        | |
| |        running in normal MULTI-USER mode.                                  | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |           To change status, enter new SQMODE and/or DBSTATUS               | |
| |        and press PF10 to process.  This should ONLY be done for            | |
| |        correction purposes, CTRLCTR normally maintains these.              | |
| |                                                                            | |
| |           Press PF3 to RETURN without changing status.                     | |
| |                                                                            | |
| *---------------------------------------------------------------SQMST10------* |
|  PF:   1 Help    3 End    10 Change Status (Process)                           |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |


SQMODE and DBSTATUS are two status parameters kept by the product for each database. SQMODE is used to keep track of the base process being performed when multiple subprocesses are required to complete the base process. DBSTATUS is used to keep track of the current step or subprocess being performed.

Table 10 provides some examples of possible values for the SQMODE and DBSTATUS parameters, along with a description of the corresponding database activity.

Table 10. Example Database Status Values
ADDSPACE DOWN SQLADBSP done, start archive
ARI242xx xxxx Logmode being changed from L to Y, A, or N
ARI244xx xxxx Logmode being changed from Y, A, or N to L
ARI280xx xxxx Logmode being changed from A to Y or N
CANCEL ARCHIVExxxx Archive CANCEL issued
NORMAL ARCHIVEUP REQUESTED TAPEWAIT Waiting for tape mount to begin a full DB archive
NORMAL ARCHIVExxxx RUNNING TAPEWAIT Implicit archive running, tape not mounted yet
NORMAL ARCHIVExxxx RUNNING TAPEWRITE Archive running, tape being written to
NORMAL DOWN Not operational
NORMAL LARCHIVEUP REQUESTED TAPEWAIT Waiting for tape mount to begin a log archive
NORMAL LARCHIVExxxx RUNNING TAPEWAIT Implicit larchive running, tape not mounted yet
NORMAL NORMAL Up and available for use


In the event that the DBSTATUS and SQMODE entry fields need to be changed to match the true status of your database machine, then you will need to invoke the Change Status (C) option |from the Master Status Display panels. Refer to Figure 83. Figure 85 will be displayed with the current Control Center DBSTATUS and SQMODE settings.

Preparing for Database Restart: Change the DBSTATUS setting to DOWN and the SQMODE setting to NORMAL, then press PF10 to process the change.

Telling Control Center the Database is Up and Running: Change the DBSTATUS setting to NORMAL and the SQMODE setting to NORMAL, then press PF10 to process the change.

Database Startup Processing and Control Center Status: The DBSTATUS and SQMODE settings will be automatically re-synchronized during database startup processing. Therefore, another method for correcting incorrect DBSTATUS and SQMODE settings for a database that is down is to recycle (IPL, autolog, log-off/log-on) the database machine. During the startup process the SQMODE and DBSTATUS entry fields will be correctly reset.

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